Rygon's Departure


Premium Member
Jun 28, 2003
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New york
Originally posted by Renzokuken
I am going to kill every last person in the Asylum. You bastards, you cursed mother f*cking bastards! :angry You guys all hated Rygon, and for what? A fast post count? For f*cks sake, i will kill you all...

This is total b*llshit, this is exactly what BattleForums shouldn't be like. We made a new promising member become unwelcome because of some selfish b*stards in the Asylum that can't stand people posting alot :angry
Screw the friggin' Asylum. I now refuse to ever post there again, whether that may be good for the Asylum'ers or not.

Rygon, i really honestly liked you from the very beginning, even though you were here for a month, you really did bring some much-needed life into the Starcraft forums. I knew that whenever i logged on and viewed the SC Forums, there would always be a thread i could reply to with eagerness.

Please don't leave. Not over this.
Amen to that.


BattleForums Addict
Mar 19, 2004
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Aww, you're leaving? ;_; I have to admit I thought you were annoying at first (then again, that's my first impression of most people), but I really had fun debating with you in Arcane. You shouldn't leave over something like this. And you're only 17? That's not too old for video games! I plan to be a gamer way past the age of 17 o_O

Anyway, I don't want you to leave, but I'll understand if you do. I'll miss debating with you, though ;_; Good luck with whatever you're going to do with the time you used to spend here.

Oh, and haha...I was first on your list! Don't know if that's a compliment, but thanks ^_^


BattleForums Senior Member
Oct 31, 2002
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Tonawanda BAby
I find this funny, they reset his post count, when theres 100 mllion new spammers in the asylum.

We need to get our minds right, and move on.
Dec 23, 2002
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Honolulu, Hawaii
Originally posted by Renzokuken
[edited due to flaming]

This is total b*llshit, this is exactly what BattleForums shouldn't be like. We made a new promising member become unwelcome because of some selfish bastards in the Asylum that can't stand people posting alot :angry
Screw the friggin' Asylum. I now refuse to ever post there again, whether that may be good for the Asylum'ers or not.

Rygon, i really honestly liked you from the very beginning, even though you were here for a month, you really did bring some much-needed life into the Starcraft forums. I knew that whenever i logged on and viewed the SC Forums, there would always be a thread i could reply to with eagerness.

Please don't leave. Not over this.


Renzo calm down. Please, no need to have outbursts. Stuff like that belongs in the asylum. Not here. -AxL
I agree completely. Good job ass holes, we're turning into Blizzforums.


Melodic Murderer
Oct 2, 2003
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My Sanctuary
This is very sad indeed. I must say, I didn't like you when you first started because you DID spam a lot...then you just posted a lot, but those large amount of posts were at least meaningful. I have enjoyed your presence here the last few months, and I wish you a good life and I hope that one day you will return. Farewell.


Dec 29, 2003
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Quote by Iskover: "Don't look at me! I only type fast, that's all!"

You type fast? No you just post one line answers like that one n00bass fucl<er.


Post Djinn
Oct 17, 2002
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Rygon, I am unsure as to whether or not I contributed to your departure, but if I did I apologize. Although I did not see it as clearly as Renzokuken, you had something different about you compared to the other users that made posts in Introductions. I remember posting in your intro thread.. and now I regret posting in your good-bye thread 1 month later.

As Summit said, take a break but don't leave. I have taken 'breaks' several times from BattleForums but I have always come back because the down times eventually fade out.

Reconsider, we need more posters like you.. and more posters in the StarCraft section in general. ;)


The best of both worlds
Jun 9, 2003
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Originally posted by Rygon
I am somewhat unwelcome here..
Bah, who gives a **** about that shit? I'm unwelcome by a lot of people here, but I still buck up and play with em ;)

Don't leave over something as retarded as this, cause I did the exact same thing...cept I did spam, and I never had my posts reset...and I didn't say I was leaving...but yah, the addiction comes in waves believe it or not...


BattleForums Senior Member
Mar 18, 2004
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Well, I read most of your posts.. Im glad that I at least made an impression on some of you, but my decision is final. Its Friday, and it will be my last day posting here. I will uninstall SC and everything that has to do with it tonight.

It pains me that I now realize that people did appreciate my presence, and I hate to leave, but I think its time I moved on. Some of you have said 17 isnt too old to be gamer, and some of you are right.

However, if you can tell by the way I write, you might be able to determine that Im not exactly in the lowest of classes. I am in some pretty difficult things at school, and most of them require a lot of studying; I need to start looking into things like college and all that.

The only thing I really want with my departure is for people to not remember me as a spammer, but rather as a person who tried to contribute. But, I guess thats up to you guys =P.

A few responses:

Renzo and TrongaMonga, you guys were some of the only ones who gave me a chance, and Ill remember you guys for that. Keep up the good moderation of the SC forums. Thanks.

IDefy, I regret not adding you to the list. I considered us somewhat of enemies, but that was stupid; your a cool guy, and you gave me a few runs in The Asylum alongside with Jake Jeckel.

