My thoughts on homosexaulity

Tempest Storm

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Apr 5, 2003
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I don’t really like the thought of Christians ‘attacking’ anything. IMO, they’ve done enough of hat already.

According to that site, 33% of the world following the Christian religion, though it is dropping, and Islam, which is growing, now commands 20% of the world’s population. Judaism has around 5 to 10% of the world’s population. That comes out to a good 60%. Well, all I know is that if 60% of the worlds pop was Buddhist, the world would be a much more peaceful place.

You seem to think that there was no concept of morality or “right and wrong†before religion. And if so, you are very wrong.

10,000 years ago, during the Agricultural Revolution, self-discipline and morality were forced upward. They had to curb their out of control tendencies, and their animal instincts in order to survive. As they domesticated their animal and plant food stocks, they in turn, domesticated themselves. They stepped up from being nothing more than savage hunter/gathers to farmers.

3,500 BC: With the Governmental Revolutions in Mesopotamia and Egypt, the individual is forced, among other things, to be socially compatible, since the newly formed city-states forced ppl to live closer to their fellow man than ever before. This socio-economic interactivity put great importance on social ethics. This is where the concept of morality was first born, within society, not with religion.

500 BC: The Rational Revolution takes place though out much of the Old World, including Greece, Persia, Judea, China, and India, a new sophistication and consistency of thought begins, and ushers in a new Age of Reason. Though it only emerges in full in Greece, where true, full, philosophy and morality are born.

250 BC: There is a new, and sad, outcry against philosophy and reason, as ppl turn towards the enemy of reason; religion. During this time, and over the next several hundred years, Christianity and Judaism flourish, with Islam soon after that. Also during this time, religion takes hold of the concept of morality, twisting it, perverting it, and separating it from philosophy, making morality itself immoral and corrupt. But this idea of “religious morality†gives the religions the ability to enforce their inane doctrine with a sword of “righteousness†and a shield of “justiceâ€.

Morality was born in society, was made whole with philosophy, and was perverted by religion.

The only good thing, is that in recent decades, philosophy is against being merged with morality, to introduce a new Age of Reason, as religion is slowly being separated from morality, at least here in America.

As for ppl being repulsed by it, that my dear has very much to do with the way ppl were conditioned to it, hence religion plays a great part in it. I’ll explain in a minute.

During the peek of Greek civilization, in the cite-state of Sparta, homosexuality was not only common, not only accepted, but mandatory for men in the army. There were many reasons for this, but the point is, is that when morality was in it’s true form, when it was paired with philosophy, there was nothing “immoral†about homosexuality. Because philosophy teaches that there is nothing inherently evil about homosexuality.

Now back to my original point. Only recently, past few decades, when philosophy and morality once again started to mix, was homosexuality more accepted, though still demonized by the Church until the late eighties, though in decreasing amounts. More and more ppl are becoming more tolerant of homosexuality. And in fact, it is the baby boomer generation that has the most problem with homosexuality, who, might I add, were raised when America was still a Christian nation, when the Bible was still in school, when prayer was not only allowed, but sometimes mandatory, and when Christian “morals†reigned supreme. Generation X is more tolerant of it, but generation Y, they have no problem with it. Most of these polls are with Baby Boomers and some Gen Xers, not with our generation. Fact is American youth is becoming more and more liberal, and more and more accepting of religiously “immoral†ideas, such as abortion, nudity, homosexuality and many other topics. This coincides with the decrease of Christianity in America as well. America, in fact, is slowly becoming more and more moral.


May 17, 2003
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newcastle, australia
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hahaha u think AMerica is becoming MORE moral? i would like to know, for the record, your definition of moral please:D if anything i think your country is going down the toilet, more divorces, more suicide, higher drug use, more teen pregnancies.. and they are only the BIG things!! please please please define moral!!!

Tempest Storm

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Apr 5, 2003
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Hehe, good point. In certain areas, America is becoming more moral, but there are still prenty of areas that need to catch up.

And I find it funny how that was the only paice of my reply you responded too. ;)


May 17, 2003
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newcastle, australia
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we have different ideas about what morality is.. this just shows that morality cannot come from within people because everyones is different. to have a standard of right and wron gyou have to have a governing authority. all i can say is that i honestly don't think we find homosexuality repulsive because christianity has demonised it

Tempest Storm

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Apr 5, 2003
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That is because we follow 2 different types of morality. I follow philosophical and socio-morality, you follow religious morality.

And please, explain why ppl find homosexuality repulsive?

