Should you go to church?


May 17, 2003
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Florida, USA
I'm sick of seeing so many people let a simple book ruin and control their lives, it's sad. If I have to be perfect...and always beg for forgiveness to make my way to some glorious place called "heaven"...
Ruin? Excuse me? You've got the wrong word pal...the Bible to me has been nothing but good...and the same to any other ture Christian out there.

"always beg for forgiveness to make my way to some glorious place called "heaven""

Well, it's blasphemous and arrogant to 'beg' for forgiveness for one reason: because God promised that He would give it, and He will. All that's needed is to ask once, and move on. Learn from it, but move on fully.

You shouldn't get into religion just for the sake of "i better go to heaven".
Amen to that! The sole reason is to glorify God, not to get into Heaven, and that's how it should be.


May 17, 2003
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Florida, USA
Originally posted by VBadGirl
Adam and Eve perfect...It was their choice to rebel.
being rebel means imprefection..well god didn't do such a good job after all...did he?

mark u haven't been living a real life have u? u are "perfect" because u are good and bad. this is what makes u who u are. it's hard to explain..think of yin and yang. good without evil cannot be..we are a round just as that cirlce with good and bad. the fact i sinned coz i though of my gf bf that he looks hot...doesn't make me an evil person?
Rebelian means inperfection? No, far from it. They were perfect as in free from sin. But they had Free Will, the ability to choose God or not. Without the option to sin, you abolish Free Will.

Oh, yes. I've been living a real life...since I became a Christian, that is. 'Bad' as in doing wrong things, and "perfect" as in have never done wrong things, are opposites. You cannot be perfect without sin while sinning.

And there is nothing wrong with thinking your BF is "hot." That's attraction, which is normal. But when it comes to the point of lust and sexual lustness towards him, that is sinning. If you did just that ONE thing, you have violated God's law, and therefore by His standars (which is the only one that matters) are imperfect.

"There are only two sides. There is no "in between." You are either Good by God's standard (perfect), or you are "Bad" by God's standard. (Evil)"

mark wake up plz!!!! life u never have a choice about white or black... u always have shades of grey...darker..or lighter. as i said before i wish life so easy with one 2 patch to choose from. But that is NOT!!!!!! possible.
I hate to say it, but It's corrupted humanistic terms. We as humans (including myself fully) are selfish and think we need no one but ourselves. Exactly the way the serpent tempted Eve: "Hey, you can do that even though God said not to do it...your only in a shade of grey..." <---The essence of sin itself.

Maybe u are saying this because u really haven't come across with real decisions in ur life. ur decision will never be like..what t-shirt should i or white?. life is not like this at all. ask mature ppl around u..even ask galatia..maybe she will clue u in.
I've had many dicisions, although I'm still young and haven't made "major" ones like buying a house or car or wife or something. But I have made the decision to follow God. But if there is only a white and black shirt to choose from, you can't have a t-shirt with a color that's not there.

I'm around mature people alot...much more than you would ever know.

Go out into the world and make disciples of all nations." sorry mark but if u consider urself a discipol u are bit out of wack..not to say ..paranoid.
Let's define "disciple" from the language that we got if from: Greek.

In Greek, the word for disciple is "Matheteis" Pronounced: Ma-thei-tace

It also holds the meaning: learner. So, by definition, disciple means one who learn. I leard alot every day from the Scriptures, and am constantly growing. I am a disciple.

I am not worried mark u'll get tired of trying to get ur message heard..but no1 will hear it. U'll see mark.
That is exactly where you understanding stops. You have no clue what it's like to be a Christian, to have the Holy Spirit flowing through you. From the words of the Book of Isaiah:

Isaiah 40: 31

But those who wait on the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.


BattleForums Senior Member
Nov 21, 2002
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marks i gotta respect you even though i dont agree with you sometimes.. your faith is too strong to shake and you know the bible like the back of your hand but thats where i disagree with you. some things in the bible i disagree with and those tend to be the things i disagree with you with.

and guys, at least ague his points..

"Go out into the world and make disciples of all nations." sorry mark but if u consider urself a discipol u are bit out of wack..not to say ..paranoid."

"I am not worried mark u'll get tired of trying to get ur message heard..but no1 will hear it. U'll see mark."

cmon pplm this isnt arguing his points.. its just making you look dumb i think.

im just tryin to get MY point across which is...1: i can believe in god without believing everything in the bible.

and number 2: everyone who reads the bible will have a different opinion of it like everything, so this is why i dont think things are all either good or bad, yes or no, i think there is a middle.


May 17, 2003
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so mark being rebelious and not listen to gods will mean perfection..i guess u learn something new everyday don't you?

"But when it comes to the point of lust and sexual lustness towards him, that is sinning"..when i say he is hot..this is what I am reffering to anyway. It's sometimes all about lust. yes...I am imperfect well said ..but it doesn't make me a bad person unless I do act on that lust. Unless I go to him and cheat my gf's trust. just thinking of it, doesn't make me bad. Being attracted it's normal and at some point it might happen to you too, but this as long as you don't do anything about it, you are not a bad person.

"The essence of sin itself"...hmmm mark I dunno where u got the idea u can chose black in white in life because u can't. I am not trying to convince why should i? but when u'll grow up and ur life will not be spinng only around god you'll understand then what i meant. Till then u put ur bible glases and view ur life as black or white.

"I've had many dicisions, although I'm still young and haven't made "major" ones "..this is exactly my point when u will come to those major decision then! come here and tell me about shades of gray. and major ones don't reffer necessarely to buying a house or getting a wife.

