Here is my idea its for scaming so if you do not want that remove my post and do not flame me
. Its simple to achive and if i am a bit better with packets and trigger and if the bind module would work in the tradescreen (YAY ANOTHER IDEA MAKE THIS WORK
) i would do it myself and besides tradehack it is only a bit usefull. There it goes:
The module should quickly change the item you put up from the trade-screen and switch it with a fake item (same gfx but crap) the good thing is if you do this with packets you can stwich it realy fast and your tradepartner wont regognize (cause he think you only move the item). And this would be nice for trades with many little things like 290s | 3/20/20 | 40/15s cause if you move them and put some fakes into no one will regognize it ... (k tradhack and other methodes are better but it would be usefull for some people)
I came up with that idea because 1 time someon tried that trick with me (i did not fall) and he was damn fast he probably had such a tool. If there is somthing like that out please let me know.