Obstacle Course was the first bound. Legends "Open" RPG was the first open RPG. Legends open rpg v. 2.4 was the first map with flash upgrades. MTG v. £nigma was the first map with colors and colored characters. Anyways, on to my list!!
Zergling Blood- great classic, first madness.
Winterglades RPG- ive already mentioned this tons of times
Elements RPG- a very good original, also had many good sequels.
Commando Brood Wars- most versions of this sucked, but there were some very good ones, such as my brother's.
Frogger- don't ask why the **** I put this here. it's fun.
The Forgotton Caves- I forgot the part that went before this, I do believe that this was listed in that one guy's huge ***list of RPGs he had though.
Bombing Zone- plain out fun.
MTG- lots of remakes of this, but some versions were really cool. and I already mentioned significance of Enigma.
I probably forgot about half the good maps out there, but oh well