Love for ones country


BattleForums Senior Member
Nov 21, 2002
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hmm.. weve killed around 10,000 iraqi civilians and a handful of POWs have been tortured. Saddam killed more of his people than we did. its no justification for war.. well, maybe it is... but im more for them rebelling.. if they cant rebel themselves then imaybe its best to help them..but the war4 was not needed. i only supported it because i know iraq is going to be better when were done with it.

saddam did ALOT worse than us to his own people... otmo, the numbers are actually in americas favor.

and otmo, your right that life was better than it is now.. only because right now iraq is a warzone. when the fighting really stops then we can rebuild and they will live a better life than under saddam.


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Aug 7, 2004
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i would fight for korea if they needed me cuz i gut AZN PRYDE baby!!!!!!!! as i said i gut AZN PRYDE and i will fight 4 azia if neccasary but i am not looking 4 a war. i dont even want a war i just hink that the world is overpopulated and lots of ppl should die to save the food and the world. i dont really need to describe my love 4 azia i hope/ if i do just read my sig/avatar


BattleForums Senior Member
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overpopulation will fix itself. people will starve, fight over limited resources ect. you dont have to conrol population if your looking otu for the species... but if you want specific people to survive and get the food and resources then you want a war to control the population of the rest of the people...

overpopulation is never something to worry about unless your looking at it from a humanitarian point of view.


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the rest of the argument should make more sense now...
Yah =).
I will just completely ignore your post becuase you are so closed-minded as to not listen. Great. If you dont want to listen to reason and continue to buy into the Bush Hate and media lies, I cant stop you. To each his own.
So what if a lot of people hate him, I don't blame them, but just because I hate him too doesn't mean I am simply buying in to the 'bush hate' and media 'lies'. Nice debator arn't you? If you can't argue against something, you label it as media lies and say you ignore it, if I only thought of that myself..... Hey look on the good side, you're thinking like Bush!
pretty much what im saying is instead of invading iraq, if were going to invade something it might as well be a country we dont trust with the power to hurt us. iraq cant hurt us.
Doesn't look like I am making any sense to you. Or I am and you simply don't think what I am saying has any relevance. Korea, is not going to attack a country with thousands of nukes just because it has started to get a few, they aren't just thick gooks you know, they are not stupid enough to commit suicide like that, if you attack them... they might be tempted to a use a couple. Your country can still be hurt with or without nukes. Why don't you come up with a country that has more of a reason to attack you. Just because they have been on you news channels a lot as a threat or whatever they say. Anyway if the reason you went is to help people then why didn't you go for the most troubled countries, go to Africa, help them, it is obvious that you didn't go to Iraq just to help them. (Sorry Ammartin I confused your post with lights, it is earlier in the morning for me right now. I just removed a sentance that said "you call me buying into the media lies" when that Jackass said it, I also thought you said that whole thing about America is the only helping the world bullshit I am sorry.)
And I think it is funny how everyone remarks that there are other places in the world that have dictators and how America didnt "invade" them. Perhaps if the rest of the world WASNT SO ****ING LAZY AND DIDNT GIVE A SHIT IF THE WORLD AROUND THEM DESTROYED ITSELF we could actually do something. America is trying to help people out. Can you say as much about your country? We cant do everything.
You don't even know what country I belong to which is quite amusing. Go sit on your fat ass and go watch to the superbowl. Why did you put "invade" like that? Are you trying to dispute that you invaded them, YOU ****ING DESTROYED THIER MILITARY AND TOOK THE COUNTRY AGAINST THEIR WISHES HOW MUCH MORE DO YOU WANT FOR IT TO BE "INVADED"!
Who gave your country the right to invade a country that doesn't want you there? You see the mass people on the streets with anti Bush signs and slogans but no one seems to get it. Help the countries that ask for help. If you really think what you just said was right then you have no respect for any other country. You do know that you don't have to annihilate the countries defences and thousands of it's people to help it right? Because if you didn't realise that then you are seriously screwed, at least you didn't think before writing that(Oh wait this is lights speaking, you have been brainwashed into thinking that the only way people help other countrys is by invading them oh, I love this line. YOU CALL ME BUYING INTO THE MEDIA LIES!)Oh, and you also forgot how many other countries helped you, so you are wrong that no one else helps the world even by your retarded definition.You don't seem to be getting much right at all. What happened to giving countries money and food so they can get on their feet by themselves, no country just sits idly by, just because they don't think war helps much. So much progress has been made without war, and the world wouldn't of collasped if you kept your ****ing guns in your pants and waited. You show no respect if you believe the only way of getting a country on it's feet is to invade it and steal their resources and use the UN's money (Japan and Norway are footing the bill) to rebuild it. Then putting American people in charge for years and not letting them really govern themselves sure you hear about this parliment thingi going up but America will still have main control for a while to come.
If you are saying this in reference to America, our economy is up.
So you are right, there is no budget defliet or national debt, you are paying for Iraq's rebuilding with all your own money. The tax cutting scheme was effective. The dollar hasn't been weakening. More and more people or not becoming unemployed. I wonder if Bush was thinking about this on his many vacations, when he is supposed to be running the country he spends all his time posing. But all these thing were the last time I checked, and it sure wasn't on a "up" then but then again CB never said it wasn't right now the ironic bit was that America was ****ing it's economy up just like someone said Iraq was whether or not it is on a up now. But things have to go up after a going down anyway.
Iraq isn't the only countries that excute prisoners. George Bush personally oversaw 400 in one go (under some questionable circumstances) as governer. But this really isn't my point, they rebelled before but recieve no help, now they don't ask for help..... They could of just put a bullet through Husseins head and let the Iraqi people sort out themselves because they are capable. What about the numbers also killed by terrorist attacks that the war has managed to spark off.


