Petition to change d3 artistic direction


Bite my shiny metal ass!
Jun 15, 2003
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Russellville, AR
I wouldn't even say it looks copied off anything...sure it's a system that's been used before, but that's like saying "picture a color that doesn't involved red, blue, yellow, green, purple, or orange." It's kind of hard to create something entirely new...most everything has been done by somebody somewhere.

This has never been done by Blizzard, though...and they clearly plan to put everything they'e got into taking it from the ground up and making it look amazing. The premise of any Diablo game isn't exactly original, but they're taking what could be just another sequel and turning it into something brand new and groundbreaking to the series. I'm thrilled to my core with everything about this new title.

Wing Zero

lol just as planned
Oct 27, 2002
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If you can handle tremendous **** ups like this, more power to you.
but too bad the majority of those who complain believe there is no sun :O


Bite my shiny metal ass!
Jun 15, 2003
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Russellville, AR
Over 4,000 Diablo fans (and counting) have signed an online petition, stating that the current art direction of the game should be changed.
Over 4000 ignorant people who can't understand the concept of what Warcraft actually looks like, how different D3 actually looks, and that there is a large number of people out there who like to actually see details in the game rather than muck, grime, and darkness.

Sorry to crudely attack these people, but I swear they don't even bother to look at the game before they gripe. The claim that D3's sample gameplay looks like WoW is just ridiculous...there's not even a comparison there! The brightest colors in the videos were the energy on the Barb's axes, the flames, and the Witch Doctor's locust swarms. Not to mention a little thing D3 has over WoW called "significant numbers of polygons?" I swear WoW doesn't even use imagemapping in its animation, just cell-shading.

I'm seriously torqued about's just mass lunacy.


Aug 16, 2004
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I agree that D3 looks more dungeon-esque and in general, more creepy than Diablo 2; what i think die-hard fans (such as myself, who have been around since D1) want is to just make sure Diablo will stay Diablo and not lean towards a WoW kind of thing. In my opinion that is PERFECTLY reasonable, Blizzard, if they were smart would notice that WoW rakes in the cash and emulate the rest of their games to be like Wow (which they aren't really), so fan concerns about it being "cartoonish" or not "dark enough" is perfectly fine. It's not really fair to call them ignorant or "nerds", I mean if you're really a fan of anything you would want it to stay true to it's origins right? People just want D3 to be true to it's original "terror" motif. I can appreciate this petition simply because there is more to a game then just the gameplay itself (blasphemy, i know); there should also be an artistic appreciation because a **** load of work went into that too.

Anyways, if Blizzard decides to keep it the same I'm fine with that -- more power to them.
If they decided to make it gloomier, great.


Jun 30, 2008
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Over 4000 ignorant people who can't understand the concept of what Warcraft actually looks like, how different D3 actually looks, and that there is a large number of people out there who like to actually see details in the game rather than muck, grime, and darkness.

Sorry to crudely attack these people, but I swear they don't even bother to look at the game before they gripe. The claim that D3's sample gameplay looks like WoW is just ridiculous...there's not even a comparison there! The brightest colors in the videos were the energy on the Barb's axes, the flames, and the Witch Doctor's locust swarms. Not to mention a little thing D3 has over WoW called "significant numbers of polygons?" I swear WoW doesn't even use imagemapping in its animation, just cell-shading.

I'm seriously torqued about's just mass lunacy.
oh no no..we look at the game..over and over and over : trailer/artwork/ on... => WoW style... they move Diablo's teritory near Azeroth and we dont want that!! ;)
i forgot somth .. over 5700 ..for moment:)


Bite my shiny metal ass!
Jun 15, 2003
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Russellville, AR
Basically what you have a problem with is that there are some outside environments. I bet you hated Act 3 in D2...omg, a rainforest!

I'm sorry if I'm being kind of harsh to you, it's not my intention to put you down. I'm just boggled at how you can think Diablo 3 has any Warcraft influence at all. I mean, to me it looks 100% different. The only similarity is that it's a computer game made by the same people.

I understand that you're a bunch of loyal fans who want to see it done right, but I am too! I'll be honest, I never played Diablo 1, but I dedicated my life to D2 for quite some time...I'm a big fan and I'd be very disappointed if they didn't give Diablo 3 the right feel...where you and I differ is that I think they have.

It's not blocky. It's not cartoonish. It's not brightly-colored.

To me it feels like people have been spoiled by these next-gen games for PS3 and XBOX 360 that are so crystal clear that you can see every single raindrop hit the floor and collect in a pool of water, and can't appreciate a still great-looking game that doesn't trick you into thinking it's real.

I'm very put-off by all me it feels like total nonsense, because the gripes you're pulling up aren't even accurate to me. It looks nothing like anything Warcraft I've ever seen.


