My most newbish thing was
ok I came on B.Net the second time, so i thougt id go to a free room, so i found a lvl 90 traded with her and she gave me and now it comes LightSabre and Oculus, and what did i do.
I got in a new game called trade111 and traded with a barb and i was a Necro(Cause i thougth they were evil) and he sayd: i give u Trang-Ouls armor and gloves and iGet Ocu and LightSabre and i did it
that was N00B.
ok I came on B.Net the second time, so i thougt id go to a free room, so i found a lvl 90 traded with her and she gave me and now it comes LightSabre and Oculus, and what did i do.
I got in a new game called trade111 and traded with a barb and i was a Necro(Cause i thougth they were evil) and he sayd: i give u Trang-Ouls armor and gloves and iGet Ocu and LightSabre and i did it