Pinacle of The Art

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King Endymion
Oct 2, 2002
Reaction score
North Carolina, USA
OOC: Information taken and noted!
[color=royal blue]
Ryu: Hmm? The did come in handy for something.
Yemmeth: They are not human.
Abaden: I have to agree.
May: *sighing* They aren't, and they're stubborn.
Ryu: Yes, they are. Now then, I think it's about time we move.

Ryu begins a light incantation, and it seems to be one to enhance the abilities of his allies. Soon, an aura surrounds Ryu as Haste is cast, as well as a few more interesting spells. Group Strength, Protection from Evil (not the one that will hurt an evil individual), Protection from Undead (Kald, your char is safe), and Undetectability are simulcast, and that slows Ryu a bit.

Ryu: Ah! Aphra, I don't want you to rush! You stay back and support us.
Aphra: I will stay the distance you wish.
May: I thought he said to stay back. I'd agree.
Aphra: He means for me to keep my distance; he wants to be in range to help me.
Ryu: Yeah.

Ryu arm convulses as his skin forms into the shape of a bow, and it hardens to prove to look like quite a good weapon. Aphra begins to pray (Prayer) and prepares Bless. Ryu pulls out a quiver from his bag.

Ryu: I'll hold back until I recover my stamina. Simulcasting is quite difficult.
May: Let's move![/color]


The Oldest
Aug 2, 2002
Reaction score
A place where there is no dark
*Pheonix seems to be striking the gate with huge weapons that seem as large, or larger than themselves. As the gate takes its last hit and falls, Pheonix rushes in, followed closely by May overhead, blades flaming and Gem glowing*

May: Take 'em Out!

*Even viewing May's blades seems to cause pain in the massive ranks of the undead that swell below her. She dives in for an attack run, slicing several bodak in half. The massive number of skeleton archers begin opening fire upon both May and the rest of the party, priests and necromancers tending to the undead and preparing offensive spells*


King Endymion
Oct 2, 2002
Reaction score
North Carolina, USA
[color=royal blue]As a few of the enemy clerics and necromancers begin to heal or revive the undead legions, they are surprised by a hail of arrows that come raining down. One necromancer is struck straight in the eye, destroying his brain.

May: *to self* I hadn't thought Ryu had such archery skills!

Arrows continue to rain down on the clerics and necromancers, not giving many time to get off spells. Aphra's Prayer and Bless are enhancing everyone's skills, and Ryu is getting ready to head in, himself. He's whispering an incantation as he's launching arrows, one to negate the cleric's and necromancer's ability to recall the dead and undead.[/color]


BattleForums Senior Member
Jan 15, 2003
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Kennewick, WA
*??? wakes up from his meditation, claps his hands together, and screams a shrill high scream, all the heads of the enemies around a 500 foot radius explode*

???: Well that was rather successful

*??? surveys the carnage and takes a qucik side step away from a projectile*

*Waggles his fingers a bit and launches off a volley of Orbs, each one exploding in a different element all around the compound*

???: Aha! How many more are left? How many do you need to defeat us!

*raises his hand in victory and takes a gigantic bone bolt from a necromancer in the chest*

???: ...Help....


The Oldest
Aug 2, 2002
Reaction score
A place where there is no dark
*Crack walks up to the injured "elf" and steps on his wound, nearly crushing him under the sheer weight alone, Burn and Ashes walk up from behind*

Burn: You are far...
Ashes: ...too reckless.
Crack: Either shape up,...
Burn: ...or we shall...
Ashes: ...Slay you were...
Pheonix: ...Lay, and leave you there for dead.

May: Pheonix, Stand down!

*Pheonix runs off to pick off any stragglers*

May: Well, it seems that this outpost is all but taken. As for you, i demand two things. One, we will not take you any farther until you reveal your name. And secondly, you tone it down a bit.

ooc: man, tone it down a bit, i mean killing all within 500' radius...i'll leave it, this time


BattleForums Senior Member
Jan 15, 2003
Reaction score
Kennewick, WA
Originally posted by Tacitus
ooc: man, tone it down a bit, i mean killing all within 500' radius...i'll leave it, this time
OOC: Be glad Wail of the Banshee is a level 9 spell. ;)

???: Names... I do not believe in names... But nevertheless, the name here is Aramazil.

