And btw, I'm gonna call you stevie from now on because I'm too ignorant too form an intellignt arguement, mmm'kay!
I think thats about the only thing you've said so far that I am in full agreement with.

This isn't Asylum. We don't tolerate immature stereotyping like that, k. If you wanna call me an idiot, have at it. But if you're gonna flame someone in here, then it has to have a little class to it.
They could have obeyed? You're not grasping this to well are you? We're talking about babies. Babies that were still breast feeding. Babies that can't make a consious effort to do shit much less obey the creed of some God which they know nothing of, or his laws. And correct me if I'm wrong, but you sound as if you don't care that, to your God, a few minor squabbles with your parents was worthy of a good stoning. Have you ever disobeyed your parents? Of course you have, everyone has. And if you say otherwise, you're Jesus himself or a bold-faced liar.
And He wasn't upholding his laws, which were barbaric to say the least, to gain respect, he was upholding them to gain obedience through stark terror. God, the first Terrorist. If he wanted respect, he would have learned the art of forgiveness and mercy, things which, in the OT, He knew very little of.
I did not glamorize Hitler over God, I made a valid comparison. You're just pissed that know you're worshipping a God that isn't much better than Hitler. And btw, I don't care about showing respect to my own. My only goal here is to show you what you are
really worshipping.
What part of this do you not ****ing understand. I do not hate Christians as a whole. I hate certain individuals, but not the whole group. And actually, I am quite respectful of their beliefs until they start throwing them into a debate as evidence. I didn't want to argue about God. But ppl like you always turn to God to reenforce your ignorance when you attacked by the truth. So if you think you're gonna get away by hiding behind God, then you're dead wrong.
2 pages and you have
yet to provide one, single, credible, balanced sourse to back up your arguements you made at the begining of this thread. So call me a liar, call me a fool, but when you reply to this, give me a list of the points I've made that you wanted backed up by sources and I'll get on my friends computer and do it. But in turn, you have to provide sources for your arguements.
Babies aren't innocent? Children aren't innocent? If thats true, then why not just lower the age of consent. Since they're not innocent, who gives a shit, right? Those laws are there because of the simple fact that children are innocent. And not only that, but there is something incredibaly sick and sadistic the way your God can just damn one of his children to an eternity of pain and torture just for 60 or 70 years of minor sins. And many of the ppl God did kill in te OT, didn't ****ing deserve it. "Forgive them, for they know not what they are doing." Thats what Jesus said to God as he was dying on the cross. Seems your God has yet to learn forgiveness.
You don't get the chair for jaywalking. And you don't get a jury of your peers in Heaven either. God is your judge, jury and executioner. Man's laws are much, much more humane than Gods version of justice. Come to think of it, His version is much more like that of the Taliban's and other extremist groups. And yes, our laws are based on by case basis. No one goes to prison without a trial where they can prove their innocence, even when guilty.
Likewise I think I've proven that God killed plenty of innocent ppl. I think it's you that need to deal with the truth, but of course, you're too blind to see it.
I don't like your stand on homosexuals. But, I respect your right to that opinion. But what I don't respect is that you opinion is based solely of hate, paranoia and conspiracies. What I don't respect is that you are spreading around bullshit propaganda and that you have yet to provide a shred valid evidence in support of it, even though almost everyone who has posted here has asked for proof. If I really am I one who is lying, then it should be childs play for you to find evidence backing your arguement. Hell, if you actually did any reserch on it, you should allready have a few sites ready, unless, of course, you learned all these lies from you pastor and parents.
Btw, what does my "getting wet" have anything to do with this. You refuse to back up your arguement, and honestly, I'ld make better head way banging my head into a brink wall than debating with you. And uh, from the way you're reacting at my attacks on your God, then it would seem that I'm not the only one getting wet.