Military Debate (Otmo this is a must for you)


King Endymion
Oct 2, 2002
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North Carolina, USA
US Revolutionary War and War of 1812

Technically, he has a point. It wasn't a "whooping", really, but it's likely what he was refering to. Though, we whooped France's butt more in the War of 1812 as we just didn't like them for what they did during it. I still don't see why they were fighting on US territory for another Brittish/French dispute...


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Originally posted by ORC-r0x0r-ROC
The only thing here that was correct was the fact that Britain is a island. Ever heard of the euro fighter? It is faster, more manuverable and 3 times cheaper than the f-22 that isn't even properly out yet, yes our planes suck?

The euro fighter can't supercruise, isn't stealth, doesn't have hit and run capabilities, doesn't have as advanced avionics, and although it might be 3 tiems cheaper, you forget how much richer we are compared to your poor country. The US accounts for 1% of the worlds population, but contains 60% of it's wealth.

Do you know where the word "tank" came from? Who invented the catapilar tracks in the crimean war?

The tank was invented by the French moron. Inventing tracks is much to talk about, its not like any other country wouldn't have figured it out sooner or later...

Ok, then which military vehicle is better than the plane? Go back to chit-chat.

Depends on how you define better. Are we talking one on one, or most useful? Because a battleship can chew up and spit planes out. Have you heard about the AA gat defense on those?

As for most useful, lets look at the last MAJOR war. Vietnam. The United States had 100% air domination, and still couldn't win. As for the War on Terror, yes, stealth bombers were big, but only at taking certain targets. The same could easily be accomplished by a cruise missle fired from a nearby ship. If I'm not mistaken, tanks were just as key.

Go back to kindergarten.

Even if? It's a fact. We have stuff just as good, the yanks have horrible acronyms.
The only stuff that Britain has the is just as good is the stuff that we give to you. And no one cares what you think about acronyms....hell, you have to be pretty lame to tell someone they think of bad acronyms...

And, not only did we pwn your ass in the Revolutionary War (you realized the so called "greatest" army in the war (britain) lost to a bunch of American farmers and countrymen, right?) and the war of 1812, but we saved your stuck-up ass in WWII, yet you still seem to have a huge disrepect for us. Britain have nothing on the United States.


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Dec 23, 2003
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The euro fighter can't supercruise, isn't stealth, doesn't have hit and run capabilities, doesn't have as advanced avionics, and although it might be 3 tiems cheaper, you forget how much richer we are compared to your poor country.
You dolt. Britain is one of the richest. The EuroFighter can supercruise and it has been out longer, the f-22 isn't stealth either, it has stealth capabilities like the eurofighter. My god, you are very wrong :(. You forgot how more wastefull you are compared to our efficient country.
Depends on how you define better. Are we talking one on one, or most useful? Because a battleship can chew up and spit planes out. Have you heard about the AA gat defense on those?
A plane would just bomb the **** out of a battleship. Battleships are slow, unmanuverable and are limitted to water.
As for most useful, lets look at the last MAJOR war. Vietnam. The United States had 100% air domination, and still couldn't win.
Thats the U.S in a guerillia war. If you have air domination you usually win thats why the spifires were crucial to Britains defence.
Go back to kindergarten.
Thanks for the complement, if I was in kindergarten then I would be the brightest kindegardener in the world.
The only stuff that Britain has the is just as good is the stuff that we give to you.
Bullshit, sorry.
And, not only did we pwn your ass in the Revolutionary War (you realized the so called "greatest" army in the war (britain) lost to a bunch of American farmers and countrymen, right?) and the war of 1812, but we saved your stuck-up ass in WWII, yet you still seem to have a huge disrepect for us. Britain have nothing on the United States.
Get your head of of your Stars and Stripes mag. Do you really think you stood a chance against Britain if you tried to come here with ships. This is what happened... The people in America wanted thier own government and wanted to run thier own country... so they basically rebel, Britain doesn't send much (because the knew it was a bitch of a journey), the ships get lost, shipwrecked and all sorts (So you fought only a fraction of what we sent. Some starved, melancholy, tired, scurvy ridden sailors and soilders against masses of farmers with sticks and forkes. We couldn't reinforce our people that easily and our supply lines were streched, we decide it wasn't worth it to contiue it because we had a lot of what we wanted from America anyway so we let you have your independance and government (Which is pretty much a clone of ours) man you must be proud of that. Your army was so much inferior if you even attempted to take Britain you would've paid so much
but we saved your stuck-up ass in WWII,
The Russians started attacking Germany and Canada was in the war anyway, so... you just sat there for years watching and decide to come in when it's convienient, good job.


