Solo Replays

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Aug 17, 2003
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Ok, mystic sorry for the delay. But I just watched the games you posted.

Versus Damned:

LOL very well done. Awesome micro AND macro. I like that tower push...I should do that more often!
Second game versus hateroflove:

The oppo was very good he had controll over the map because he did some good scouting. Dont know why you made gyros...

3rd game:
I dont know shit about NE vs OC

4rth game versus Hu: did what was on my mind. Gyros are NOT very good counters versus gryphons as you can see...If only you made the siege factories in your base you could have MASSSED way more gyros....

5th game versus UD:
IMO both of you played like crap. He played much worse!


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Jul 15, 2003
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Quite 5th game ahahah possible. Btw let me tell you smth about gyros- they ARE very good counter vs griffs. I have lost many times vs dests mostly, attacking when i dont have enough gyros to kill his dests, then if i make another 5 gyros when the 1st 5-7 gyros are dead -it's the same you know. Arent you watching carefully ? I lost because i didnt have enough gyros, if i make 12 gyros and he starts running away the gyros will catch and kill the griffs. Thats the point of using not tanks vs dests, but gyros with flak and running away air = gg vs gyros. You just need to be sure you will have enough gyros to kill his. Well, i have played vs some who even make tanks fast enough and thats another story. I lost this game only because i havent learned to check if they're making griffs earlier. And i now do check every time about expoes and dont miss oh yes, i have larnt my lesson. Now i have to be used to scoutning them for griffs earlier.


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Aug 17, 2003
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LOL yeah, if i were to rank some of the most important things in WC scouting would be one of the top. And gosus have this skill mastered. Yeah ur right Gyros have to MASSED to have a good effect against gryphs or dests. They must be gathered somewhere before engaging the enemy though.


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Jul 15, 2003
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You still havent seen the rep from replayers from the upper link, after the 5 replays and the rep vs my friend assassin, which was a nice game. ^^ Btw clan mymF is a TOP clan see who hosts that game vs hateorlove for me!


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vs Assasin:
cool game. The opponent did a stupid mistake lingering in your base at the beginning and you should always leave a battle when you KNOW you are gonna get screwed, especially if you have sorcs and priests because they die off like flies.

Noob 1:
LOOOOOOOOL....he wasnt a noob man. He had a strat and followed it quite well. The reason sometimes we have diffculty with noobs is because we are used to playing against the better players that have good micro and known strats. When we come to play against these noob strats, we dont know how to counter it effectively. when you see dual AOE with humans know that breakers are comming so try to make knights with some casters and some hawks(piercing)...

Noob 2:
Lusted wyverns! what a noob he could have made 2 bats to take out all your gyros....literally. This is why u ALSO were a noob because you made gyros to counter! LOL, why would you do that when you know 2 bats could take out all ur gyros...make hawks!

Noob 3:
HAHAHHAHAHAHA, man u crack me up. Yes he was noob LOL. But i have to admit he played it well with the hit and run, because rifles are so slow. That was a funny ass game!


Guy with Most Posts on Quiet Board.
May 20, 2003
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Temple Prime, Sarajevo
Sorry, but I just wanted to know MS. Also, I notice that a lot of your maps are Echo Isle replays. Is it like the most common map Northrend ladder throws at you?


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Jul 15, 2003
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@Helleolf, no i even have 2 reps in replayers vs orc both in echo. I have to make others on other maps too, this all on echo is just casua and the 1st round of CoW tour is echo.

Quiksilver i shouldnt have posted these reps, especially 2 and 3 they were very humiliating. But let me tell you some things (yeah rep 1 human wasnt noob but was lame with these towers, afraid to use militia?). I realized i could have used hawks vs wyvs for 1 reason : they were lusted so they had advantage vs gyros. However, i see it from many Hu players including Insomnia vs mtw-tak3r who counter wyvs with tier 3 and flak cannons. The idea is: you attack wyvs, you damage all of them some bats kill your gyros, then you make another group of gyros you finish the low hp-ed wyvs by chasing them on the map, got it ?

Throughout the games vs fiends and wyrms i have tried: 1st in Azeroth i lost vs nooob who made fiends and my hawks died. That was a year ago and earleir. Since then , i have tried to make TANKS vs wyrms, BUT neither TANks, nor RIFLE can kill wyrms who run away, neither gyros. However... when he has mass fiends and not 2 fiends like this game ?? Well i still will use hawks but how to kill when he has more fiends with the wyrms ???

Now, its good at least when i play well and lsoe because nothing makes me break smth as much as when i do some stupid shit to lose a game vs noob. I Did my best but you see, one battle in 12:00 was useless then there was NO way to kill his expo although i saw it because he was engaging me. Btw he did play well - mass spirit walkers owns, then he made bats .... . You will see a nice game i think. But i dont know how to stop that...


