dude good idea but by that time, the other team could be doing the same thing in urshing YOU! so i would not recommend it. I did AT wit a friend I was NE he was Orc and i went stright for hunts and the other team did a quick hero rush. They caught me "with my pants down". I didnt have any units and only a hero, they quikcly starting destorying my structures
So wen people say Hunt rush, people think its a quick thing to do, but remeber, u need to make a Hunter's Hall ad on top of that u need more gold and more moon wells, so i would stick w/archers---> progress to hunts WHILE upgrading ur tier!
So wen people say Hunt rush, people think its a quick thing to do, but remeber, u need to make a Hunter's Hall ad on top of that u need more gold and more moon wells, so i would stick w/archers---> progress to hunts WHILE upgrading ur tier!