Dec 29, 2003
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Attention Ignorant Orc:

"Do you really think you stood a chance against Britain if you tried to come here with ships"-OrcyPoo

Um, we had no point to don't even bring that up. It was a Revolution and that doesn't mean we invade a country over 3,000 miles away. It means we beat the crap outta your tea and krumpet ass until you had enough and ran away.

The American Revolution as Guru pointed out was fought mainly by farmers and everyday people. Britain was THE power of the world in that time period and after we (with French financing) beat the crap out of you until you couldn't possibly sustain to keep fighting as your ARROGANT country started to pick fights with the French. You realize that even if you had common sense and didn't start a fight with the French you were still going to lose? You couldn't finance the war any longer and had lost to many men. You didn't just "realize that you didn't want to do it anymore", its b/c you COULDN'T do it anymore. It wasn't like it was a regular day occurance of "gee lets stop the war for 30 years and catch them Yanks by surprise". You got your ass kicked by FARMERS! Your ****ing soldier regulars were out there and getting kicked. That was the turning point in your country's history. Name one thing your country has done by ITSELF to regain its former glory?

"A plane would just bomb the **** out of a battleship. Battleships are slow, unmanuverable and are limitted to water"-OrcyPoo

You ever hear of an air craft carrier, they usually are accompanied or accompany battleships. Meaning your little bombers that you bought from us would be torn down and out of the air?

"we had a lot of what we wanted from America anyway so we let you have your independance and government (Which is pretty much a clone of ours) man you must be proud of that. Your army was so much inferior if you even attempted to take Britain you would've paid so much"-OrcyPoo

You had a lot of what you wanted? Gee you missed out on a lot didn't you? I mean all the Gold/Silver out in the West. The cotton and cash crops of the south. And everything else that America has turned into? Shows how great the Bristish are with business. And then you decided to let us have our independence? You were coming to US looking for a peace treaty. A clone copy I think not. The King was still on the throne. Parliment really wasn't much of anything. The USA was the FIRST Democratic Republic (go back to Kindergarten, you surely wouldn't be the brightest). And our army was inferior, on paper, but we whooped you back and out of our country with FARMERS. Again FARMERS. Not regular soldiers. FARMERS, FISHERMEN, TRAPPERS. And btw, we had no thoughts of invading Britain, why would we? We just wanted you out, not your country. It was garbage anyway, that is why Britain had to obtain colonies, to supply natural resources b/c you wasted all of yours.

"The Russians started attacking Germany and Canada was in the war anyway, so... you just sat there for years watching and decide to come in when it's convienient, good job."-OrcyPoo

Russians barely got Germany out of their country by the time we entered. The only way Russia was able to do that was b/c the Germans put all their forces in France b/c of OUR invasion. That is why Russia was able to.

Cananda, wait I have to do something. . .HAHAHAHAHA!!! Canada did SHIT in WWII, and continue to do shit! Quebec can't stand the country and the capitol is up there! Gay ass Canadians don't bring them up again unless you are talking about Hockey, Pro Wrestling, Mounties and comedians.

You are now officially pwnt .


