PluGY has that power, you can unlearn skills and return your points. That way, you can change them around more effectively.
For paladin's you can make these:
Zealdin: (Sacrifice, Zeal, Defiance, Holy Shield, Fanaticism, Smite, (Redemption and Meditate)).
Vengadin: (Resist Fire/Ice/Light, Vengeance, Conviction, Meditate, Holy Shield, Defiance, Salvation (Redemption and Meditate)).
Hammerdin: (Concentration, HS, Defiance, Blessed Hammer, Crusader Charge, Meditate and Redemption).
These 3 are very good. You can also use the angel if things get to dicey (FoH aura it has). Only use Meditate and Redemption if you have mana problems, since Zeal can cost like 100 something if you are not careful