i dont know why people and sange and yasha. I prefer getting satanic, higher leach. How'd about speed bonus? its small percent, naix is pretty fast and with helm of dominator he can dominate the big satyr which has speed bonus aura.
normal people's build with naix
sange and yasha about 2000 + 2000 + 1500 = 5500
heart 3200 + 1100 + 1400 = 5700
+ 48 strength, +48 dmg + 300 hp, 10% ms 10% maim
my build:
satanic 1850 + 3200 + 1200 = 6200
buriza 2800 + 2600 + 750 = 6000
+25 strength, 75 dmg 2.2cs, 23% life steal
looks like top is better, but! 120 (50) base dmg at lvl 25 isn't very pleasing + hero reduction dmg reduction. The beauty of the satanic build is ur naix won't die easily he has low hp, but he can 1st death pact creeps, which is like +450hp, and everytime critical strike goes off 200dmg x 2.2 420 dmg 63% leach will result into getting about 264 hp in return while top build gets you only about 100hp in return per hit.
people need to stop treating naix as hard ass stone that won't die, thats only when naixs get fed. I play naix amazon bow style, low hp but steals loads of hp. Plus you want to kill the opponent fast as possible, you dont want to stall till avatar goes off get stunned by someone and let them escape.
also i prefer getting dagger for naix, works pretty well. for chasing and as well as escaping. remember to farm with dominated creeps>
but overall the main problem with many begginers in dota is they think they can read some literature off the net and expect to "own." The items you get are situational, the best item is the most effective item vs your opponent. Like i see fletcher getting crytalis vs when theres naga and lina. Which is really stupid.
sometimes sange and yasha will be the best sometimes not. that's the difference between newbies and experienced players they know what to get without reading 10 hrs of guide and still do ok.