Leo: Tex, get inside the dropship and do your thing.
Tex: What?! Oh! You mean fly her into hell.
Leo: Yeah...
*As the DREAM MAKER's dropship flies out of the atmosphere, the suicide-dropship flies at the Nagalisk Overlord in a straight arc.*
Leo: Ryu, did you arm the nuke?
Ryu: Arm the what?
Leo: RYU!
Tex: I got down... the dropship has crane arms inside, right? Then I should be able to arm the nuke...
*A few seconds later, a message appears on the HUD of Leo's suit.*
Leo: The nuke is armed... oh, and on a happier note, the Commander says some of our scientists have finally been able to create shield generators like that of the Nagalisk's, except stronger, longer-lasting, and faster recharging.
Tex: That's really good news. Now then...
*A minute passes by, followed by a small explosion. A split-second after that, the mini-nuke detonates INSIDE of the Nagalisk Overlord.*
Kate: I guess this op wasn't a failure after all!
Leo: Mmhmm.
Commander Geans: Don't get too cocky... you still have another Op in one day. Prep yourselves, because you'll be going in alone and coming out with civvies. And there'll be more Nagalisk than you'll be able to count.