Ok since you claim to be such a SOLOER
here is the best TR they have made vs me - not that he showed micro ot that he was pro (he wasnt!) but he did the following: except for massign towers he added some pults, then wind riders since i had morts and casters.At least he used the right counters vs my units and the rest TRers are total naps.
You know i dont upload every win vs nap, afterall from 337 wins only on the 1 acca.... I dont put games anymore of ''look how i outmicroed weaker player" kind. Not to say my quota is limited and i will use it for replays only of outmicroing good players with good micro and smth diff liek this TR.
Anyway interested in the 4 AT games with afriend i made Hu+ Orc which i removed from upper post for a while ? He's better Hum that me and he has been in one of our pro clans G2H, but plays orc since im Hu too. K i wil upload them.
And i will have one thing- after i make sure u will see/wont the 2v2 tour rep i will remove the ATS since they take a lot of my quota.