money maps are the most played maps in bw melee and i use lukers always in all of my stratgies first i attack there front base and come from the back with all of my gaurdians (works every time)
Originally posted by AKA-47
I find money maps boring. No micro, no terrain, no echonomic management and less use of counters...
This is wrong. The fact that more players build detectors early does not mean that those units are useless, it just means u need more micro. Wraiths were never meant to face an army on their own, they are used for strategical strikes on enemy expansions or units. Because of the valkyries u cant only build wraiths and win, u have to mix units and micro more, which is a good thing.Originally posted by manofhonor
why i hesitateto use my bw and to switch from vanilla, is the diferent aspect...because of the dt and the lurkers, every playes has detectors,thats 100%sure,so forget cloaked wraiths,forget the protoss observers tryong to decide if im switching or not to bw, can someone convince me?
Originally posted by AKA-47
This is wrong. The fact that more players build detectors early does not mean that those units are useless, it just means u need more micro. Wraiths were never meant to face an army on their own, they are used for strategical strikes on enemy expansions or units. Because of the valkyries u cant only build wraiths and win, u have to mix units and micro more, which is a good thing.
And no observers? How can u win a game without observers? I allways have 10++ observers patrolling the map and in the enemy's base (they cant build turrets EVERYWERE ;P) to see what they are making and counter it.
U rarely see DT rushes anymore, because a good terran will scout it and make detectors. A hidden DT rush however, can be quite frightening. This adds new strategical elements and makes scouting more important. There are many more techs in BW, so scouting is everything.
Overall, BW is a much better game than SC original.
Corsair owns Mutalisks because of the splash.Originally posted by manofhonor
How do you use corsairs vs mutas? i tought corsairs were only good for the web and did like 10 damage to units...i guess im wrong.