[color=royal blue]Ryu: They're a new undead creature from the Rurikens.
May: *shaking her head* What happened?
Ryu: I underestimated our...previous foes.
Do I want to reveal what they were? Ryu looks around for a moment. He looks at Aphra, still weakened from all the healing spells she had to cast. He forces himself to stand, but promptly is forced to kneel.
At least I'm moving again...
May: How'd I get down?
Ryu: I cast a ritual spell.
May: There aren't any more mages here?
Ryu: *looking down* I did it alone.
May: What?!
Aphra: Don't worry. He's done such before.
Ryu: Yeah... *looking up suddenly* Tsukin`asu?
Aphra: You sense her?
Ryu: Hmm? I know that spell...
May: What spell?
Ryu: *shaking himself out of a light daze* Nothing! Nothing...
Ryu quickly forms a bow and pulls a bow out. Yemmeth looks at him and shakes his head in a negative geasture. He doesn't want Ryu to attack and lift the Sanctuary from him.
Ryu: Okay... *reabsorbing the bow* I guess I'll let Abaden handle this.
Ryu attempts to stand again, and this time is able to keep to his feet. He feels his stamina starting to take hold again.
Looks like I'm going to have to get serious. I'll tell them! I have to...
Ryu: Listen... May... Aphra... I need you to do something for me.
May and Aphra: Yes?
Ryu: I need you to prepare your
most powerful spells. When we meet those...
mages again... I need your help so that I don't repeat the same mistake.
Aphra: What mistake?
Ryu: Not taking care of them quickly enough. Pheonix had them, and I didn't destroy those weak dragons fast enough. I didn't think they'd be able to unsummon like that.
May: Ryu... What were they?
Ryu: *an "this is stupid" smile on his face* An Evil I had hoped to keep friends, allies, and family from.
May: RYU!! I want a straight answer!
During the short pause that seems like an eternity, Ryu is able to watch his friends from long ago, Yemmeth and Abaden, fight the undead sent by the Ruriken army. He realizes that Darz is such a mage to create undead like this, and the Marlin brothers... They are likely to go along with such a plan. Ryu turns to May and takes in a deep breath as he knows he must answer.[/color]
OOC: I know what they are, but others might not
I left it to
Tacitus to decide if we tell everyone else now or not.
We can have him "answer" but leave it blank (basically have "knowing what they were up against this time, they prepare themselve..." kind of thing). Later!