Guy with Most Posts on Quiet Board.
May 20, 2003
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Temple Prime, Sarajevo
Now I understand. Well its hard to say how to deal with wyrms when fiends are around. I remember one game I used my Pit Lord to howl then crippled them senseless. Wyrms were only doing 10 damage to Pit Lord when they focus fired on him (he had about 4 that game). Took him too long to get dest and he ended up losing.

But I have played solo, just not enough games (about 15) to think about it hard.


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"The idea is: you attack wyvs, you damage all of them some bats kill your gyros, then you make another group of gyros you finish the low hp-ed wyvs by chasing them on the map, got it ?"

I dunno man that really seems risky and not very economical.

"how to kill when he has more fiends with the wyrms??"

thats a tough question! I think u should get a good balance of rifles and hawks according to the number of fiends and wyrms he has. Becuase wyrms are so expensive.

Last game:
skilled player! I would have sent the gryphs over to his burrows and demolished them all lol. Microing them out as the bats hit them!


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Jul 15, 2003
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Yes Quiksilver, as i said, i know my mistakes, i can find them myself. It is easy to be obs or to watch a rep and you see everything but it is different during the game. Some may call someone noob because he loses his hero or so but they dont realize they may be worse when they theymselves are showing their skill during the game.

Vs wyrms : Rifles - hmmm or gyros but u need many hawks to always keep wyrms in web


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Aug 17, 2003
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Yes i do realize that it is easy to call some one noob when observing. lol ive experienced this first hand. hopefully i'll play a game soon and ull see how crappy ive become. :(


Guy with Most Posts on Quiet Board.
May 20, 2003
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Temple Prime, Sarajevo
Well Gyros + Hawks is like the ultiamte aa combination, you will practically dominate the skies once you also have knights on the ground. You won't really have to worry bout losses cause 1) You got micro, 2) Each of your heroes is equipped with Sanctuary Staves and 3) all your guys ms are 320+ in that scenario.

But I for one don't like observers. They can say dumb things at you and I don't really like people observing how I play except in replays.


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Jul 15, 2003
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I made another 2 losses vs newbi and realized it was all my noob playing with VERY stupid mistakes vs ud. I just dont want to show you so stupid reps. Nooobs UDs beat me im telling you and in addition i play like idiot as if im a noob. What woould you say to - winning all the time, killing the lich and some units and in the end... allowing the AM to die, gyros to die from dest and then dests vs no aa for me... ?? Or a noob with spiders losing spiders and aboms, lich , and in the end - he masses aboms and fiends so im gg cause i havppened to have mass gyros thinking when he had 2-3 gargs he was goingt to make more air thats why.

Here's another in Hu mirror, map is LT ... i could have saved at least 4 of the kngihts i lost during the game.... but tooo slooow with fingers at that moment.

Teh link on the prev reply wasnt working


Guy with Most Posts on Quiet Board.
May 20, 2003
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Temple Prime, Sarajevo
I see you are having your share of troubles in the world. It is how my record dropped from 50%, I was suffering from noob losses to a point where I couldn't take it. So I went to 2on2 RT, SOLO, FFA, and AT from then on. However, my solo hasn't been good cause I make 50% more stupid mistakes then you can. And FFA I come in 2nd place most of the time, which isn't that bad. Don't worry bout it MS, you probably know this by now as well but you can use sorc's invisibility as a last-ditch micro effort.

It has saved my knights, heroes and other flyable units from near death.


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Jul 15, 2003
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I need a good hu player from those who're lvl 37 on 130 wins .... i need someone to tell me some stupid mistakes i may still not realize. There was an orc that lvl on 130 wins and he said in our channel how his brother was very proud to beat a lvl 37 (calling his bro a noob but his bro neing able to beat that lvl thx to the skill of that orc who taught him u know) , he told it to anotehr from the channel. It made me think since he said 'timing is important' how i may really need that kind of hu player.

Now my stats are noob stats. Yes i have more wins and ? From lvl 29 on 213 wins to level 29 on 270-258 or so wins:losses lol. This is so noobish.... i am in shape i am playing for a month on this lvl and cant raise the exp further than the exp between 2 and 9 on lvl 29. And i lose from total noob undeads, winning in the 1st part of the game and making soemthing stupid in the end to lose. I said it - I will use this aka until i reach lvl that is high enough or there will be no diff in my stats if i start a new aka now. Last year for all the season i did only lvl 27 and now i am lvl 29 when this season ends in September. But really, such stats.... how humiliating to receive whisps to join noob clans.

I call some others noooobs in my anger and i am right - i see their lame strats but the reason for the loss is all in me. I really need that kind of hu player. I suck to allow some noobs, everyone who decides to make smth diff to win. And in the word noob i include a huge circle of players. Not only reps i showed you as real noobs but also those who are lvl 30 on 350 wins, lvl 27 on 150 lvl 28 on 200 wins and here am i with the same noobish stats. Yes, these ppl are noobs. Maybe im among them and others on lower games are even great noobs abnd the biggest noobs.