Since my last post may not have been very clear, let me reprase it and summarize it a little.

I find it to be no coensidence that as America breaks away from the stigmas of Christian morality, that the American youth, and even some of the adultpopulation, is increasingly finding that there is nothing morally wrong or inherently evil about homosexuality. With the decline of Christianity in America, and the reintroduction of philosophy with morals, homosexuality is now more accepted than it has been since the days of Ancient Greece.

So please, tell me why you think ppl find homosexuality repulsive?


May 17, 2003
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newcastle, australia
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my honest opinion? because its wrong:p It isn't what God intended and everyone is to some extent in tune with God's will for human kind.

"For although they knew God, they neither glorified Him, but their thinking became futile, and their foolish hearts were darkened. Although they claimed to be wise the became fools and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like the mortal man... Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. They exchanged the truth of God for a lie... Because of this God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones. IN the same way men abandoned their love for women and were inflamed with lust for one another. men commited indecent acts with other men and recieved in themselves the due penalty for their preversions *edit sounds like aids to me babe:p** Further more since they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God he gave them over to a depraved mind to do what ought not to be done. The have become filled with ever kind of wickedness, evil, greed, depravity. They are full of murder, envy, strife, deciet and malice. They are gossipers and slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant, and boastful. THey invent ways of doing evil, they disobey their parents, they are sensless, faithless, heartless...." Romans 1: 18 - 31

now i don't think this is talking only about homosexuals but about a society in general. and i can identify with every thing in that passage and see it every day. If u can bring yourself to look at it from an unbias view point im sure you could agree (however i doubt you could bring yourself into that view point ;))

I don't think i do look at it from a religious view point well not from your definition of religious, i love God with everything in me, and everything i believe independently.. i fcan find in the BIble... the point is that its not my love of religion that i base my view point on but rather my logic which says if God is real which i have no doubt of then the Bible is real. (corruption by man taken into account) aside from all that in my stomach, in my head and in my heart everything tells me that homosexuality is wrong. and i know this is not because i have heard that it is because in reality i have heard your arguments and had "homosexuality is acceptable" drilled into me more than anything else.... and i will always trust myself and my instincts and common sense over something that society tells me i have to accept.

... i miss MarkS!!!!:(


Premium Member
Nov 28, 2002
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thats kind of odd though it is saying that god created homosexuality for people who know of his existance but didnt worship him, which is one thing a loving god wouldnt do anyway but.... The Greeks and Romans had no clue who god was and were bi-sexual. that was just their culture...

Tempest Storm

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Apr 5, 2003
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Ok, so let me get this straight. You coan not provide any tangable proof, no solid facts, and basicly no evidence at all to support your arguements, but instead of admitting defeat like any rational person, you use your "God" and your "morals" to justify you blind ignorance and bigotry?

And then, you have the ****ing audacity to tell me that I can't look at something objectivly when you said in a previous thread, and I quote:

the point is i know i'm right, and i can't approach it from any other angle
You said that, just yesterday, in the God thread. So, this would also make you a hypocrite among other things.

As for that scripture lesson, by that logic, 2/3s of the world should be gay. I should be gay. Ooooh, look at that cute guy! I think i'll jut frolick over there a kiss him! :rolleyes:

And, btw, the theory that homosexuality is a choice is pretty much proven wrong. A great deal of research shows that ones sexuality oreintation is decided before the child even enters preschools. Some even go so far as to say that it is determined even before birth. And a vast majority of medical, mental, and sexual health experts agree with this research, as do many health and legal organizations, including, but not limited to, the American Medical Assocation, WHO, American Psychology Association, American Bar Association, American Law Institute and the American Psychiatric Association. A most of the organizations or "researchjers" that disagree with these finding have a bias towards Christianity, such as group like NARTH.

All this raises the point, why would God purposefully and intentionally create homosexuals and then turn right around and condemn then for just doing what comes natural to them.

