Damn, sorry for being selfish. Its just remember that we are all posting replays and I don't mind if even I suck, or even if the game is 3v3 rt. I just like to point out how nasty the Pit Lord truly can be, especially when jacked off with UF.
Dont let firday the 13th get to you. If you don't believe in bad luck, then you will win every game that you ever attempt, even if you lose, you will still come close.
Ok I looked at your replay vs Pink UD. I found it awkward that you didnt upgrade or equip your FMs with Bombs. You can always manual fire on dest, then bomb ghouls. Ghouls are weak, but not when they have GF and you lack the units to kill them with. Also, Use Gryphons on Aboms, not the lich. I know lich is a terrible hero vs HU or any race because he is the master of mobile slow, but aboms have 1175 HP and disease cloud will slowly weaken you units to a point where an easy attack can kill them.
At ~4:20, you were harassed. Instead of chasing the death knight more, you could have killed the skeletons without means of Call to arms to kill them yourself. You need those resources! Other than that, you played with craftiness (considering your strat deciets UD by making them think you got all ground, when you are making air in the back). Also, plant those Sentry wards at possible expo locations, this allows you to really see what your opponent is up to.