eh Rygon, you think you can add my name to that list of friends...even tho i don't know you....thx
lol, jks, even tho i don't know you, you seem like an alright guy...i can't really say its not gonna be the same but...wat the hell, "its not gonna be the same..." gl with your studies, and your life. R.I.P Rygon...
P.S. you think i can have your accounts to any of the games you play...o and the bf account too. lol jks, unless your gonna give them to me... really...
[EDIT] I have and idea that can make you stay, and help with your studies...
AN can not have a post count...and after every post, you post the propper post. Without sentence fragments and such...
for example...if i were to write a sentence that began with "but". you can fix it. i.e. "I hate going to school. But i have to."
fixed: "I hate going to school, but i have to."
or "I hate going to school. Although I hate going to school, I am forced to go." you see, wat i've done here is add in "forced" to add a little
"kick" to the sentence...
This is a little something for you kids...
if you want to learn more come by my school...
I garuntee by the end of the year youll be looking like this..
now, doesn't he look like a winner..think about it.