*Aramazil casts a negative energy burts on himself, and heals his wound*

(Being undead negative energy heals him instead of hurting him, normal clerical spells such as Cure Light Wounds hurts him instead)

*Aramazil looks at the 3 constructs*

Aramazil: You ever threaten me again and I swear I shall use my power and knowledge to disassemble you and destroy whatever it is that makes you tick.


The Oldest
Aug 2, 2002
Reaction score
A place where there is no dark
ooc: i don't think Wail of the Banshee has quite that kind of range, i think the max you could kill is maybe 20-50 anyhow from limits woven into the spell, but again, i'll leave it be

*Crack raises his weapon and is about to starts smashing Aramazil's skull in when May grabs his cold arm and calms him.*

May: We are here to destroy the Sleepers, not each other.

Yemeth: I may not like his methods, or even his nature, but i deal with it.

May: I quite agree, Crack, stand down; Burn, seek and destroy; Ashes, perimeter.

*May walks through the outpost. The walls are all covered with blood and grey matter. Only a few are left alive, but they are heavily injured, Crack disposes of them out of May's field of view.*


BattleForums Senior Member
Jan 15, 2003
Reaction score
Kennewick, WA
*Aramazil goes into casting, and casts the following spells on him
Fire Shield Blue
Greater Stoneskin
And Ethereal Armor*

Aramazil: Very well, let us continue

*Aramazil Glares at Crack, his eyes flare and Crack turns to face him*

Aramazil: I have my eyes on you.


The Oldest
Aug 2, 2002
Reaction score
A place where there is no dark
*Crack attempts some form of humor/insult*

Crack: Then how do you still see? Can you take them off, they run the risk of falling to the ground and being crushed.

May: ...just shut up...

*May concentrates for a moment and casts the spell Sending to send a message to Kivicks and the Kortuganorian capital. Within moments militia and other warriors begin pouring from two seperate portals do make the Outpost their own, part of a new commonwealth being created by the Crusaders in a nuetral location of the two military and politcal powers and now peaceful neighbors*

May: Once Burn and Ashes return from patroling and rounding up the remaining stragglers, we will continue.


King Endymion
Oct 2, 2002
Reaction score
North Carolina, USA
[color=royal blue]Ryu: Good. I've regained my strength, and those spells will last a good while. Aphra...
Aphra: I'm fine, Ryu.
Cloud: This was too easy...
Tidus: I'd have to agree.
Ryu: *sighing* This has Darz written all over it.
Aphra: You don't think...
Ryu: I think the king of this empire has made Darz and the Marlins his military tacticioners.
May: What?!
Ryu: This was a weak defense. They want us to come to them...
Aphra: If Darz is here...
Ryu: Tsukin`asu is actually in less danger. He wants me at my best.
May: Then why leave Tsukin`asu be?
Ryu: He wants me angry, not enraged. I'm sure he's told William and Giles that by now.
Yemmeth: Who is "Tsukin`asu"?
Aboden: I'd like to know, too. It sounds Elvish.
Ryu: She's an ally, from my home.[/color]


The Oldest
Aug 2, 2002
Reaction score
A place where there is no dark
*After a short while the Rurikan outpost is completely armed and ready, brimming with The Open Palm Commonwealth soldiers. Soon Burn and Ashes return, Burn looks to have seen a bit of battle.*

May: Ok, we haven't seen any of these Apocalypse Walkers yet, but you all need to keep on your toes, evil is afoot. lets move out!

*Ryu opens a portal to a secluded spot just outside the next closest Outpost. A rather tall man stands waiting for us.*

???: You have come far. The Kortuganorian Empire has fallen before your wrath. Yet you shall go no further, this outpost will be the last one you see.

*With a flash of red light, small tentacle seem to appear at the base of his skull from behind, and he is gone.*

May: What the hell was that?

Pheonix: Subject lost, attempting to re-acquire.

*they gather around where the man had been standing and stare blankly at the ground*


King Endymion
Oct 2, 2002
Reaction score
North Carolina, USA
[color=royal blue]It couldn't be... Ryu looks around rampantely. May notices this and wonders why Ryu is so worried. She also notices how Aphra moves behind Ryu for protection.

May: Ryu...?
Ryu: Darz! Darz is behind this!
May: What?!
Ryu: This is a trap... That first outpost was a decoy... Or maybe...
Aphra: Testing you again?
Ryu: Or our group...
Cloud: So... What was that?
Tidus: I didn't get a good view of it.
Ryu: I've only seen one before...
Aphra: Is it...?
Ryu: I'm afraid it may be...

