Dark Mistress
Is a nasty little tart...
Lol, thanks, Flash... Here's something I made in school when I had a Graphics class...

Oh god I know...it was too much for me to resist. Lucky she loves me, or I'd be hurting pretty bad, lol.Anyone else want to grab her boobs and jiggle them? C'mon..them some ripe melons!
Oh? Since when? You just want my girlfriend's knockers.Obscurity said:I want more pics of you and Jafar..he's my favorite white boy.
FUN BAGS!:damnitI'm glad they're my boobs, too... Otherwise I'd have nothing fun to play with... =P
Lol, sweet. I've always had respect for Teh Viz myself. ^_^Kayle, take this how you will, it's criticism at best. I love you with straightened hair. The curls just don't do it for me. But meh, I'm not your BF, hehe. (u c wut i did thar?)
Dude, J'kar, Eric, whateva..you're pretty cool..you're definitely white as well..and you're just one of those people I have NEVER had a problem with. Pretty cool imo. ^_^
Haha, most of those pics were taken the same day. However, most of her clothes look pretty much alike because her entire wardrobe consists of almost nothing but black...I keep telling her that if she plans on spending much time in Arkansas with me, black is NOT the color of choice...but meh you know women and their ways. =PMorningstar said:Do you only have one shirt?