whoh! i had 4gotten about slice! i rember............. no one beliving i was a girl.... never getting a happy cookie..... love threads in the asylum....... the 1st aniversary partay wich rocked my sox off! this years party was ghey. i rember posting in rp relem. i rember when gfx thingy was new...... when the asylum got its first mods. heh that was silly.. and no one could 4get the placebo thing

"I remember Anime Annonymous...And there were seven pages of BAM, and torrid mind posting about the T.V. station, and everyone else posting animes they wanted to see. I remember late night chats, particularly with torrid mind, and TNP, and lots of other people."
omg i really teared up when i read that

damn those were some DAMN good times!
hha i rember the swearing thing i got my first warning for swearing in chit chat. how ghey ;p
i rember blackmailing a few certian someones for caffine soap and never getting it.
you know who you are

and just so you know.. i still have it!
oh and the "May Kenshin rot away to nothingness" thread.