Nov 12, 2003
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Originally posted by ORC-r0x0r-ROC
So what if a lot of people hate him, I don't blame them, but just because I hate him too doesn't mean I am simply buying in to the 'bush hate' and media 'lies'. Nice debator arn't you? If you can't argue against something, you label it as media lies and say you ignore it, if I only thought of that myself..... Hey look on the good side, you're thinking like Bush!
Your "hate" completely disbands any judgement or opinion that you give. How can someone have a debate when every comment is biased by such a strong feeling as hate? You have to be level headed, which you obviously are not. All the insults and flames just really are not needed.

You are questioning my debating skills? Hah! The only answers you give is calling Bush a "douchebag" and even calling me "fat" and "jackass". That hilarious. When you must resort to personal insults we really do have a lack of materials, dont we?

Doesn't look like I am making any sense to you. Or I am and you simply don't think what I am saying has any relevance. Korea, is not going to attack a country with thousands of nukes just because it has started to get a few, they aren't just thick gooks you know, they are not stupid enough to commit suicide like that, if you attack them... they might be tempted to a use a couple.
Im not sure where this came from. When did I ever state that I wanted, or that we planned, to attack Korea? Please, stay on what we are talking about. Please.

Trying to go strange places and make strange comments meant to make me or my country look bad just isnt needed. And I have no debating skills...

Your country can still be hurt with or without nukes. Why don't you come up with a country that has more of a reason to attack you.
Uhh... What? Thanks for the information about us being able to be hurt. Werent you the one getting mad over people stating the obvious?

And for the record, we werent attacking Iraq; we were attacking Saddam and his government.

Just because they have been on you news channels a lot as a threat or whatever they say. Anyway if the reason you went is to help people then why didn't you go for the most troubled countries, go to Africa, help them, it is obvious that you didn't go to Iraq just to help them.
America is involved with peacekeeping and help operations in hundreds of places across the world. Once again, we are doing what we can.

And what is so obvious that I am missing? And dear God, please dont say oil.

You don't even know what country I belong to which is quite amusing.
Yea, it's hilarious. What's your point?

Go sit on your fat ass and go watch to the superbowl.
Actually, I am not a fan of the National Football League. Im more into basketball. So I think you should have site the NBA Finals, which would be more accurate. Oh, I weigh about 140 pounds and am about 5'9", so according to weight charts, Im actually considered a good size. Thanks for asking, though.