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Dec 23, 2003
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Um, we had no point to don't even bring that up. It was a Revolution and that doesn't mean we invade a country over 3,000 miles away. It means we beat the crap outta your tea and krumpet ass until you had enough and ran away.
You dare call me arrogant? 3,000 miles away, you didn't beat us, if you were all in scotland or very close we would've of beaten you easily. Tea crumpet ass? Have you ever been to Britain? You have based everything in your post on very fews facts and blantant arrogant opinion.
The American Revolution as Guru pointed out was fought mainly by farmers and everyday people. Britain was THE power of the world in that time period and after we (with French financing) beat the crap out of you until you couldn't possibly sustain to keep fighting as your ARROGANT country started to pick fights with the French. You realize that even if you had common sense and didn't start a fight with the French you were still going to lose? You couldn't finance the war any longer and had lost to many men. You didn't just "realize that you didn't want to do it anymore", its b/c you COULDN'T do it anymore. It wasn't like it was a regular day occurance of "gee lets stop the war for 30 years and catch them Yanks by surprise". You got your ass kicked by FARMERS! Masses of farmers against scurvy ridden, superior trained, tired, sea wreacked, starving men) Your ****ing soldier regulars were out there and getting kicked. That was the turning point in your country's history. Name one thing your country has done by ITSELF to regain its former glory?
I have never seen a more idiotic post in my life, this is, where ever you came from material. Everything that the yanks base thier technology on is from somewhere else. Your farmers sucked and we did have one of the strongest armys in the world and you had.... nothing
You ever hear of an air craft carrier, they usually are accompanied or accompany battleships. Meaning your little bombers that you bought from us would be torn down and out of the air?
Do you know what happened at pearl habour? Or many other battles, the planes beat the battleships and the aircraft carriers main power is the aircraft.
The King was still on the throne. Parliment really wasn't much of anything. The USA was the FIRST Democratic Republic (go back to Kindergarten, you surely wouldn't be the brightest).
90% of governments are based on Britains, yours is very similar, just you name things differently although it is more similar to the government of the Greeks.
Cananda, wait I have to do something. . .HAHAHAHAHA!!! Canada did SHIT in WWII, and continue to do shit! Quebec can't stand the country and the capitol is up there! Gay ass Canadians don't bring them up again unless you are talking about Hockey, Pro Wrestling, Mounties and comedians.
Well, your argument, just plain sucks it is all based on stereotypes and your hatred of both Britain and Canada and the Canadians did plenty in WW2, they participated in D-DAY you know. Ever heard of the avro arrow(Canadian)? That "pwned" anything then it was a massive breakthrough in aviation technology.


Nov 23, 2003
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Russia, Moscow
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Originally posted by Plumpamania
And its still better, your point?

Russia doesn't train troops. They just draft about 1.5 million men. Give them used uniforms and tell them to get out there and do their country proud. If they don't and try to come back they shoot themselves.

Britain is the only country near the quality training of our troops.
Your ignorance truly amazes me, yes we do train troops and guess what we train them just as good as you train yours. Now you said something about UN's work. Well dont forget that just because you got pissed by Islams then they destoyed your twin towers doesnt mean that the whole world is to be mad at them. UN is not your vasal it doesnt have to act in your favor.


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Dec 5, 2002
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Originally posted by ORC-r0x0r-ROC
You dolt. Britain is one of the richest. The EuroFighter can supercruise and it has been out longer, the f-22 isn't stealth either, it has stealth capabilities like the eurofighter. My god, you are very wrong :(. You forgot how more wastefull you are compared to our efficient country.

Sorry bud, but Britain has no where near as much money and manufacturing power as the United States.

The F-22 is far stealthier than the EF to the point it can be considered stealth. So, once again, you are wrong.

A plane would just bomb the **** out of a battleship. Battleships are slow, unmanuverable and are limitted to water.
You obviously know very little about battleships. The AA defense on one is incredibly. Amonst all the FLAK guns, the newest are their computerized gat cannons. They are aimed by a computer which can calculate the speed and direction so that its shots are extremely accurate, and with insane RPM, they chew the planes up quicker than you can say "Britain sucks".