"I'm around mature people alot...much more than you would ever know. " I wouldn't say this coz it really doesn't show. u talk like a little kid that sees this life perfect JUST! because mommy and daddy make it this way.

It also holds the meaning: learner. " thank you mark but i already knew that. i was reffering to another meaning.

"That is exactly where you understanding stops" on the contrary this is what it begins.

Mark what can I tell you? wait and see for urself. Nobody will ever give a damn about u and your bible unless u become a priest. they will discriminate u, put u in a corner, avoid u..and the list goes on. U are not fully part of this society yet. Wait until u'll be and u'll see what i meant all along.


May 17, 2003
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Florida, USA
Originally posted by VBadGirl

"I'm around mature people alot...much more than you would ever know. " I wouldn't say this coz it really doesn't show. u talk like a little kid that sees this life perfect JUST! because mommy and daddy make it this way.

"That is exactly where you understanding stops" on the contrary this is what it begins.

Mark what can I tell you? wait and see for urself. Nobody will ever give a damn about u and your bible unless u become a priest. they will discriminate u, put u in a corner, avoid u..and the list goes on. U are not fully part of this society yet. Wait until u'll be and u'll see what i meant all along.
"JUST! because mommy and daddy make it this way."

*cough* No, my life is far from perfect, I go through difficulties every day, every hour, every minute. It has some things to do with my parents, but not all. I came to some of my thinking on my own, but it is true that most of it has come from them. They don't make a perfect world for me, nor can anyone else ever, and this is how I grow on my own.

Talking about discrimination? I get it all the time, people hate me for what I speak of, exactly the way the Bible says it would be. THIS! is exactly what gives me the strength, in connection with the Holy Spirit, to continue sending out this message, which I will never stop doing until I have my last breath.

I am not part of society. You are correct, yet I know alot of it. I don't know how politics work fully, I don't fully know how the financial system works because I've never recieved a paycheck. But I use the word fully, because I understand it to a point. I know to a certain extent what it will be like and what I'll do when that point comes in my life.


Grumpy Old Grandpa
Dec 28, 2002
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I remember that when I was younger I did believed in God, I thought it was so true! Now, all I see is plenty of imagination. Imagination. And need of a better world. And of an explanation. That is all. And this does not means that you'll stop believegin. You probably won't. It is too much into you.

amrtin is true, I admire your faith, and the fact that you are trying to pass it into us. But it won't work. Not with me.


May 17, 2003
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"Talking about discrimination? I get it all the time, people hate me for what I speak of, exactly the way the Bible says it would be. THIS! is exactly what gives me the strength, in connection with the Holy Spirit, to continue sending out this message, which I will never stop doing until I have my last breath"

Mark, you will see. You will brake down eventually because being an outsider and discriminated and pushed around it's not easy to handle. U are not getting this just because u speak about god, u would get the same thing if u talked about the benefits of exercising, let's say. Ppl don't like to hear from someone the same thing, over and over again. They probably consider you a little bit, or bit more obsessed and u know nothing else to do than just talk about that. Society it's cruel and it doesn't need a lot to put u in a corner and consider you weird.

RoaCh of DisCord

Premium Member
May 17, 2003
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Originally posted by VBadGirl
so mark being rebelious and not listen to gods will mean perfection..i guess u learn something new everyday don't you?
I still want to hear the answer to this one...


May 17, 2003
Reaction score
Florida, USA
Originally posted by VBadGirl

Mark, you will see. You will brake down eventually because being an outsider and discriminated and pushed around it's not easy to handle. U are not getting this just because u speak about god, u would get the same thing if u talked about the benefits of exercising, let's say. Ppl don't like to hear from someone the same thing, over and over again. They probably consider you a little bit, or bit more obsessed and u know nothing else to do than just talk about that. Society it's cruel and it doesn't need a lot to put u in a corner and consider you weird.
And this is why Christianity is the largest faith on the planet? Just a bunch of people who won't listen? Well, then I guess I'm one of those people that won't listen, so how then am I a Christian? How then do people get in shape FROM exercising if they didn't listen to anyone?

Again I say that this is where your understanding stops. How is it that people like Chuck Colson, Jerry Falwell, Dr. R.C. Sproul, Dr. D. James Kennedy Ph. D., John MacArthur Jr., Sinclair Furguson, R.C. Sproul Jr., Robert Godfrey, and the list goes on forever, how come they have kept on preaching for over 40 years, some of them 65-70. Dr. D. James Kennedy is well into his seventys and He still is preaching just as he was 40 years ago, and even before.

You see, because we have the Holy Spirit dweling in us, we are able through Him to keep on until the day we die, no matter how much persecution, no matter how much descrimination, no matter how much hatred and bad insults, we will keep on sharing the Gospel message fullfilling the command to "Go out and make disciples of all nations."

so mark being rebelious and not listen to gods will mean perfection..i guess u learn something new everyday don't you?
Would you mind restating in proper English as you are using some words that I think should be singular instead of plural, and present time instead of past...I don't know...

When VB does, I will give an answer to the question, Roach.


Grumpy Old Grandpa
Dec 28, 2002
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Talking about discrimination? I get it all the time, people hate me for what I speak of, exactly the way the Bible says it would be. THIS! is exactly what gives me the strength, in connection with the Holy Spirit, to continue sending out this message, which I will never stop doing until I have my last breath
I wonder if the old man that had the wisdom to write that fakeness didn't actually had the wisdom to guess that people would hate him for writing that.

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