Why did you put "invade" like that? Are you trying to dispute that you invaded them, YOU ****ING DESTROYED THIER MILITARY AND TOOK THE COUNTRY AGAINST THEIR WISHES HOW MUCH MORE DO YOU WANT FOR IT TO BE "INVADED"!
Against who's wishes? As I recall, people were dancing in the streets and tearing down the Saddam statues in the days of major fighting. Seems like they were so sad, doesnt it? Yea, we destroyed the same military that destroyed Kuwait and continually attacked Israel.

Who gave your country the right to invade a country that doesn't want you there?
Hmmm... Who gave us the right to invade Normandy in WWII? I dont see you crying over that. You are so fixated on the negative aspect of what is going on, so that you completely ignore the good. Do I believe everything is just peachy and fine? No, and you would be stupid to think that I did. Could things have been run a bit differently? Sure. I can admit that.

You see the mass people on the streets with anti Bush signs and slogans but no one seems to get it. Help the countries that ask for help. If you really think what you just said was right then you have no respect for any other country. You do know that you don't have to annihilate the countries defences and thousands of it's people to help it right? Because if you didn't realise that then you are seriously screwed, at least you didn't think before writing that(Oh wait this is lights speaking, you have been brainwashed into thinking that the only way people help other countrys is by invading them oh, I love this line. YOU CALL ME BUYING INTO THE MEDIA LIES!)Oh, and you also forgot how many other countries helped you, so you are wrong that no one else helps the world even by your retarded definition.You don't seem to be getting much right at all. What happened to giving countries money and food so they can get on their feet by themselves, no country just sits idly by, just because they don't think war helps much. So much progress has been made without war, and the world wouldn't of collasped if you kept your ****ing guns in your pants and waited. You show no respect if you believe the only way of getting a country on it's feet is to invade it and steal their resources and use the UN's money (Japan and Norway are footing the bill) to rebuild it. Then putting American people in charge for years and not letting them really govern themselves sure you hear about this parliment thingi going up but America will still have main control for a while to come.
You know, I could break that down piece by piece, but why should I? As you have said a hundred times, I cant persuade you to believe anything I say. Everything I tell you will go in one ear and out the other. I mean, you have said as much yourself. You arent going to listen to me.

Hell, even if I did reply, you would just continue to repeat yourself. By God, no one wants that to happen.

So you are right, there is no budget defliet or national debt, you are paying for Iraq's rebuilding with all your own money.
Uhh.. when did I ever say that? I have never denied Americas deficits. Would you please stop putting words into my mouth and falsely saying I said things I didnt say. Please?

The tax cutting scheme was effective. The dollar hasn't been weakening. More and more people or not becoming unemployed. I wonder if Bush was thinking about this on his many vacations, when he is supposed to be running the country he spends all his time posing. But all these thing were the last time I checked, and it sure wasn't on a "up" then but then again CB never said it wasn't right now the ironic bit was that America was ****ing it's economy up just like someone said Iraq was whether or not it is on a up now. But things have to go up after a going down anyway.
Our GDP is higher than it was in 2000, and definantly higher than it was before that. Every quarter, it continues to rise. Public spending is up. Investing is up. The tax cut helped greatly for ALL people, including my family. Iraq is becoming more stabilized; the government is starting to click.

You are right, things have to go up. Bravo on that.

Iraq isn't the only countries that excute prisoners. George Bush personally oversaw 400 in one go (under some questionable circumstances) as governer. But this really isn't my point, they rebelled before but recieve no help, now they don't ask for help..... They could of just put a bullet through Husseins head and let the Iraqi people sort out themselves because they are capable. What about the numbers also killed by terrorist attacks that the war has managed to spark off.
Put a bullet in Saddams head and just walk away? You really arent thinking clearly. Could you imagine the chaos? You may think it is bad now, but this is nothing compared to what would happen then.

So go ahead and keep repeating what you have been saying. Call Bush an idiot. Say America wants to rule the world. That it was just for the oil. That Bush secretly wants all Americans to suffer. And that our economy is doing horrible. Have fun.