Thats the U.S in a guerillia war. If you have air domination you usually win thats why the spifires were crucial to Britains defence.
Usually, but not always. Air domination is big, but my point is that it is not always the key factor.

Thanks for the complement, if I was in kindergarten then I would be the brightest kindegardener in the world.
If you consider that a complement, you are either in pre-school or take the same history class as the kids who have down-syndrome.

Get your head of of your Stars and Stripes mag. Do you really think you stood a chance against Britain if you tried to come here with ships. This is what happened... The people in America wanted thier own government and wanted to run thier own country... so they basically rebel, Britain doesn't send much (because the knew it was a bitch of a journey), the ships get lost, shipwrecked and all sorts (So you fought only a fraction of what we sent. Some starved, melancholy, tired, scurvy ridden sailors and soilders against masses of farmers with sticks and forkes. We couldn't reinforce our people that easily and our supply lines were streched, we decide it wasn't worth it to contiue it because we had a lot of what we wanted from America anyway so we let you have your independance and government (Which is pretty much a clone of ours) man you must be proud of that. Your army was so much inferior if you even attempted to take Britain you would've paid so much
You obviously know nothing of the Rev. War, and like most things I don't expect you too. Let me sum it up. Basically, Britain had left the colonies alone for centuries. The colonies where very independent, and liked it that way. But, after the long war with France, Britain found themselves in a huge war debt, and began taxing the colonies like crazy. The colonys eventually got tired of these stupid acts and decided to rebel. You had the general idea of it right up until here. The journey across the Alantic wasn't a bitch. They had good enough ships that they could easily transport them in. Thus, great Britain sent hundreds of thousands of better trained, better equipted troops to fight in the war. So, we are out-manned, out-trained, and out-gunned, yet we still manage to win. Britain was winning at the beginning of the war, but after a year or two, the tides turned. America started winning major battles, and then late in the war the French came in and helped out (we had already won at that point). And it's not that you "decided it wasn't worth it", because with the money the colonies brought in it was well worth it, but instead it was because it was impossible to win at that point. You had no chance at winning, and realized it was a lost caused.

And, you didnt mention the second time we kicked your ass in 1812? Any more stupid excuses for that one?

The Russians started attacking Germany and Canada was in the war anyway, so... you just sat there for years watching and decide to come in when it's convienient, good job.
Yea, Canada would have saved you...and when America entered the war, Russia was still getting beat.

Britain survived because America and the American lend-lease at. Whether you'd like to admint it or not, without the United States, you would be in control of the Germans.

UN is not your vasal it doesnt have to act in your favor.
They don't have to act as the US wants to, but most of the time they do considering the fact that the US is it's largest funder


King Endymion
Oct 2, 2002
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North Carolina, USA
Wow... This became real childish real fast...

Plumpmania, the Athens was the first democratic nation. We were just the first to sustain one for any decent ammount of time. Athens was taken by Greece, which was not democratic and hardly representitive, after only a few decades of stable democracy. We were the first Constitution based country. The British Magna Carta was not as forthright, ORC. We had the Bill of Rights which truely protected citizens' rights, even if politicians have torn apart rights from time to time. *cough*French Inquisition*cough*

We also were involved in the petty dispute between the British and French in the War of 1812. You two were fighting on US held territory for one reason or another, and we kicked both of you out of our country. Allbeit, the Brits didn't make as many big mistakes as the French did and thus saved themselves a hassle.

Russia was losing when the US got involved. Brittian was starting to recover thanks to the US. Canada had an impressive fighting force thanks to a lot of US mercenary and contract fighters. French Revolutionists were supported by US funds. We had a lot of stake in the war before we entered. We stayed out because of idiotic pacifist who hadn't learned lessons from WWI. Pearl Harbor wasn't a true battle. Most of Hawaii's assets were destroyed before they could be launched. Fortunately, most of our real Naval assets were already out to sea.

