The BF of old...


BattleForums Senior Member
Jul 18, 2003
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Anyone remember brousing the forums before actually becoming a member? I stopped by the forums for 3 months before finally registering to make that first post, the dreaded "I want disc hack" post.

It went something like this...

"I want 1337 hax"

"WTF noob there is no 1337 hax for wc"

"But I have buttsecks"

,so we all had teh buttsecks.

That was the day that my life ended, and I still haven't gotten my hax. :p


Jun 13, 2003
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Im not that old here but i remember Torrids sig about Brian Deneke.... thats sad...

RoaCh of DisCord

Premium Member
May 17, 2003
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I remember me having huge fights with SGT. Slice in the asylum. I miss those days :(


Feb 25, 2004
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In Spain, under Ace's bed.
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i read the forums for a little less than a year before i became a member...

i remember when x42 posted his thread about leaving, it made me shead a tear

Emperor Pan I

Respected Member
Aug 8, 2002
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heh I'm still the third oldest active member as of last week. What I remember? I remember when the board wasn't all gay and shit. Skuzzy was the best admin, those first 3 months were the best time I have had here. None of the gay shit that is going on now was around with Skuzzy.

I rememebr Lexigirl, and Pamela. If u dont know about that, u don't deserve to post in this thread about anything. I still remmebr Placebo, Flaming_cow, and Kerriganforever and Tactis were the first mods placed,(Tactis was later removed and I was added). I still remember my first post, was in the warcraft section.

I still remember Unregistered and the birth of the Asylum, (was called Flaming Bitchin'). I still remember debates in the sc section about Broodwars vs original with Skuzzy. I still rememebr playing wacraft with the old school members, and how much fun it was back then. I still rememebr that Swooper and the staff became the warcraft staff AFter Placebo moved to Diablo only.

I rememeber leaving twice, and turning my account over to some friends. I remmebr reading skuzzys goodbye, and learning chrisuk would have the absolute power. I still remember that Chrisuk didn't do anything for the actualy site. Then we move into my warcraft days, and the Asylum "Starcraft ghost? why not diablo Assassin?" whcoh good old Deathmate. Then later the Asylum would die at it's peak of flaming discussion, and become what it is today, a shithole.

I rememebr Cortalos leaving, and Placebo gaining control. I remember the entire attack, getting AIM messages showing me the big bold red lettters saying "Death is upon you" or something along those lines, and I rememebr right before the site actualy went down, Placebo made a redirect to a site he ws staffed at. I remmeber moving to the SCGhost board while BF was gone, and I rememebr it's revival and everyone was just spamming and alot of shit was happening.

I definately Rememeber Cortalos Asking who had enough time on their hands to split the giant post that had been merged together, and I rememebr volunteering. I still have the scars from going through that mess. That thing was larger than anything u could conceive of today, not to mention 1/2 of it was posts that were the same, I would like to see anyone go throught 10, 000 posts split it, then find which posts go together and rename the titles.. and u get the idea.

I still rememebr Judge_dee, who everything I said would come after me and try and proove me wrong about anything I said, and I remmeebr aka-47 or whatever in the SC section. I rememebr sgt.Slice, and trailortrashshane I rmemerb becoming a judicator, learning it was Akule. then I remmeber picking dice5_5 and I still rememebr all those bitchy ppl. I rememebr the battleforums survivor, which i didnt start, I took over it only to have it completely fail because no one was active.

I remember Zaku coming to me and asking if I liked his proposal to swooper about adding him as a mod, and i rmemeber asking him to attach my name to it. I still rememebr then Cortalos leaving, and everyone was guessing who would be made the next admin (EVERYONE said swooepr was to young considering the mod positions were given to those 16+ not 15 at the time). Then there was Savage who was removed from diablo and misterwhippy added as staff, and still is now. I rememebr that cause like a week after that happened silyntrage left and i was staff of warcraft. From then on things were still going downhill, I foresaw trouble with the summit especialy when he would edit my posts in the diablo section no matter what I said and the admins did nothing for it. I still remember those fights between me and the summit in the asylum, and surprised the hell out of me and he asked me to come back after I left.

I rememeber the 1st yr anniversery, and everyone thought Skuzzy would return that day to post and he never did. I rememebr Avalonx becomeing an admin, and totaly ruining everything. I rememebr getting an aIM from Zaku i think about how he duped people into believeing there was a disc hack and he made a new account and posted a fake program.