Like my cute wabbit?
Dec 23, 2003
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Shit I posted by accident I am editing now. Shit I posted by accident I am editing now. It is hard not to hate him, is there anyone who starts 2 wars that quick?
How can someone have a debate when every comment is biased by such a strong feeling as hate?
No one was biased then there would be no arguments which would make this pointless wouldn't it? Why not hate? It is what drives me to put up a decent argument, if I didn't tell you I hated him that would make it better?
You have to be level headed, which you obviously are not.
........... This is a forum, this is a thread with a off topic argument, now you tell me I need some sort of standard to post here.
All the insults and flames just really are not needed.
Oh well, your judgement doesn't really matter to me, everyone who likes war mongers judgements are worthless to me.
You are questioning my debating skills? Hah! The only answers you give is calling Bush a "douchebag" and even calling me "fat" and "jackass". That hilarious. When you must resort to personal insults we really do have a lack of materials, dont we?
Calling the rest of the world lazy, isnt exactly the ace matieral I expected. Look at my slightly earlier post that was a hell of a lot more "level headed" but you simply ignored it now you pay attention to my rash post. If that what it takes to get your attention then fine.
Im not sure where this came from. When did I ever state that I wanted, or that we planned, to attack Korea? Please, stay on what we are talking about. Please.
It would help if you bothered to look at the quote.
pretty much what im saying is instead of invading iraq, if were going to invade something it might as well be a country we dont trust with the power to hurt us. iraq cant hurt us.
I was arguing this earlier in the thread, pay attention next time.
Trying to go strange places and make strange comments meant to make me or my country look bad just isnt needed. And I have no debating skills...
Haha you said that and you didn't even realise who I was talking to. You are still struggling to figure things out and get things right.
Uhh... What? Thanks for the information about us being able to be hurt. Werent you the one getting mad over people stating the obvious?
Try reading a little, he kept on talking about Korea (I don't believe I have to explain this to you) and how they should of concentrated on them instead of Iraq, I was just saying that just because they have nukes doesn't mean they are likely to attack America, the newspapers are concentrating on how Korea is a threat because it is the new kid on the block with the nukes, they would have to send one over and they are not stupid enough to incase of retaliation. Even if other countries don't have nukes they might have a good reason to attack.
And for the record, we werent attacking Iraq; we were attacking Saddam and his government.
Wow, smart I didn't know that everyone who "attacked a country" as I loosely put it extiminated the population. I hope you proved a major point here :rolleyes
The people who are on the streets fighting you aren't government officials, they are the people who once lived there and they believe that they are defending Iraq. By any means necessary.
America is involved with peacekeeping and help operations in hundreds of places across the world. Once again, we are doing what we can.
Yea, it's hilarious. What's your point?
You were questioning me on what my country does. You tried to show me up thinking I was someone I am not.
Actually, I am not a fan of the National Football League. Im more into basketball. So I think you should have site the NBA Finals, which would be more accurate. Oh, I weigh about 140 pounds and am about 5'9", so according to weight charts, Im actually considered a good size. Thanks for asking, though.
Read that in a singles mag? I wasn't referring to you invidually but you saying that every other country is lazy and you're from a notoriously obese country.
As I recall, people were dancing in the streets and tearing down the Saddam statues in the days of major fighting.
As I recall there were people with antibush slogans marching down the streets protesting but I guess you were asleep or something at a time that went on your news channels. If they loved you why do you think civilians are picking up arms and fighting you.
Who gave us the right to invade Normandy in WWII?
I know this may be a shock to you but the people of Normandy wasn't German, they had been taken over by the Germans and they probally didn't appeciate it much. They smuggled and stowed away British pilots. These are completly different situations, D-day was a retaliation.
You know, I could break that down piece by piece, but why should I?
Again you just dismiss things just like last time, you had no witty answer so you bullshit like "I am too lazy to even bother with that reply" or "I won't even dignify that with a response" just bullshit.
By God, no one wants that to happen.
I don't want that to happen because you just don't answer back because you have nothing clever to say.
Uhh.. when did I ever say that? I have never denied Americas deficits. Would you please stop putting words into my mouth and falsely saying I said things I didnt say. Please?
You do know what them things are connected with? Again I have to treat you like a child and explain everything.
If you are saying this in reference to America, our economy is up.
Now realise what I was talking about and read again will you. All I was saying was to do with your economy.. and you it is on it's up. Please open your eyes the next time you put your fingers anywhere near your keyboard.

