lol u guys are gonna think im vile and twisted for my dead baby jokes......
(note: i made this one, so give me credit) what is the biggest similarity between princess diana and pink floyd?:
their biggest hit was the wall.
what is blue, has bubbles, screaming and is pink:
a baby suffocating on bubble wrap
what bubbles and taps on glass:
a baby in a microwave
what is the difference between a truckload of dead babies and a truck load of bowling balls?:
u cant unload one with a pitchfork
what is worse than a baby nailed to telephone pole?:
the same baby nailed to 40 telephone poles
whats nastier than a pile of dead babies?:
the baby that is alive in the middle eating his way out.
what is the worst that can happen to a pediphile?:
getting blood on his clown outfit.
whats worse than a dead baby on the curb?:
the same baby next week
what is blue, black, pink and red all over?:
a baby with a knife.
note: more to come when i gather my thoughts *may take a while.