The US isn't just a cornucopia of copied and improved ideas. Our airplane was, admittidly, based on Leonardo de Vinci's original theories. However, was anyone else intelligent to try that out? Nope, it took American inginiutity and two bicycle engineers to figure out that everyone else was wrong. We reinvented the car, or invented, but that doesn't matter. We revolutionized industry. We invented the computer, and have revolutionized it several times over. I shouldn't need to go on.

Can we stop this rather petty arguement and get back to the topic at hand or contact TempestStorm and lock this? I'd rather see information on devices that maybe I haven't heard about.


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Dec 23, 2003
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Sorry bud, but Britain has no where near as much money and manufacturing power as the United States.
I never said they did, I was simply stating that we're not poor, so you were wrong, how the hell could you twist that up?
The F-22 is far stealthier than the EF to the point it can be considered stealth. So, once again, you are wrong.
By definition it is not stealth, it merely has stealth capabilities, and how could I be wrong again? You were wrong about super cruise and everything.
You obviously know very little about battleships. The AA defense on one is incredibly. Amonst all the FLAK guns, the newest are their computerized gat cannons. They are aimed by a computer which can calculate the speed and direction so that its shots are extremely accurate, and with insane RPM, they chew the planes up quicker than you can say "Britain sucks".
All a plane has to do is get out of range and drop a bomb from a height.
Usually, but not always. Air domination is big, but my point is that it is not always the key factor.
Not always...
If you consider that a complement, you are either in pre-school or take the same history class as the kids who have down-syndrome.
What I said was right, it is very childish to insult me and use a disability as an insult? How old are you? I'm 13.
And, you didnt mention the second time we kicked your ass in 1812? Any more stupid excuses for that one?
Has America ever taken Britain? Nope.Wasn't we fighting Napolean at the same time... Urm we repelled your invasion.. "Canadians believe the War of 1812 was an American defeat. From their point of view, the American invasions of 1813 and 1814 were repulsed. However, from the American point of view, the war was a successful defense of American rights"
Britain survived because America and the American lend-lease at. Whether you'd like to admint it or not, without the United States, you would be in control of the Germans.
If we went down, so would you.
Our airplane was, admittidly, based on Leonardo de Vinci's original theories.
Nope, it wasn't based on trying to copy birds movement and Leonardo had nothing to do with engines, there was plenty of British advancements that helped as well, there was a Briton that claimed he flew before them but he didn't have sufficient
Pearl Harbor wasn't a true battle.
I know it wasn't, the Americans were sleeping...... They got the majority of your ships I'm sure, there were some ships out of the harbour for some reason.
However, was anyone else intelligent to try that out?
Yes, lots of people, and they died.
We invented the computer,
Britain invented the first computer, but not like we know them.
Nope, it took American inginiutity and two bicycle engineers to figure out that everyone else was wrong.
Lots of people were doing the same thing....
hundreds of thousands
Only 75 thousand were sent. “1200 Hessians were killed in action and 6,354 died from illness or accident.†These may have been mercs but most of them died from illness or accident. Ships, bitch of a journey across the atlantic.
So, we are out-manned, out-trained, and out-gunned, yet we still manage to win.
With Spanish and French help. Out manned?
and then late in the war the French came in and helped out
Typical, most American writers try to limit the amount of French intervention included in their stars and stripes version.


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Originally posted by ORC-r0x0r-ROC
I never said they did, I was simply stating that we're not poor, so you were wrong, how the hell could you twist that up?

Relative to the US, you are poor.

By definition it is not stealth, it merely has stealth capabilities,
By definition, it is stealth. To be stealthy means to be hard to see, no invisible. The F22 is hard to see, therefore is stealth.

Not always...
That's my point idiot

it is very childish to insult me and use a disability as an insult? How old are you? I'm 13.
Not only are you a child, but you are a hypocrit. You made the first personal attack, so please shut up.

the fact you are 13 and barely able to legally explains a lot of you ignorance.

Has America ever taken Britain? Nope.
Technically, yes we have. Before the Revolutionary war the colonies were considered English which we took control of. Thus we captured British territory.