Oh let's have a look at your next paragraph..... HAHAHA! You make this so easy.
Our GDP is higher than it was in 2000
Hohoho, really don't tell me you put a sarcastic remark at the bottom after being so wrong in the point you "tried" to prove. First you must realise what GDP it is simply growth rate, so Bush ****ed up the economy for while, and when it starts to rise again it will rise faster than it would do if your economy was in a normal state, so basically it shows that your economy is recovering not that it was doing better than in 2000. (Why do I have to teach you).
The tax cut helped greatly for ALL people, including my family.
According to one study, 64 percent of the benefits from moving up the tax rate cuts scheduled for 2004 will go to the wealthiest 5 percent of the population, while only 7.7 percent goes to the bottom 80 percent. 70 percent of the benefits from accelerating the planned 2006 tax cuts will go to the top 5 percent of taxpayers, and only 6.4 percent to the lowest four-fifths. Only the increase in the child tax credit provides the bulk of its benefits to middle-income families.
Great it goes to rich wankers, and ****s the rest! The rich wont change there spending habits and the poor that need the money more and more likely to spend it quicker get jack shit.
People earning $21,350 will save an average of $47—less than $5 a year.
Iraq is becoming more stabilized; the government is starting to click.
Right.. compared to earlier during the occupation, but that is actually probally the best thing you have said.
You really arent thinking clearly
And? There would be a panic at the actual scene obviously but can you really predict what would happen, anyway it's a stupid idea, but hell it might've turned out better than this bullshit.
So go ahead and keep repeating what you have been saying. Call Bush an idiot. Say America wants to rule the world. That it was just for the oil. That Bush secretly wants all Americans to suffer. And that our economy is doing horrible. Have fun.
The fact is that Bush is a moron. Bush doesn't give a shit. Oil was a big incentive. America has had 2 wars in the space of a very short time. Bush has added tremendously to the national debt and will ruin the economy. He is incompetent and should not be running the country. Why should I repeat myself if you can't even argue against me so you have to write my posts off with some bullshit.


Nov 12, 2003
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Ahh.. and the personal attacks continue. Superb.
You say I cannot argue against you, but what have you given me to argue against?

so Bush ****ed up the economy for while
I cannot debate against someone with this mindset. Our economy was destroyed by a series of events, including 9/11, the Enron scandal, and the hunt for Osama. Please tell me how Bush caused all this? Oh wait, are you one of the ones who believes Bush knew the the WTC was going to be bombed on the morning of September 11?

Bush didnt whip back his arm and crush the United States economy. You are bullshitting yourself if you believe that.

Now realise what I was talking about and read again will you. All I was saying was to do with your economy.. and you it is on it's up. Please open your eyes the next time you put your fingers anywhere near your keyboard.

Oh let's have a look at your next paragraph..... HAHAHA! You make this so easy.
Funny, you try to badger me about not listening and paying attention to what you are writing, and then reply with this. NEWSFLASH: THAT POST WASNT DIRECTED TO YOU. THAT POST HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU. Got it?

Try reading a little, he kept on talking about Korea (I don't believe I have to explain this to you) and how they should of concentrated on them instead of Iraq, I was just saying that just because they have nukes doesn't mean they are likely to attack America, the newspapers are concentrating on how Korea is a threat because it is the new kid on the block with the nukes, they would have to send one over and they are not stupid enough to incase of retaliation. Even if other countries don't have nukes they might have a good reason to attack.
Erm, I know this. I dont know why you have to explain this to me. I dont know why you are explaining this to me. It isnt needed. Korea isnt just a threat to the US, Korea could be a threat to any country on this world, remember that.

Right.. compared to earlier during the occupation, but that is actually probally the best thing you have said.
Yes, exactly. Compared to earlier during the occupation, the government and country is doing better. It is a rebuilding process that will take some time and effort. Im glad we are on the same page now.

Again you just dismiss things just like last time, you had no witty answer so you bullshit like "I am too lazy to even bother with that reply" or "I won't even dignify that with a response" just bullshit.
Go back and read your own replies, that is what 75% of them are. You complaining about me not paying attention and how everything I say is "bullshit". This is simply a case of the pot calling the kettle black.


