The stones or the Treasure Eye Staff?
If its the staff, I can let you dupe mine or you can do Infernal Pit runs to get it. The stones I collect from the following:
Kagero - Slaying Lucy or Satan or the Kagero prizes
Gauntlet (best method) - Levi, Belinal, or the Prizes
Maggot Lair - Slaying Coldworm drops poison ones.
Or you can make your own with:
4 Perfect Rejuevs, any magic ring, any healing potion, and a gem of some type. The gem can be any level and the gem used affects the stone. Example: using a chipped Ruby can make Blood Stones. Either go to the gauntlet and destroy the middle prize, kill uniques or champs in hell, use Barb's Find Potion on monsters after Act 4 Nightmare, or transmute 3 rejuevs to get the Full REjuevs.
You are better off doing Gauntlet runs because:
1) The stones drop like crazy.
2) You can get Magic Mirrors to "duplicate" them and double thier effectiveness
3) You get mondo bags of exp, books of skill, AND alchemy items (things like Valk Helmet, Flame Man Doll, etc.)
4) You get class gems for free
, well you do also in Act 5 Nightmare and better
5) There is a rare chance you will get items that decrease the rate of souls required to increase the benefits in the soul hunter med (use the Magic Mirrors on these!)
6) Montreal's Spirit Gem Device, using 2 Space Frags and a soul. That soul becomes a Jewel, so you can add permanent benefits to equipment. That is how I am using Cyclone on my Mojo Mail without needing Levi's soul. Good souls to do this on depend on the benefits! I would do it things like Treasurebus (200% mf and 75% affinity), Vile Mothers (army of flesh demons can be fun
), bosses, Satan and Lucifier, or even the Smith (concentration aura
To regards to 3, Greg did this:
If you combine the Valk Helmet, 3-4 space frags, and an Amazon Only item. You can summon one more Valkrie warrior to fight for you, up to a point where you can have entire armada of powerful spearwomen to fight for you.
For more basic cube recipes,
go here. If you want the advanced ones, you will need the Book of Recipes and the Translating Runic to find the rest.