Biggest newbish thing I ever did
(if u dont recognize my name, I'm a new member, not to LOD tho

k, well mistakes:
I had a 40ed/15max ***el, and a 15max ***el. I was tradin and mistook the 40/15 for the 15max and the guy is all running around saying "w00t w00t" and stuff, I say "what u cheering about? I jipped ur newb ass!!" he says "really? I didn't know 40ed/15max are 2 sojs!!" I like "Damn mixed it and the fkn 15max ***el up... can I get it back, pal?" he says "**** you, sux0r!!!!!" he leaves...... 10 mins later I mistook an "um" rune from a "zod rune" by accident, I zodded my non earthal shako,
well Newb thing:
Reg d2-- this guy was always nice, and started me up, gave me tips, etc.. I trusted him, I got a ghoul bow (forgot the whole name, havent played reg for ages, LOD bettr) he says "its crap man" (really it was like 15 sojs) he says "I got a better bow for u, trade bows?" I say "yea sure" he trades me this 160 dmg xbow, after we trade I look, it is VERY SLOW attack speed, I quit d2 till LOD
Lod- I was used to d2 norm economy (still remembered) I'm like Iceblink 2 sojs! very cheap! /w *(forgot what accnt at that time) !!
I cant even list how many HAHAHHA and LOL and NEWB and DORK etc's I got from ppl, I like "what??" somw lvl 97 helps me out, I understand the game, he gives me some l33t ith hax0red item, sold it for 6 ith runes (thought I could make more with it, didn't understand that ith is hax0red) well, some1 was happy after that... The guy who traded me