Ryu continues to look around, the looks at Pheonix as his eyes go wide. Could it be...? Ryu looks at the ground where the man stood.

Ryu: Pheonix! Move![/color]


The Oldest
Aug 2, 2002
Reaction score
A place where there is no dark
ooc: -_-

*Pheonix looks around for a moment, then all of a sudden, nothing happens (mwahaha, anti-climatic)*

Crack: Do you feel well Ryu?
Ashes: There is no threat within the...
Burn: ...general vicinity, save the...
Crack: ...Outpost which we were...
Ashes: ...about to charge.

May: I agree, Evil is strong throughout this part of the valley, but i feel nothing abnormal in our general area. Lets us continue.

Pheonix: CHARGE!

*Pheonix rushes over the crest of a small hill and are immediately bombarded with pure magical energies from magical land mines scattered throughout the entire area. Crack and Ashes rush through unphased, but Burn's recent tracking and destroying of stragglers has left a bit of his solid shell open and vulnerable, he is taking light damage from the mines.*

May: Everybody, stay back, it seems they've laid a few surprises before us.

*When Crack and Ashes reach the gate, then begin pummeling it with huge hammers to break it down, but as their second strikes hit the gates, they are thrown all the way back to where the others were waiting by a huge wave of pure force. Burn stands in the middle of the mine field, a wall of force surrounding him.*

Ashes: We cannot hear all his words...
Crack: ...he is too far and the force...
Ashes: ...wall prevents it somehow.
Crack: We cannot fight properly without...
Ashes: ...his words.

May: Well damn, this fort seem impregnable from the ground, so we'll have to take it to the air. Problem is, not everyone can fly...

*An earsplitting scream issues forth from the outpost, not one of a maiden in trouble, but the tortured wail of some form of undead warrior*


King Endymion
Oct 2, 2002
Reaction score
North Carolina, USA
OOC: You just had to ruin the air of danger, eh? Oh well.
[color=royal blue]
As the scream splits across the battlefield, May, Ryu, and Aphra's shards react. Wings sprout almost suddenly from Ryu's back, and he looks surprised toward the outpost.

Ryu: *to self* Trias... What is here?

Ryu takes to the air, as Aphra casts Sanctuary on the remaining group. She begins to Pray and Bless the group, especially after May takes off as well. Ryu and May move toward the oupost to check out what that wail was.

Ryu: You realize that Aphra's Sanctuary won't aid us.
May: Of course.
Ryu: Okay. Let's see what we're up against![/color]


The Oldest
Aug 2, 2002
Reaction score
A place where there is no dark
*Ryu and May come up on the Outpost from the air. No arrows, no spells, nothing, completely defensless from the air so far. As they close in, they see that there is absolutely no one in the Outpost, save three lone mages. While a flash of red light the sky begins to burn as hidden magical mines begin exploding all around them. The mages below starts launching spells. Ryu falls from the sky, just in time to miss several spells, he falls right into a field full of magical land mines. He tries to take some sort of cover but the blasts are too powerful to contain. Even the mildest explosion causes Ryu major damage. May on the other hand has a far worse fate. One of the spells from the mages connects, A spell known as Nailed to the Heavens. In an instant May is trapped, permanently affixed to the sky. The Mages below continue to pummel her with spells.*

May (voice hardly hearable): GET ME DOWN!!!


King Endymion
Oct 2, 2002
Reaction score
North Carolina, USA
[color=royal blue]Ryu allows himself to observe the explosions for a few moments. When he finds the time, he casts Globe of Invulnerability on himself. The GoI protects Ryu from the multitude of explosions around him. He flies up at an astounding speed toward May. The mages lauch several spells at Ryu, but they bounce off him and back toward them.

Ryu: *looking over May* This looks like a job for a Cleric.
May: I...can't move!
Ryu: Hmm? Aphra!
Aphra: *psyonically* I coudn't hear you. What do you need?
Ryu: Do you have a spell that can dispel what holds May?
Aphra: I don't know...
Ryu: *looking over himself* This GoI is almost dispelled...

