Premium Member
[glow=black]I'm re-considering closing The Asylum. For a while, when we last implemented this closing, the effects went very well, until the change was reversed without other administrators consent. Moving seems the only thing people on our forums can do these days is bitch about how they dislike one another, or more importantly the staff team. Insulting other members in The Asylum is fine, but when it gets to the point when it's where a majority of our activity is going, it brings up some concerns. When The Aslyum was last closed, activity flourished in Chit-Chat, and was also directed towards other, more beneficial areas of the forum. Therefore, I'm re-considering closing The Aslyum. I would very much appreciate all members considering this for a few minutes before typing out a thought out response. I'll allow this discussion to continue until Wednesday midnight (Thursday 12:00 am), at which point I'll make a final decision. Thanks for your thoughts.[/glow]