Tempest Storm
Premium Member
Like we haven't allready figured that out. 
Actually homosexuality was excepted in the middle ages. More common for men also.Originally posted by Spike~
His theories maybe go against the Bible, but they do coincide with modern science.
Freestyler, been a while. Homosexuality hasn't always been wrong. It only became wrong round 2000 years ago when the major religions started to become prevalent.
Perhaps if you would take your own advice and really think about why it's been wrong for the past 2000 years and why it has becomes more and more accepted in the past decade, then you might come to see things from my point of view.
Could you have sex with another woman and enjoy it? Could you turn gay at the drop of a hat? Don't think so. So what makes you think that they can.Originally posted by Jaden
agree maybe. a predisposition is not a definate unalterable thing
No not quite.. I have no clue if their is a god I just dont worship one.Originally posted by Minnesota
So are you athiest then?