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I think abbie hoffman said it best- "If the man ever makes me carry a gun and go to war, the first person i want in my sites is LBJ"
When will you people wake up and realize there was much more to it than nukes...Originally posted by Darkmatter
I just don't like the USA much. But rather, I hate George Dubya Bush, not USA. If he drags us to some war I will personaly try to assassinate him. It's already bad enough about the Iraqi Freedom shit. Where's the nukes, you goddamn pinhead. ''Well..were still searching and...'' NO.
Actually no. No it wasn't. Bush justified the war by saying that he KNEW Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. We found none, therefore the war was never really justified at all. We didn't go in to save the Iraqi's...and we didn't go in to make iraq a better place. We went in because bush swore to us that they were a direct threat, and had nuclear weapons. Well, he lied.When will you people wake up and realize there was much more to it than nukes...
Originally posted by RoaCh Of DisCord
Actually no. No it wasn't. Bush justified the war by saying that he KNEW Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. We found none, therefore the war was never really justified at all. We didn't go in to save the Iraqi's...and we didn't go in to make iraq a better place. We went in because bush swore to us that they were a direct threat, and had nuclear weapons. Well, he lied.
There are errors and problems in war, that is just how it works. There WILL be innocent casualties. But to say we havent helped them...? Hardly true. Saddam gassed his own people. He killed them by the thousands. He continually slaughtered the economy by attacking all the other countries around Iraq. The people were in a terrible state. Iraq was Hell.The thing is even if you did go in to help Iraqies you didn't help them. A lot more innocent civilians were killed after you invaded then before. I am sure your news said that you have bombed selected targets, then why is there a video of a woman crying over her 5 year old sons body near the ruins of the house that in no way looked dangerous or could be equiped with anti aircraft guns or missiles.
How would you know this, I think this is closer. Bush hears that Iraq might have weapons but he doesn't investigate further, he adds bullshit and embellishs the information and tells people that Iraq does have wmds. Capable is not having them, you can't confuse a box of toliet roll for nukes.How quick we are to use the word "lie".
Bullshit, so is most other countries, there are so many countries that were in the state of Iraq but you didn't invade them, you were going invade even if Saddam wern't in power.You need to understand that Iraq was a direct threat to America and her allies.
What about the stuff you sold them? Maybe the reason they were a threat is because YOU MADE THEM INTO A THREAT!Though we have found Sarine and Mustard gas
Easier said than done, they still exist, I wonder why America hasn't come up with some nukes or something incriminating and scribbled bad Iraqi writing on it and called it theirs.Beyond that, who can say if Saddam didnt have them, but secretly removed them in the mass confusion of the early war? I cant. And it is still a likely possibility.
...... Spain was delighted. So are all the terrorist organisations that can recruit kids easier thanks to the political blunder made by Bush.Bringing down Saddam was a great thing for the world, regardless of WMD's or not. That is a simple fact.
It still is... worse.Iraq was Hell.
Yes, when the rebuilding is funded by other countries of the UN it seems that Bush can run national debt up past 7 trillion but is too cheap to clean his own mess up.Is it bad right now? Yes. It will continue to be so for a while. It is the rebuilding process. It will take some time for Iraq to get back on its feet, but it will happen.
This line is kind of ironic.Originally posted by Lights
He continually slaughtered the economy by attacking all the other countries around Iraq. The people were in a terrible state. Iraq was Hell.
A lot of countries have been powerful and there citizens have not been happy. If America life in America is so pleasing then why the **** do I hear "I cut my ****ing wrists" "my girlfriend cuts her wrists" "I used to cut my wrists" why are so many Americans bloody suicidal, ungreatful ****ers. Anyway we meant ruining the ecomony by attacking other countries though not neighnouringamerica isnt pure hell... most americans live a comfortable life, and as long as america stays as powerful as it is americans will continue to live a comfortable life.
YAY LETS ATTACK EVERY COUNTRY WITH WMDS. Korea isn't likely to attack you unless terrorists get at them. Sorry I am a ashole today but aimbots then people who can't use the internet piss me off.but i think our efforts could be better concentrated on north korea which actually poses a real threat to us..