Ryu charges at the mages, ready to distract them. Hmm? How many can I take out before GoI wears off. Ryu forms a sword as he charges at them, gripping it with both hands.[/color]


The Oldest
Aug 2, 2002
Reaction score
A place where there is no dark
*As Ryu nears the mage he is thrown to the ground by some unseen force, the Globe of Invulnerablity shatters right before he hits the ground at the feet of the mages. These mages seem far too tall to be human, they radiate some sort of aura, but Ryu can't pinpoint what it is exactly. One of them steps forward.*

Mage 1 (voice is distant and his breath is really bad): You cannot rip her from the sky. We are too powerful, and thus are our spells. Only a mage of Epic proportions could dispell our enchantments, or even come close to harming us. *kicks ryu in the face, shattering his nose* You have no idea who we are, do you?

*Back with the others Pheonix have begun jumping around to get May down. In the sky May sees this and thinks "god what morons..."*


King Endymion
Oct 2, 2002
Reaction score
North Carolina, USA
[color=royal blue]The mages look at Ryu in surprise as the blood quickly dries up. Ryu wipes the little bit of blood left under his nose off and holds his sword. Are they...? Ryu rushes at them, in a stabbing motion. When it has little effect, Ryu smiles and jumps away. He brings his sword at them again, in a stabbing motion again. The mage he targets simply stands there, ready to take it. Ryu, however, has other plans. He quickly brings his sword up a full swing and slashes the mage across his chest.

Ryu: Epic proportions, huh? I guess I should get busy then!

Ryu looks at them with a strange air about him. The mages smile as they begin to walk forward, but Ryu holds his hands out, as if preparing a spell. The mages hold, somewhat surprised. May looks down in curiousity at this odd battle. Then, it happens, Ryu casts the Epic Level Spell known as Hellball straight at the mages. Ryu forms several more and prepares to launch them after he sees what the effect from the first is.[/color]


The Oldest
Aug 2, 2002
Reaction score
A place where there is no dark
*May watches from above as the Hellbal barrels towards the three mages. With a flash of light and a thunderous roar, the Hellball explodes. Much of the outpost is leveled within the walls, but there is no sign of the mages. May tries to yell out to Ryu, but cannot, the hieght has made her dizzy and she has passed out from the low amount of oxygen. When the elemental energies fade, the Mages reappear, only seeming to have taken damage from the flames*

Mage 2: We are not mere mortals! You cannot defeat us in this lifetime, nor the next!

*One of the mages uses the wall as a springboard and jumps up and lands upon Ryu with frightening speed. The Mage grapbs Ryu neck and attempts to snap it but Ryu is able to shove him off, just in time.while he was preoccupied the other two prepared several of their own spells. Within seconds nearly 6 dozen Greater mummies begin crawling from the ground and a black armor of pure energy forms around each mage.*

Mage 3: You shall not survive this confrontation.

*The last mage, who had tackled Ryu casts Dimensional Anchor, preventing him from using his Planeswalking abilities. The walls quickly close in from above, within seconds Ryu has become trapped within a large stadium if you will, a Stadium of Death.*


King Endymion
Oct 2, 2002
Reaction score
North Carolina, USA
[color=royal blue]Ryu is still holding several Hellballs. He throws two at the Greater Mummies, destroying four dozen of them. He looks around, knowing he has an advantage they haven't taken care of yet. Hmm? These beasts will be more than just a challenge. As the last two dozen Greater Mummies approach, Ryu unleashes two more Hellball to destroy them.

Ryu: You don't pay much attention, do you?!
Mage1: What?!
Mage2: How many did you prepare?
Mage3: Mayhaps we should be more wary.
Mage1: How could a Hellball kill so many...?
Mage2: Skill?
Mage3: Power!

Ryu looks at his hands, and realizes that he's used four of the ten Hellballs he made. He looks at the mages, and launches one more at them. The emerge once again. They look at him, and spread out, not wanting to take a direct hit from another while clustered. Ryu smirks and launches his last three, one at each. They are more surprised by this and attempt to block. They emerge from the explosion once agian, surprised.

Ryu: Oh! I will survive this!

Ryu looks down at his legs, and he can literally see the shackles that keep him on this plane. He looks at the mages, and knows that there is one thing he can do to disperse that spell. He concentrates on himself for a second, allowing energies to flow within him. A swirl of energy and dust surround him, and the mages are actually partially thrown back by the intensity of the energies. When the see the dust cloud growing, the rear back in both anger and fright, for the first time. Ryu emerges in his dragon form, once again.

Ryu: I think this should level the odds a bit![/color]
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