Like my cute wabbit?
Dec 23, 2003
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You say I cannot argue against you, but what have you given me to argue against?
What do you want, me to quote myself?
I cannot debate against someone with this mindset.
You're doing a shit job but you do it anyway.
Our economy was destroyed by a series of events, including 9/11, the Enron scandal, and the hunt for Osama.
Well most notorious, is the tax refund, he increased national debt, and budget deficit. "The U.S. trade deficit hit a record $55.8 billion in June as the country's foreign oil bill surged to an all-time high, the government reported yesterday." He sets records... "The country's trade deficit with China climbed to a record $14.2 billion, up 17 percent from May, and the imbalance with Japan rose to $6.3 billion and the imbalance with the expanded 25-nation European Union to $10.6 billion." It's ok to blame all your problems on foreigners. Bush is very good at finding scapegoats when he should be doing something about it. Why doesn't he use his corrupt money that he takes from Iraqi assigned funds to some better use, he now has to use money that will rebuild Iraq. Bush simply spends too much, I didn't know he had enough time to spend that much, with most his time spent on vacations and posing for newspapers.
The CPA has said it awarded about 2,000 contracts with Iraqi money. Its inspector general compiled records for the major contracts, which it defined as those worth $5 million or more each. Analysis of those and other records shows 19 of 37 major contracts paid for with Iraqi money went to U.S. companies and at least 85 percent of the total $2.26 billion was obligated to U.S. companies.
Oh wait, are you one of the ones who believes Bush knew the the WTC was going to be bombed on the morning of September 11?
He knew of the threat and had some intelligence of it beforehand. That has been proven. I'm not saying he is a part of some massive conspiracy just that his was too ****ing dumb to react.
My god. I also said it was ironic so I defended the point ok? How can you compare that to "OMFG!! YOU PUT WORDS IN MY MOUTH" and "OMFG I NEVER SAID ANYTHING LIEK THAT EVEN THOUGH THERE IS CLEARLY A QUOTE ABOVE IT PLEASE STAY ON TOPIC!!!!
Erm, I know this. I dont know why you have to explain this to me. I dont know why you are explaining this to me. It isnt needed. Korea isnt just a threat to the US, Korea could be a threat to any country on this world, remember that.
Im not sure where this came from. When did I ever state that I wanted, or that we planned, to attack Korea? Please, stay on what we are talking about. Please.
................................... You knew this alright. So are so many other countries and some with better motive too.
Yes, exactly. Compared to earlier during the occupation, the government and country is doing better. It is a rebuilding process that will take some time and effort. Im glad we are on the same page now.
It will take some time, if Bush keeps on drawing out of Iraqi funds you are only going to get anywhere but there always is Japan and other UN countries footing the bill.
Go back and read your own replies, that is what 75% of them are. You complaining about me not paying attention and how everything I say is "bullshit". This is simply a case of the pot calling the kettle black.
... I am discussing different issues........ on how bush is a ashole. Look, just try to look at some of my points and either acknowledge them or argue against them, if you don't know what I am referring to in some of my posts or you find things hard to understand then I will explain and elaborate.


Nov 23, 2003
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Originally posted by amrtin77
hmm.. weve killed around 10,000 iraqi civilians and a handful of POWs have been tortured. Saddam killed more of his people than we did. its no justification for war.. well, maybe it is... but im more for them rebelling.. if they cant rebel themselves then imaybe its best to help them..but the war4 was not needed. i only supported it because i know iraq is going to be better when were done with it.

saddam did ALOT worse than us to his own people... otmo, the numbers are actually in americas favor.
[glow=red]I don't think you can tell that to the families of those civilians who died, they wouldn't care because they have already lost someone.[/glow]


BattleForums Senior Member
Nov 21, 2002
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your right. but as mean as it sounds, people die in war. iraq will be better in the end for it, but i really dont think thats enough reason to start a war... but i do know that iraq will be overall better. of course people are going to be sad they lost people, but more people were lost to saddam. i think taking him out will save a lot more lives in the end. not that its any of our buisness. we obviously have ulterior motives in iraq, no country goes to war for nothing. no country.


BattleForums Senior Member
Aug 7, 2004
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i got a better idea. why dont the US just leave the iraqis alone and let the f**king humanitarians do the dirty work? onnly the strong should survive and the weak must die


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Apr 23, 2004
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I would gladly give my life for lord and land.