Nonetheless, we have still beaten Britain in two wars and saved them in one. Britain has neither beaten nor saved the US in any wars.

If we went down, so would you.
The US and Germany had very little political ties, and you have no idea what the Hitler planned to do, so you can't make that assumption. That, and Hitler neither had the supplies nor the forces to take over the US.

Only 75 thousand were sent. “1200 Hessians were killed in action and 6,354 died from illness or accident.†These may have been mercs but most of them died from illness or accident. Ships, bitch of a journey across the atlantic. With Spanish and French help. Out manned? Typical, most American writers try to limit the amount of French intervention included in their stars and stripes version.
75 were sent initially. More came later. Plus the number of loyalist out numbered the amount of Patriots. That means the majority of the Americans fighting in the Revolution were on Britains side. So, yea, out-manned.

And I said the French helped, but only because of American success, and that was late in the war.


Dec 29, 2003
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Bam I never said we were the FIRST democracy, re-read what I said as I had said the first Democratic Republic! So don't bring up elementary Athens bull$hit.

Otto just shut up, I said that the UN should have done something about Saddam years ago. YEARS ago. And like you or France would care, as your countries were supplying nuclear arms and the materials to make nuclear arms. WTG Ass.

Orc- Just drop it. Britain cannot take the US and never could. Don't bring up what Canadians think eh? They are pretty stupid and don't have much of anything in their country, except an attempt of a carbon copy US Government.

Britain is lower 1st tier nation nowadays and you need to get used to it. Russia is tetering on becoming a 2nd world nation b/c of their economy and couldn't sustain a war b/c of their lack of capital.

Your planes suck, your tanks suck, and you suck. Get over it.


BattleForums Senior Member
Nov 21, 2002
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actually i think russia is considered a third world country...

germany france and russia were supplying iraq with weapons, i highly doubt nuclear capabilities. hell a few years ago WE were supplying iraq with weapons.

britain couldnt take the us in a war i agree... but canadians arent stupid, they just seem more liberal and peaceful than americans.


Nov 23, 2003
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Originally posted by Guru

Sorry bud, but Britain has no where near as much money and manufacturing power as the United States.

The F-22 is far stealthier than the EF to the point it can be considered stealth. So, once again, you are wrong.

Hey, Guru how do you know that it is stealthier? Did you read that somethere? Because it looks like its just your own opinion. If it has low radar signature then it is stealth, to compare which one is "stealthier" means to look at both signatures and see which one is smaller, i doubt you ever did that. So before saying your retarded finishing line "once again you wrong" check your facts, because i dont think any here cares about your ignorant opinions and display of immaturity.

And plum you said Russian plains and tanks suck, yet the facts state differently, although the superiority of our plains can be debated it is not the same for our tanks, technologically they are far more advanced then yours. Check your facts you ignorant asshole, and realize that US wouldnt hold a punch by any other superpower, attacking a superpower means a long war and your people are to pussy to support it. Now about Russia and money, dont worry, our people dont need money to do their work if the fate of their country depends on it. It will be like during WW2 they will work for products. You just dont think like Russians so you will never be able to destroy us. We fight until the last man, and unlike you people we mean it, until there is a Russian breathing on this earth he will defend his motherlandAnd our bombs are as good as yours, and we have nukes enough to wipe you out if it will have to come to it. So get over yourself, you are only powerful against pussy ass countries like Iraq. It amuses me, i watch CNN on satelite, they say crap like all your soldiers are heroes, shit, thats just funny. You going against Iraq is like gun against sticks. So get the truth or atleast check your facts.


