lol bolt very, very good memory. ill tell you my full story
I made fritfrat around 5 years ago, and I played starcraft, made most of my maps, got good at it, etc. at that time. (I still use my same programs). then I got D2. I used fritfrat for D2 but I liked the name Kirby777 so I played that on SC in general when I got on. then I "got hacked" (by what I think was a trojan after scanning my computer when I got my new one) so I lost fritfrat then I only played Kirby777. I still played D2 and BW both then still. so then about a year ago I emailed support@blizzard and finally got my account fritfrat back, so I used fritfrat on BW and Kirby777 on d2, lol.. so then my Kirby name got banned for botting so now I use fritfrat for both BW and D2. on all my maps I always say "Made by fritfrat/Kirby777"
damn, it just keeps on getting longer and longer
ya bolt I met you in one of your dodge the larvae games
EDIT: of course I now realize that my sig has a big Kirby777 on it, dont I