N_ and Beer $lut, thanks for accepting me at the Underground forums. I think if you guys work on it, your forums can really become something. Very nice layout. Make me proud =P.

ORC-r0x0r-ROC, I also regret not initially putting you on my list. Probably because I was bitter at you because of our tense arguments in The Asylum and the Arcane Sanctuary, heh. You were probably the one who gave me the most and decent competition, and I thank you for that. Ive added you as a friend to my farewell message, and I thank you adding some good things about me. Peace.

DEAD_PeASENT2, even though you were a disturbing man, you were fun, and I never really realized why you had almost as many votes in the "Asylum Removal," poll, but its all good.

sword tip, I didnt have too much interaction with you, but I was starting to get to know you. I added you as a friend to my farewell message. Have fun bro.

cxoli, Hmmm ^.^. Strangely, you were the first person that immediately came to mind when I thought about everyone who has made my stay here something to remember. Im not sure why... maybe because your a girl =P, maybe because you made some excellent posts in the AS, or maybe just because I liked you a lot.

Akule, never really knew you, but I knew you were a big shot here =P. I probably would have gotten to know you, but its all good. You seemed like one of the most level headed members, and I commend you for that.

jd-inflames, thanks for the awesome band recommendations. You definetly have good taste in music, and I appreciate your short and concise, and relatively pleasent, goodbye to me. Peace!

Viz, out of all the people on these forums, you were probably the one I felt the most positive about. You didn't resent me, you rarely spammed, and you were funny. Out of all the people on these forums, you will be one of the ones I will remember.

Ryan, you didn't contribute to my departure. I didnt add you to the list because I dont remember having very little or no interaction with you, but I know you were a comrade in arms with supporting the SC forums. Keep it alive, and keep those D2ers and Wc3ers on their toes.

Edit: Jake Jeckel, we may have started out as enemies at first and had a very miniscule flame wars, but I think we were becoming friends. I regret leaving the Asylum, because I was hoping that I might eventually participate in The Asylum Challenge with you, in all honesty. See you on the flip side.


Like my cute wabbit?
Dec 23, 2003
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It pains me that I now realize that people did appreciate my presence, and I hate to leave, but I think its time I moved on. Some of you have said 17 isnt too old to be gamer, and some of you are right.
It may be too old for 24-7 gaming but it aint too old for being a member of BF.
I am in some pretty difficult things at school, and most of them require a lot of studying;
When did this change? It doesn't mean you have to stop posting completely, you just have to relax abit.
ORC-r0x0r-ROC, I also regret not initially putting you on my list. Probably because I was bitter at you because of our tense arguments in The Asylum and the Arcane Sanctuary, heh. You were probably the one who gave me the most and decent competition, and I thank you for that. Ive added you as a friend to my farewell message, and I thank you adding some good things about me. Peace.
Well, just wondering do you have MSN? Because I really don't want to end some of the tense discussion I can have with you.

I really don't see why you have to leave completely, I know you have studies and stuff but anyone can make a little time.
You type fast? No you just post one line answers like that one n00bass fucl<er
most of his posts were a lot more than one line.


Melodic Murderer
Oct 2, 2003
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My Sanctuary
It was a mistake hopefully. Someone will clean it up eventually, and if they don't someone will report it.

I'm sorry if you consider that short, but that was all I could think to say =\ I didn't know of any problems going on until right this moment. If you want, you can contact me on AIM (jdinflames), MSN (jdinflames@hotmail.com) or Yahoo (jdpwnsj00) whenever you feel the need.


Premium Member
Jan 19, 2004
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N_ and Beer $lut, thanks for accepting me at the Underground forums. I think if you guys work on it, your forums can really become something. Very nice layout. Make me proud =P.
Well, thx Rygon, but if you do happen to only quit games and come to forums, you = instant mod.

And hell, I have to study alot, yet I come to forums, I quit most of the games nowadays. Jus quit games, and come to forums, you dont have to stay in forum for 24hrs, hell you can only post in forum for like 30 min a day :)

I really hope you re-think this...


BattleForums Senior Member
Sep 20, 2002
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People come, people go. Its nothing new. I've seen great members come and go. I've seen my friends come and go.

Well, see ya, have a nice time studying or whatever you'll be doing.


BattleForums Senior Member
Nov 30, 2002
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Don't blame some one for leaving that's just not cool (like 13370n3). Second thing post counts don't really mean anything. Third thing is uhm I don't think I ever seen you post. but if you're leaving over a post count reset you mustn't like battleforums that much anyways (prove me wrong)?


BattleForums Senior Member
May 10, 2003
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"IDefy, I regret not adding you to the list. I considered us somewhat of enemies, but that was stupid; your a cool guy, and you gave me a few runs in The Asylum alongside with Jake Jeckel."

You obviously don't know me. Don't add me to any list. It's nothing personal I was just speaking my mind.

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