I rememeber realizing I couldn't keep everything up last december, and leaving for a few december to go to my Aunts funeral, then getting my computer time limited and with all the bullshit coupled together leaving. Then zaku became staff, then him leaving and Aragorn7 becoming staff. I tried as hard as i could to leavee, but ppl everystep of the way told me to come back. I remember Skuzzy's returning post and after telling me, I realized it is easier to leave if ur a complete asshole, then no one wants you back so I tagged along with him on that one.

I still rmemebr Cortalos asking me if I wanted to spam battleforums with him, who he was already in the process of spamming anyways. I still remmebr getting those accounts banned for it, and no one even knew it was coralot, the admin who had spammed the forums and left it up to the mods to deal with it. I still remmeebr Zaku wanting me to spam with him also.

I still remember everyone still telling me to come back after hacks were removed then I rememebr someone saying something, and I began to view the staff watiing for the summit to explode, and I was there that day everyhting was changed. Still remmeber how lightly everyone took it too, then it went down and I drifted away to ZG.

Then I remember coming back a few weeks ago and forged is staff because Aragorn says he has a site and he likes that he is a noob hacker. Then life is ****ed up with the nazi regime.


Machine Gun Funk
Jun 15, 2003
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Washington DC
I know some of these have been listed before but o well:

I remember the diablo vs sc thread was started (what a pointless and long arguement)
I remember the happy candies
when the abomidable(sp?) pamma used to go on muffin spam battles
when the "spam here" or "must get 100 pages" threads were started
the judicators
when maverick left to go get married
when ultimate jim went shit house and starting abusing his mod powers
when avalon x was made mod of wc3 forums the 'marrying' fad between members
when TTS came back then left again
when avalon x was made admin
when avalon x stopped being admin and left all forums to my knowledge


BattleForums Senior Member
Dec 25, 2002
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Anyone remember Tweaks Best Freind CMB?


Grumpy Old Grandpa
Dec 28, 2002
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I was waiting for Pan's post, to see if he remember his BattleForums' Survivor :)


The best of both worlds
Jun 9, 2003
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I remember TTS and SGT Slice in the asylum
I remember how my first couple posts where "damn this place owns"
I remember Summit when he was just the D2 hacking guy, and nothing more really
I remember when you guys supported SC and WC hacks...

Oh, and the 20 page long

"SC:Ghost vs D2:Assassin, why didn't they make it d2?" thread

Can't forget about the and their attempts to take over the asylum...Then that led to Viz flipping out and getting the "Battle Areana formed, where they had flaming matches... :(

Edit: Ok, have brawl on the word ban, is just retarded


Premium Member
Jul 16, 2003
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HOw bout the sex slave thread in the void?


Feb 28, 2003
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i remember maverick and theroy the bunny got married, and cortalos was jealous. bushido made an AWESOME mspaint of what it looked like. if anyone could find it, i would appreciate it. that was indeed a good memory..

lets see.... the starcraft vs. diablo thread, and the popcorn wars. oh man i loved that.

and yes tronga, battleforums survivor was fuggin awesome. i really wish it got off the ground a bit more i had a lot of fun with it. maybe with all these new members we could :p. what happened the first time anyway? did pan just get bored with it?

i remember waaaaaaaaay back when flashflores still had his avatar with the guy with horns in it. i think him and ghetto rap masta both were a part of the making of that weird...sort of porn site thing. i can vaguely remember it. i dont think it ever got off the ground :/.

i remember going from yam to nameless, that was pretty cool.

and i remember when, of course, skuzz left. bjornita was pretty broken up about it when i told her, like he died or something :/

if you havent noticed, im only trying to dig up the oldest of stuff i remember.

