oki ...
// General configs can be found at the bottom, only needed if you are having problems
// This is the file you should be editing!!!
// Note: all skill names are case sensitive! Frozen Orb is not the same thing as frozen orb.
var LifeThresh = 0; // Drink a normal potion if under this % life
var ManaThresh = 0; // Drink a normal potion if under this % mana
var MercFavorsJuves=true; // Set this to true to use rejuvs on your merc before other potions
var LifeRejuvThresh = 60; // Drink a potion if under this % life or % mana combined with LifeThresh
var ManaRejuvThresh = 30; // Drink a potion if under this % life or % mana combined with ManaThresh
var mercpotionlife=40; // This is the threshold to use a potion on your merc
var DrinkTimer = 2; // But dont drink more than one potion for this number of seconds
var chickenlife=25; // This is your chicken life percentage. If you go below this life total, the game will exit.
var chickenmana=10; // This is your chicken mana percentage. If you go below this mana total, the game will exit.
var noPotsChicken=true; // If true, chicken if you need a pot and none are left
var mercChickenLife=5; // This is your mercs chicken life percentage. If he goes below this life total, the game will exit.
var deadMercChicken=true; // if true, chicken if your merc dies
var waitForLeech=true; // set to true to prevent drinking after Battle Orders or weapon switch.
THAT ????? ^^