Originally posted by ORC-r0x0r-ROC
A lot of countries have been powerful and there citizens have not been happy. If America life in America is so pleasing then why the **** do I hear "I cut my ****ing wrists" "my girlfriend cuts her wrists" "I used to cut my wrists" why are so many Americans bloody suicidal, ungreatful ****ers. Anyway we meant ruining the ecomony by attacking other countries though not neighnouring
north korea is a country not allied with us, that we have fought in the past, and has nuclear capabilities. i dont care if theyre "not likely" to attack us.. unless they start bein freindly towards us i dont like them having nukes. i dont trust mr kim with a few hundred thousand american lives. yeah, north korea cant take us down. they hit us with 3 or 4 nukes.. ok its going to wipe out a few major west coast cities.. yeah itll hurt pretty bad. theyre country will be leveled after they hit us. but they would still kill alot of people, and destroy a few major cities. im not willing to take that risk.YAY LETS ATTACK EVERY COUNTRY WITH WMDS. Korea isn't likely to attack you unless terrorists get at them. Sorry I am a ashole today but aimbots then people who can't use the internet piss me off.
For a "free" country, a country that loves to boast about it's idealism and democracy and the rest of the garbage, you may of been able to do what you wanted a couple of hundred years ago but you are a hell of a lot more restricted than a lot of other countries. Even if the quality of life dips below yours, and you don't have the most compfortable country in the world either.we have our freedoms
And? Does that mean every country that is not allied with you should attack you because you have the power to kill millions of people. At least they didn't use thiers as soon as they had them.north korea is a country not allied with us,
So they only country that you like having nukes is America..... that makes sense, there must be more countries with nukes that you are not 'friendly' with why not attack them? Maybe you should start a campaign, "provoke the countries with the nukes, starting with the ones the most" Why the hell do you think Korea is just a threat simply because they are the new kid on the block and CNN and shit like that like to ambelish things and concentrate on the possible threats on America and because you have seen Korea on the news lately you think it is a good idea to go and attack them.unless they start bein freindly towards us i dont like them having nukes.
They had no clue that their legs would be blown off, they had no clue what they were getting into, just some cowboys wanting a piece of action.our soldiers know what theyre getting into when they sign up.
So is Germany, go attack them because you have had wars with them in the past. It's about time for another world war don't you think?north korea is a real threat to national security.
I have nothing wrong with most the people and the land but your government I hate.i know you dont like america,
Nah I couldn't last one minute without them ear plugs because he doesn't seem to give a shit who anyone else is saying.but put yourself in bushes shoes for a minute.
He would have to kill everybody to keep America safe, especially himself. Paranoia isn't a good thing.he should be protecting america first,
Why should it? What have you done to defend it? Invade it twice stir shit and leave?iraq did nothing to defend america.
Originally posted by ORC-r0x0r-ROC
For a "free" country, a country that loves to boast about it's idealism and democracy and the rest of the garbage, you may of been able to do what you wanted a couple of hundred years ago but you are a hell of a lot more restricted than a lot of other countries. Even if the quality of life dips below yours, and you don't have the most compfortable country in the world either.
your right, attacking every country with nukes is stupid. only worry about countries more likely to hurt you. i trust unallied countries like china that have nukes. we are too economically dependant on eachother to fight eachother.And? Does that mean every country that is not allied with you should attack you because you have the power to kill millions of people. At least they didn't use thiers as soon as they had them.
we know most of them will not attack as theyve had their nukes for a long time, or do not have the ability to reach our shores. and id rather every country just drop their nukes.. no good can come of them. id rather no one have nukes, and as soon as one person starts trying to get them everyone should jump on them and force them to abandon the project, or threaten an invasion. but i highly doubt thatll happen because america and the soviet union have so damn many...So they only country that you like having nukes is America..... that makes sense, there must be more countries with nukes that you are not 'friendly' with why not attack them?
its sad, but they got their action. they have no one to blame but themselves. no one forced them into it, they wanted to go join the military.They had no clue that their legs would be blown off, they had no clue what they were getting into, just some cowboys wanting a piece of action.
germany is allied.So is Germany, go attack them because you have had wars with them in the past.
i agree, but you still should watch people who have the ability to hurt you. and if your going to invade a country... why make it iraq? might as well invade a country that actually can hurt you.Paranoia isn't a good thing.
