"A Decepticon named Scourge (who hears Optimus' message) lands on Earth (Optimus believes he is an Autobot), and, while Optimus is trying to help this new 'Autobot', it plays along, and poses as an Autobot. As time goes by, he learns of Optimus' ways, and no one knows he is a Decepticon. When Starscream returns from his search, he sends a signal to Scourge. Starscream had discovered a sleeping Unicron, and had discovered a way to revive Megatron using the power of Unicron. Meanwhile, Scourge assaults Optimus, attempting to destroy him. It then begins to scan the area, and ends up picking up Prime and a truck. Scourge, an evil, and vicious Decepticon by heart, ends up taking Optimus' robot form, and the truck as his... truck... form, creating a dark doppelganger with Optimus' appearance (and a couple of Prime's personality traits and beliefs that've been twisted by the Decepticon's nature). Scourge, learning of his new identity, brands himself Nemesis Prime, Optimus' twin, polar opposite, and the Decepticon who will wipe out the Autobots. With the 'leader' quality he picked up from Optimus, Nemesis wishes to become the leader of the Decepticons. When Starscream and Nemesis meet, Nemesis questions Starscreams ability to be 'second-in-command', and attacks. Starscream then tells him about the destruction of the Decepticons, and that there is no point to fight over status when there is no army to lead. Starscream tells Nemesis about his effort to reprogram many of the Autobots' stasis chambers, and a number of Autobots begin to fall from the sky (at different points in the film), each one becoming a Decepticon upon reaching Earth. Scourge was the first of these Decepticons to land on Earth. Megatron, who was killed with the Allspark, still has the Allspark in him, and if it reaches Unicron, its power will be enough to resurrect him, and give him much more strength than anyone ever imagined possible. The Decepticons and Autobots go to war, Optimus leading the Autobots, Nemesis leading the Decepticons. Starscream, on the other hand, is taking Megatron's body to Unicron. The battles and struggles continue on (I really have no idea what the rest of the film is going to be about), until everyone but Nemesis and Optimus stand. They go head-to-head, until Nemesis is severely damaged. The Decepticons and Nemesis retreat, and the Autobots believe they are victorious, but Optimus knows the war has not ended, and it will never end until there is peace. At the end of the film, we see Starscream find Unicron. As it awakens, it pulls Starscream and Megatron in. Starscream is given more energy, and he acknowledges it. Megatron, however, is transformed completely, due to Unicron's use of the Allspark to surge energy through Megatron. This energy also changes Megatron's circuitry, and he becomes Galvatron, servant of Unicron. As Starscream and Galvatron travel back to the Earth, Galvatron kills Starscream easily (to test his strength), and heads toward the Earth at an enormous speed. His mission, under Unicron's influence, is to destroy the Earth. And we then wait for the third film, when the Decepticons and Autobots must cooperate to stop Galvatron and Unicron. The Autobots will fight to protect the Earth, while the Decepticons will fight for their own survival."