The link up there is just to a rep uploaded in replayers so use it, instead of me saving the rep here. He played pretty well with micro and very good staff useage as well as i did. A typical LT long hu mirror. However, he is low lvl only 24 or so and his stats suck. Thats why im temp uploading it. Have to go on higher lvl to save reps vs 30-35+ and above.........because a staff usega and better playing would be done by someone that lvl.


Guy with Most Posts on Quiet Board.
May 20, 2003
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Temple Prime, Sarajevo
You need to calm down, you are going to overreact again. Undead vs Human in the early goings without casters or your gryos isn't easy. I know this because I play human on 2on2, especially when you have to deal with another dumbass on his team.

Once you get them, then you have to worry that he doesn't get the units to counter the casters/gyros you make. Also, microing the unarmored away from the piercing is another hassle. But seeing as you and I have played solo, we are both used to changing unit strategies on the fly.

The trick to winning strong is to lead at least your opponent (or 1 of them) into a point of disarray, no matter how good it is, but you know that too.

And you are NOT STUPID. My guys at work always tell me not to demote yourself, or you will end up like them. I also assume you obviously know these things because you have played Solo more often than I do and are a better human player than I. If you don't want me and Quik to discuss your games, then we can stay quiet cause I don't really mind what you want.


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Jul 15, 2003
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Oh lol dont accept what i post as if the end of the world is coming for me. I just have been the same lvl for pretty long time because of the lack of enough skill to make the next and i got pissed of by stupid mistakes. But to be honest, i dont intend to turn this into a problem as if war3 is very important in life. I am saying the truth, yes im not stupid, im not a noob but i make stupid mitstakes i should get rid of. And as you say i play a lot solo, you see some of my oppos are pros and semi-pros, and thats why im criticising myself on that. It helps me to know what i need to improve because with the knowledge about pros and knwoing what is a very good player, i know what i dont have in order to become such. And thats why i stopped complaining about discs and crashes, well, when they are not like at lvl 14 where ireally got mass discs and crashes, the rest losses ar real losses, lack of skill to make the upper levels and those below faster. But i just look for help of pros and i accept it normally so dont think i am really in such kind of crisis, no lol.

Im deleting this rep from replayers. I'd rather save there wins or good games vs pros and tops with crazy stats. I am sure in higher lvls there will be many humans to use staff that good and better so see the rep here.


Guy with Most Posts on Quiet Board.
May 20, 2003
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Temple Prime, Sarajevo
Welcome to my world lolz. I have been stuck in the 30s ever since I got an 8 win streak to get back up. My goal is I am trying to get back to 50%, it is actually doing pretty well considering the games I have been winning recently.

But my streak got snapped by a noob who decided to go hippo riders vs fiends when he could have easily gotten hunts + dryads to start off and help me defeat the orc. I was orc this game.... but it didn't go too well.

So yeah its time to correct MY mistakes: Which I have a number of them!

My real problem with human is pulling off a fast expo while still having enough wood and no help from my teammate (either in taking out the creep or asking for wood). Since the expo blows 205 wood, I would need to do it during the t1>t2 timeframe, which is complete and utter bullshit if the enemy finds out what I am doing.

But most of the time, they don't really go for the expo, considering I like to back attack on the weak medium armored ranged fools. Angle of Attack baby, a good thing to take into consideration.

So what is really keeping me from Solo, is not the micro or the skill, its the situation I put myself into. Until I can fix it, I will keep playing 2on2 or ATs with pros.


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Jul 15, 2003
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Here are more reps

gggnice: he (human) had micro, but i had better. Almost all units healed/teleported, my micro rocks here. lvl 29 vs lvl 29 both with bad stats, he had further exp on less games though, im now 280 he's 217 that lvl and exp.; Am +fl + pl vs Am+mk+ pl Interesting to see how he crept the camp without militia and saved some wood.

gg3nice: vs an orc with 20:12 stats* not so good but not bad stats either. He made crazy harass with ls and itnererstin was how i managed to save my units peasants from wolf and grunt with ls, his fS even died!

APM: He has 236
ihave 174 .

He was not so good really, not good stats..... however he is a sham of our PRO clan i7 (immortal 7eam) and that clans among with 3wD, G2H and JP take part in leagues such as WC3L, BWCL and their team did take part in the last BWCL which was days ago. So GGG!!! DL from here:

* Wow the closer i get to the next lvl the stronger players i face... this is the gg...... rep where an elf with VERY good micro won but it was a long game. I also faced vs someone with 50:20 stats...... yeah hard games to win...

LOOOOOOL is LOOOOOOOOOOL loss but crazy game 10 hours battles, BETTER MICRO than the LT rep like Better than the VERY good micro and the upper game map is again Terena stand and the match is HU mirror. He had expo in the end that i couldnt kill and i had no gold to coutner his few griffs , totally crazy game!!!! The craziest!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And his stats suck!!!! ROFL i make so interersting games vs those with sucking stats


Guy with Most Posts on Quiet Board.
May 20, 2003
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Temple Prime, Sarajevo
Looks like you finally met a real challenge MS with that 236.
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