Emperor Pan I

Respected Member
Aug 8, 2002
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Originally posted by TheNamelessPunk
i remember maverick and theroy the bunny got married, and cortalos was jealous. bushido made an AWESOME mspaint of what it looked like. if anyone could find it, i would appreciate it. that was indeed a good memory..

lets see.... the starcraft vs. diablo thread, and the popcorn wars. oh man i loved that.

and yes tronga, battleforums survivor was fuggin awesome. i really wish it got off the ground a bit more i had a lot of fun with it. maybe with all these new members we could :p. what happened the first time anyway? did pan just get bored with it?

i remember waaaaaaaaay back when flashflores still had his avatar with the guy with horns in it. i think him and ghetto rap masta both were a part of the making of that weird...sort of porn site thing. i can vaguely remember it. i dont think it ever got off the ground :/.

i remember going from yam to nameless, that was pretty cool.

and i remember when, of course, skuzz left. bjornita was pretty broken up about it when i told her, like he died or something :/

if you havent noticed, im only trying to dig up the oldest of stuff i remember.
There was the Samus vs. ghetto's elves, and I rememebr experimenting with different "anime" avatars which came from no anime shows, jsut drew and colored by ppl i knew. Then there was taht avatar I had for like 11/2 years. I rememebr Ghetto came and left then came back and left again. I still talk to him on MSN

And to many people were leaving battleforums survivor, and i couldnt get past the second challenge
If ur interested, we could start it up again?


BattleForums Senior Member
May 17, 2003
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Has anyone mentioned the Fun Police yet?


Feb 28, 2003
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Originally posted by Pan

If ur interested, we could start it up again?
i like the idea, maybe we could :p.

ask ol' cortalos


Melodic Murderer
Oct 2, 2003
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My Sanctuary
Wow...I could never have remembered all of that =\ And I was here for the whole marry thing, just cause I thought it was kinda weird...I still remember Tweak with his silly sperm avatar ;) That was about the same time.

Have I really not been here that long?

I have a question that might puzzle many of you. Start a new thread about it if it intrigues some of you:

What more recent events do you think will end up in the BF History Book?


BattleForums Senior Member
Oct 31, 2002
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Tonawanda BAby
1.) I remember the warm morning Siting in Potoshop Class when i was bored and goin on Starcraft WEb Sites when i stumbled across these forums.

2.) I remember My first Name "SIMPLEPLANROCKS"(what a fag I was)

3.) I remember learning and expanding my SC knowledge by listening to Ak-47"gosu" and all the other old SC buffs.

4.) I remember arguing hardcore with Renzokuken

5.) I remember BEginin My BSin days witht he help of Old SC Friend COnch_SHell, god i loved BSINg.

6.) I remember Deathmate, Sg. Slice, TTS comin in here and sparking Mayhem to the Max

7.) I remember VC's Millions of different Seks Topics

8.) I remember Arguing with so many people just because I love to start shit, not because i hate youÜ.

9.) I remember all the Great Things CrookedFoot HAs done to help me out. I wish i could repay him some how for beign such nice guy.

10.) I remember Lots of quick Laughs and interestig topics, which brings me to the reason I still post here after almost 2 years.

Thanks Skuz.


Machine Gun Funk
Jun 15, 2003
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Washington DC
Originally posted by TheNamelessPunk
bushido made an AWESOME mspaint of what it looked like. if anyone could find it, i would appreciate it. that was indeed a good memory..
Do you remember from how long ago?

Originally posted by TheNamelessPunk

if you havent noticed, im only trying to dig up the oldest of stuff i remember.
Well alot of people who have posted in this thread havent been here as long as others.


Melodic Murderer
Oct 2, 2003
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My Sanctuary
I'm still a forum n00bie yet I still remember a lot :(

I've been browsing since 2002 probably...but how is a guest supposed to remember the people? After all, I was only looking for hacks...


BattleForums Senior Member
Feb 3, 2003
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Grosse Pointe, MI
Originally posted by Pan
I rememebr getting an aIM from Zaku i think about how he duped people into believeing there was a disc hack and he made a new account and posted a fake program.
That was not me, if I IMed you, it was AvalonX and forged who played the joke on the users. I did bitch at him and told him it was not a fair thing to do to all those peop. I still have part of that convo I had with avalon.

AvalonXbf (10:19:52 PM): what did i do nyway?
GPSBlueDevil05 (10:20:17 PM):
AvalonXbf (10:20:40 PM): hahahaha
AvalonXbf (10:20:57 PM): i got you fooled:p
GPSBlueDevil05 (10:21:14 PM): your a damn mod
GPSBlueDevil05 (10:21:26 PM): fooling people like that is a horrible thing to do
AvalonXbf (10:21:36 PM): ah... t'was a joke
AvalonXbf (10:21:48 PM): no-one carse
AvalonXbf (10:21:51 PM): 'cept you
GPSBlueDevil05 (10:21:51 PM): I do

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