Battle God
Jul 16, 2004
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AZN_FLEA said:
i got a better idea. why dont the US just leave the iraqis alone and let the f**king humanitarians do the dirty work? onnly the strong should survive and the weak must die
How can you say that when Japan and other Asian Countries were once weak, and U.S. helped them? By that, a lot of Asian Countries would either be gone or probably Communist, like China and N.Korea. I don't think that the weak should die, there is a lot of weaker nations and thrid-world coutnries out there, not everyone has thousands of stockpiles of nuclear arms like U.S. and Russia does. Or the best technology to build the best weapons and defences either.


Premium Member
Jul 19, 2003
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Joe's Garage.
christ you can make a freagin book with all this.Alright. not much to input but here it goes.

If Bush didn't attack or retaliate the american people would then be angry at Bush for not doing anything and letting his people die, but since he did do something he gets yelled and bashed for it.

People like Kuzmich who say they have Pride in their country mean it alittle more then Americans. Americans have it easy. Russians got it not so easy. The Russian Mafiya are known for being the worst, worse then Columbian Cartel, the Itailian Mafia, and the Japanese Yakuza. Russian Mobs own over half the banks in russia and pretty much just do what they please. Its not like they put the country through was Stalin did ,but it still isnt pretty. After Stalin did what he did it is hard to come back from it.


BattleForums Senior Member
Aug 7, 2004
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Darkmatter said:
How can you say that when Japan and other Asian Countries were once weak, and U.S. helped them? By that, a lot of Asian Countries would either be gone or probably Communist, like China and N.Korea. I don't think that the weak should die, there is a lot of weaker nations and thrid-world coutnries out there, not everyone has thousands of stockpiles of nuclear arms like U.S. and Russia does. Or the best technology to build the best weapons and defences either.
when i meant strong i meant ppl that can survive in the economy not firepower from ones country. and besides if the US left us alone then we wouldnt exist therefore wiping azns out and other countries would born babies in thei place there fore i wouldnt be an azn i would be sumone else. i dont know if what i said makes sense but oh well, i still think the strong should survive and the weak crushed under. and if that theory came true then the US made a mistake helping us didnt they?


BattleForums Senior Member
Nov 23, 2002
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Darkmatter said:
Has American ever been attacked by like an invasion or anything? The mexicans don't count, so let's be truthful here. I mean, no foreign army has never stepped on US soil in the 1900's or so. WWI? Serbia started that by killing Archduke Francis Ferdinand. WWII? Hitler invaded poland, and France and Britain had a protective policy (I forgot what you call it) with Poland, so yea. Korea? A Civil War. Yet the policy of Containment forced Truman to go there and fight. He fires Mcarthur, blah blah. Vietnam? Same thing, only we los that time. >.<
Pearl Harbor man..... its how we entered WWII


Nov 23, 2003
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Russia, Moscow
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Static said:
christ you can make a freagin book with all this.Alright. not much to input but here it goes.

If Bush didn't attack or retaliate the american people would then be angry at Bush for not doing anything and letting his people die, but since he did do something he gets yelled and bashed for it.

People like Kuzmich who say they have Pride in their country mean it alittle more then Americans. Americans have it easy. Russians got it not so easy. The Russian Mafiya are known for being the worst, worse then Columbian Cartel, the Itailian Mafia, and the Japanese Yakuza. Russian Mobs own over half the banks in russia and pretty much just do what they please. Its not like they put the country through was Stalin did ,but it still isnt pretty. After Stalin did what he did it is hard to come back from it.
[glow=red]Actually there is no Russian mafia in Russia anymore, they moved to US after USSR collapsed. We have gangs, we have skinheads, but a mafia, no. Not that it is safe or anything. A single drunk guy who wants your money is much more likely to kill you then an organized crime organization. But not many major crimes are happening right now, a lot of drug dealers are caught, murders are usually commited by single people who either were drunk during the crime, were psychopaths, or just did it because of money. I know many murder stories, if anyone cares i might tell you some. Although i don't know the stroy of a murder that occured infront of my school then a guy got shot to death. Anyway, your view is a bit too stereotypical, it ain't that bad.[/glow]

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