Like my cute wabbit?
Dec 23, 2003
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I hope there isn't any further replies to this country vs country crap.
That's my point idiot
You said not always which implied the majority of the time.
Not only are you a child, but you are a hypocrit. You made the first personal attack, so please shut up.
You started insulting me in previous threads just because we are talking in this one now doesn't make the slate clean. You were comparing me to disability that was childish and now you are saying "you did it first".
Technically, yes we have. Before the Revolutionary war the colonies were considered English which we took control of. Thus we captured British territory.
You captured your own territory. I'm talking about the masses of land which make up Britain.
Nonetheless, we have still beaten Britain in two wars and saved them in one. Britain has neither beaten nor saved the US in any wars.
Arrogance. Omg learn some history. You wouldn't of been able to capture England, Scotland, Wales or Ireland in your war of independence, with all the handicaps I don't really expect any country being able to take such a large mass and masses of people back then being as far away of course. The other war was really between the Canadians and the yanks, Britain was fighting a bigger threat back then called napoleon and you didn't "win". Canada held out and you suffered humiliating defeats, we beat yours and napoleons ass. You joined in WW2 because you were sleeping on the job in Hawaii. You decided you wanted some of the cake and japan pissed you off anyway.
75 were sent initially. More came later. Plus the number of loyalist out numbered the amount of Patriots. That means the majority of the Americans fighting in the Revolution were on Britains side. So, yea, out-manned.
Then please tell me how you won. We had superior training even though the shape the men were in after coming off them ships it didn't really matter and if we had superior numbers we should've won.
Bam I never said we were the FIRST democracy, re-read what I said as I had said the first Democratic Republic! So don't bring up elementary Athens bull$hit.
There was also republics...
Otto just shut up, I said that the UN should have done something about Saddam years ago. YEARS ago. And like you or France would care, as your countries were supplying nuclear arms and the materials to make nuclear arms. WTG Ass.
America supplied him with most the crap, it's odd what a country will do for a profit. Bush was going to attack Iraq without Saddam or with.
Britain cannot take the US and never could. Don't bring up what Canadians think eh? They are pretty stupid and don't have much of anything in their country, except an attempt of a carbon copy US Government.
Rofl, your government is more of a copy than Canada’s. Canada most likely has superior education and they have better health service.
Your planes suck, your tanks suck, and you suck. Get over it.
You said that before, I argued against it and you repeat it. Your a dolt.
Britain is lower 1st tier nation nowadays and you need to get used to it. Russia is tetering on becoming a 2nd world nation b/c of their economy and couldn't sustain a war b/c of their lack of capital.
We have a better education, better training and a free health service...
Britain couldn’t take the us in a war I agree... but Canadians aren’t stupid, they just seem more liberal and peaceful than Americans.
Did you see all them 1sts in that Canadian plane, the Canadians are not stupid AT ALL.

This is all I'm going to say about this any replies will be ignored.
Please could someone change the subject from these pathetic country vs country debates…


Nov 23, 2003
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Originally posted by Plumpamania
And its still better, your point?

Russia doesn't train troops. They just draft about 1.5 million men. Give them used uniforms and tell them to get out there and do their country proud. If they don't and try to come back they shoot themselves.

Britain is the only country near the quality training of our troops.
You see thats why you are stupid you say untrue bullshit, we have training, dont trust in movies about world war 2, we dont shoot our people anymore, and again we have training one of the best, besides we are at a constant war and the best training is always by combat.


Eat your vegetables!
Nov 16, 2002
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Originally posted by Otmorosok
You see thats why you are stupid you say untrue bullshit, we have training, dont trust in movies about world war 2, we dont shoot our people anymore, and again we have training one of the best, besides we are at a constant war and the best training is always by combat.

Really? And how many soldiers had to die before you reached that glorious conclusion?

-I still hate vodka.


Nov 23, 2003
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Russia, Moscow
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That doesnt matter, we do have training outside of combat, and war is war, and dying is something that is inevitable, means dont matter as long as job is done.


Eat your vegetables!
Nov 16, 2002
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Los Angeles, CA
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So have you served your draft yet? Or are you not 17?


Dec 29, 2003
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The Shire
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Russia Sucks

Russia is nothing more than Spam bate.

Otto is just a blinded commie with no insurance that he himself can live outside of arguing that his country is better.

Who cares anymore.

I'll just keep proving that Russia blows.

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