I hope you all you're doing is digging your own eternal graves. "I just wanna have fun and smoke a bowl." Well, bong i wrong. It's pretty sad to me that you people need a mood altering drug to have fun. And, no, God will not kiss your ass, He loves you more than you can imagine, and all you're doing is turning your back on it all for no reason. That's not a nice, or very smart thing to do. Lets say there is a gunman in a bank that you go to for some reason. He holds the place up, and takes everbody's money. And he decides to Kill a few people just for fun. So he comes over to you, puts the gun to your head. As he is about to fire, a man comes out and says "Take me instead." So the Gunman puts the gun to his head instead of yours, and fires. The gunman kills that guy. Realize it or not, he just died for you. Just like Jesus did. Now would you Honor the guy that took a bullet to the head for you? Jesus died slow, miserable death, for you, and all you can do is stick up your middle finger. And you cannot imagine the pain you will recieve for turning your back on the Lord, the person who will save you from your sins and allow you to live peacefully in a place more content and beautiful than the human mind can comprehend. After a while of living in heaven, after the rapture, all will be judged before God. And the ones that believed, and stayed true, will be saved. People who rejected him will experience every pain known to man, and then some. It is said, that if you saw hell in human form, that you would be so scared, that you would die. After a while of living in heaven, God will create a new earth, one with no courruption, evil, cheating, ect. Everyody will be conent, and nobody will have a problem with anybody. You will have everything you could ever want... And you people are turning your backs on it, I don't understand why. Repent, and ask God to forgive you of your sins, meaningfully. And confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord. Accept his -_FREE_- Gift of eternal life. Anybody can do it, you can be forgiven. Accept the gift, today.