Jun 30, 2008
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i really enjoy the witcher...70% from action take place i dont have a problem about the place but i have a problem with this new diablo graphic..
man,fpr real now..stay a litle and compare diablo3 with : WoW , Warcraft3 , Titan Quest , Dungeon Siege 2... decors,environments,armours after all of this compare with diablo2

Wing Zero

lol just as planned
Oct 27, 2002
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im sure there will be new updates that they like that will turn them around
it did for me for sc2
i kinda didnt like the 3d feel of it unt till the showed me a new mech for me to spam


Oct 11, 2002
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That petition wont change anything. If i was Blizzard i'd tell you all to go jump. The game looks fine. I've been playing since D1, albeit i'm not a hardcore fan but i've played D1 & D2 plenty of times and D3 looks a little too much like it's predecessors for my liking.


Eat your vegetables!
Nov 16, 2002
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Los Angeles, CA
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Didn't sign the stupid petition.

Considering the game is still in alpha, there's a hell of a way to go before we have any inkling of what the release version is going to be like. As far as cartoony.....I beg to differ. I can't remember the last cartoon I saw where people got their heads ripped off by 10-story high hellspawn and voodoo priests could summon insects to strip the bones from their enemies.

I'd even go so far as to say that D2 was more cartoony than this.....after all, the game DID use sprites....


Jun 30, 2008
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"As an artist, game developer (not affiliated with Blizzard) and long-time fan of the Diablo series, I've found the new art direction to be undesirable in many regards and hope the following points best clarify why I'm complaining about an unfinished product atop my virtual soapbox:

* IP Ambiguity: Blizzard has rocketed to the top of the success ladder with its three main Intellectual Properties: Warcraft, Starcraft & Diablo. These three franchises can be categorized, in terms of genre as: High Fantasy, Sci-Fi/Fantasy & Dark/Gothic Fantasy, respectively. The categories help customers clearly identify the three IPs. This new art direction (seen in Diablo III's public announcement) blurs the lines between two of Blizzard's IPs. "Is that a Troll Witch Doctor I'm looking at or something from Diablo?" By doing this, the IPs become harder to discern and the end result is a watered down version attempting to accommodate both the demographics... akin to a jack-of-all-trades, master of nothing scenario.

* Fanbase Alienation: The Diablo series has always been in a dark and dreary setting that instills a foreboding sense of hopelessness and futility. This couldn't be any more reinforced by the ironic conclusion of the first game: the hero defeats the devil but willingly sacrifices his/herself to contain the unstoppable evil. The powers of these beings is something much bigger than any of us, the heroes or the mortal world. By making things cartoonish and less 'gritty' and somberly realistic, the oppressive dread is no longer felt.

* Artistic Discontinuity: In metaphoric art terms, Warcraft is a colourful oil painting: the textures contain palettes of vibrant hues and hard lines define soft shapes. Diablo, on the other hand, gives the impression of being more of a charcoal illustration: realistic and heavily influenced by black and muted hues. Magic is still colourful but doesn't over-power a scene with a conflagration of blues, green, reds and purples. Color, when used sparingly, can direct someone's eyes to an intended point of interest. When over-used, it makes the eyes tired and desensitized. On the opposite side of the that, under-use can also yield bad consequences. The point is, the world of Diablo isn't a colorful place and when vibrancy is introduced into a macabre setting, it feels more surreal than terrifying."


Battle God
Jul 16, 2004
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That's retarded. No one complained about D2. Has it ever occurred to you that, not every place has to be black and gray and brown? Look at D2, post back here, and repeat until you realize that please. :)

Jeesh, everyone wants it to be the same **** over again. I can relate but you're nagging what, the first place you seen? Pre-alpha whatever stage area, thats likely to replaced? That they likely made just to show off the game? Does any of this make sense to you?


is ....listed
May 24, 2003
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Believe it or not, but Diablo did not drain the world of sunlight and color. It still exists. Stop bitching and whining about stupid stuff like "it's not dark enough" or "these dungeons aren't creepy enough." I played Diablo 2 and there was nothing dark about it. The dungeons were nothing special, unreal, and certainly weren't creepy. The new generation of gamers are graphic whores that are sad, sad people. I guess 'cartoony' has lost it's meaning, because I'm not even seeing where it's "cartoony."

Realistic armory? Kidding? There was nothing realistic looking about a great amount of D2s stuff. Why? Because it's a fantasy game. I presonally want my character to be as bad ass looking as possible.

It's clear a bunch of children are butt hurt that their dream game isn't exactly like their dreams. If you don't like it, then do not play it. You can try to petition it, but a game that sold well over 4 million copies and also spawned an expansion is going to take alot more signatures than 6,000. In the course of time of getting signatures hopefully the petition will be able to cook up actual examples of there complaints. I see none except about the very few areas revealed in the demo- all 2 of those areas.

Take this for example though: If you had to go fight demons and zombies would you wait until it was midnight or would you go during the day?


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