As I stated before, I was ****ed over by noobs and solo has gotten the better of me a few times. I also came in 2nd place a few times in FFA, so really my losses are just crap that I didn't forsee until I lost. But last season, I was 5-3 Solo and 5-3 FFA, Pan showed me what FFA was about then I started having fun collecting 3 Gold mines, tri hero, orbs and enough tauren/raiders/docs/walkers and trolls to decimate my foes (shaman are just too risky imo, unless I face orc).
Well I for one also don't mind you saying I am not that great at Wc3 melee, but that's ok. I am getting better and better with each battle and with experience under my belt, I learn a few things that some people don't. But yes you are right, there are some things I need to fix, but don't forget there is a fine line between saying I am not good then there is insulting me and saying I suck. For as you said some posts ago, records prove nothing. You can be 3:1 at 75% compared to 300:200 on 2 seasons of solo. Before I head back to Solo: I am gonna start by getting back to 50%, then I am gonna show those mass chim ****ers in FFA whose boss (all those Azerothian FFAer NE go chims, its utter bullshit: especially when your aerial abilities are hampered by air or tanks). After that, Its solo time and more 2on2. But I won't lose this account for anything, well for one I have the SW icon and 2) changing accts is like being a quitter, you can easily fix anything, you just need to win more.
You probably didn't see many or any of my reps either. When I get good ones myself, this is where they will go. Win OR Lose. But still, bring some reps of your glory wins or nail-biter games, me and Quik won't talk stupid bout you, we will talk about how bad you humiliated your opponent

I just need a fast expo and make sure it isn't found or it survives the game, then I really shine. Its collecting the units during aftermath that gives me a problem.