But of course, I forgot, you shun things like science, philosophy, logic, reasoning, and common scence. :rolleyes:


May 17, 2003
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newcastle, australia
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it isn't blind ignorance or bigotry.. i have absolutely nothing more against homosexuals than i do against any person on the planet including myself.. i don't differentiate between a homosexual and anyone.. ever. so i don't see how i am bigoted.. as for ignorance. in my opinion being ignorant of the spiritual world is just as blind as being ignorant of the scientific or social one. tangibility, and solidarity are in the mind.. i see your arguments as being unstable becasue we justify them by different things.. like you have so often said just because u believe something doesn't make someone else wrong.. or does it? by the way don't ever call me a hypocrite again :p

also im sorry if that passage was unclear in other translations it says God allowed them to pursue their passions, rather than God gave them over to it.

and Tempest saying i shun common sense, reasoning, and philosophy is really quite untrue.. i hope you know this.. just becasue i base my reasoning and logic on different thigns doesn't make them less valid.. according to you anyway

Forged.. imagine a parent right? and they love their kids, they would do anything for them, die for them even, they do everything right by them, but the kids hate them they don't understand their parents outlook and won't try to, they are completely blind and ignorant, they really don't have a clue about the world but think they know everything. These children won't acknowlege their parents at all, they call them liars and idiots, and won't even try to listen to them anymore. There will be a point of time when the parents say "thats it, i love you and always will, but i can't stop you from doing these bad things, i can't lock you in a room and forbid you to do the things that are hurting you and others" they can't do this because this would not be love.. the highest form of love is allowing the person a choice. i think this is the same as God.. If that child goes out and gets addicted to heroin and screws up their life it isn't the parents fault.. its their own. and there must come a time when we as people accept responsiblity as a whole and stop trying to blame God who has made boundaries and harmful things clear


Premium Member
Nov 28, 2002
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what? In your anlogoy the romans and greek homosexuals were the bastard kids on the street without parents who never taught them what they needed...


May 17, 2003
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newcastle, australia
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NO bloody hell! am i that unclear?! oh dear.. that analogy was only to bring up the point that it isn't the parents fault if their kids do something wrong. You said that a loving god wouldn't create a punishment . and im saying he didn't create it it was merely the consequences of their actions. the parents or God is in no way to blame. lol i was just trying to use the example of parents cause it gives a more relatable one than the idea of God and us. esspecially if you don't believe in God

Tempest Storm

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Apr 5, 2003
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Perhaps, but as I said earlier, mordern science has, for the most part, determined that ones sexuality is determined before they even start school. And gays are simply born with a predisposition that makes them attracted to members of the same sex.

Now if you choose to believe a 2000 year old book that had sceince skills that were barely above those of a neanderthal, as oppsed to modern science and all of it's ability, then you would be shunning the things I mentioned above.


BattleForums Senior Member
Aug 25, 2003
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My mom's cousin (my second cousin, he is in a his 50's) is gay. I dont really like gay people.. and I think it is REALLY WRONG

But they say that gay people are born with some defect in their genes

Tempest Storm

Premium Member
Apr 5, 2003
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Originally posted by Minnesota
My mom's cousin (my second cousin, he is in a his 50's) is gay. I dont really like gay people.. and I think it is REALLY WRONG

But they say that gay people are born with some defect in their genes
I would love, I would absolutely love it if someone, anyone, could give me a decent arguement against homosexuality without bringing morals, or religion, or God into it. Perhaps I should get Bam in here, since he's a man of science and all.


May 17, 2003
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newcastle, australia
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yeh maybe that would help you. i don't know of anything in the bible which would disagree with you on the idea of sexuality being formed before pre-school age, but i don't really believe the born with the disposition thing, but i don't disagree enough to argue the point.

Tempest Storm

Premium Member
Apr 5, 2003
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BattleForums Senior Member
Aug 25, 2003
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I will if you will.

Are you gay yourself? Or do you completely support them or something? You seam to hate everyone that hates homo's...

Tempest Storm

Premium Member
Apr 5, 2003
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Originally posted by Minnesota
I will if you will.

Are you gay yourself? Or do you completely support them or something? You seam to hate everyone that hates homo's...
I support equal rights for women, does this make me a chick? I support equal rights for blacks, does this make me black? I support equal rights for gays because in my view, there is absolutly nothing wrong with it, and no one has been able to show me why it's wrong without quoting Bible scriptures.

And no I don't hate ppl who don't like gays, I hate idiots. And I'm slightly annoyed that no one can show me why it's so wrong and still hate it.

And C9, you don't like the topic, tough shit, don't ****ing read it.

Tempest Storm

Premium Member
Apr 5, 2003
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Originally posted by c9h13no3

You amuse me.

If I don't like the way you people are debating, I'll express myself. If you expect me to do otherwise, you are mistaken.

Go tell someone else what to do, I don't care about your opinion.
You spammed. You know the rules of this place. If you don't have anything valuable to contribute, then don't post. And telling us you're going to vomit really doesn't add anything to the topic, does it? So yes, I do expect you to do otherwise, I expect you to follow the ****ing rules.


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