i hope not. the only justification he has left for this war is to give the iraqis a better life. he had better fix this country up... and im sure he wants to trade with iraq after the war, theyre sittin on a shitload of oil. we may not need the oil... but i guess another open source is good. and if we screw iraq over they aint gonna want to trade with us.. i know fixing iraq will come out of our taxes, but if we were willing to go to war for it we better be willing to pay for it.Why should it? What have you done to defend it? Invade it twice stir shit and leave?
im making sense in my mind... but i didnt sleep last night and im pretty tired. not saying i dont stand by my argument, coz i do. but tomarrow after i get a nights sleep and read thins and think "what was i thinking?" then ill let you know. but i feel pretty clear headed..Jesus what is wrong with you today, this is not like you. This is what I expect from lights.
no we can explain an invasion. especially this early in the talking. but korea i think is our biggest threat other than terrorists in our own country... but the only way to weed them out is to limit more of our freedoms. i am not willing to sacrifice my freedom for safety from terrorists...KOREA SHOULDN'T BE YOUR MAIN CONCERN JUST BECAUSE THEY HAVE JUST GOT NUKES, THEY ARE DOING IT BECAUSE THEY SHIT THEMSELVES OVER OTHER PEOPLE HAVING THEM IT IS FOR SECURITY. YOU CAN'T EXPLAIN TO THE PEOPLE OF KOREA THAT YOU ARE SIMPLY INVADING BECAUSE THEY COULD BE A THREAT.
Never calimed that you claimed.never claimed to,
Oh sure, you can worry, you can spend all your life in a shelter being afraid of going out in case of radioactive particles from the wasr and what's on TV is just a ploy by the alien to make you come out for anal probing I don't care.only worry about countries more likely to hurt you
You only need one nuke to make a president wet himself.but i highly doubt thatll happen because america and the soviet union have so damn many...
So they could possible be taken over by another ruthless leader and attack you so you must destroy it asap (mainly attitude from your previous post.germany is allied.
Yeah right, with the hype of joining the military these days I don't blame them.ts sad, but they got their action. they have no one to blame but themselves. no one forced them into it, they wanted to go join the military.
Yeah, with the other countries of the UN's money but he can't afford to rebuild a country he decimated but he can do that to your national debt.......he had better fix this country up...
Hmm lights got chuffed because he gave back taxes to the rich (based of income) which was a stupid idea anyway because they rich won't change there spending patterns because they already have the money and the poor wont get bugger all. Even if they were supposed to they didn't.i know fixing iraq will come out of our taxes, but if we were willing to go to war for it we better be willing to pay for it.
I don't think they are worth attacking because there will always be a country that is your biggest we can explain an invasion. especially this early in the talking. but korea i think is our biggest threat other than terrorists in our own country...
But why provoke them, I wouldn't give a speech that basically said "we are going to war because a country can hurt us" so can most other countries if they wanted.i agree, but you still should watch people who have the ability to hurt you. and if your going to invade a country... why make it iraq? might as well invade a country that actually can hurt you.
I wouldn't want to explain to a mother that some douchebag in the white house sitting compfortablely and laughing is the reason I have her dead son in my arms. There will always be a country that can hurt you, just relax, concentrate on defence not striking countrys over some silly reason like they could be a we can explain an invasion
It just basically means no one will touch Korea because they don't wanna be nuked, if Korea are doing it for sercurity I think they realise not fire one at a country with hundreads of them.we want them to stop getting nukes
oops, i meant to say cant* explain an invasion this early. the rest of the argument should make more sense now...I wouldn't want to explain to a mother that some douchebag in the white house sitting compfortablely and laughing is the reason I have her dead son in my arms. There will always be a country that can hurt you, just relax, concentrate on defence not striking countrys over some silly reason like they could be a threat.
If you are saying this in reference to America, our economy is up.Originally posted by CelestialBadger
This line is kind of ironic.
Thats great, pal. I will just completely ignore your post becuase you are so closed-minded as to not listen. Great. If you dont want to listen to reason and continue to buy into the Bush Hate and media lies, I cant stop you. To each his own.This whole pro-Bush thing is getting you no where. Even if you can disprove a couple of things I have said you can't persquade many people here that Bush is a good person.