they're like movie stars over there...he could probably get his own wii game one day too!More like move to Japan and become a sumo wrestler.
<3 Ja(s)on <3
they're like movie stars over there...he could probably get his own wii game one day too!More like move to Japan and become a sumo wrestler.
<3 Ja(s)on <3
Well they say that "chubby" falls into a BMI of 25-30 and I'm 36.9 lol..Don't despair, mr. Viz. There is hope
What I find works for me when I want to loose weight.
Eat 2 meals a day (3 if you want) But they are decent sized meals and LOW on calories. IF you aren't active those calories aren't going anywhere. You have to burn them.
And just go out for a run, and if you can't run or do not wish to. Just go out and walk. WAlking is JUST as good for you if you are too heavy to run at first.
Here's the secret, it takes time. Unless you just got it sucked out.
I know if you eat a lot you WILL Get hungry more often and be hungry even when you know you are not. When your stomach shrinks and you feed it right it will work out.
Natural sugars are healthier and easier to burn than the generic chemically altered preserved ones...In addition with DM, be mindful of fruits and juices. Often this contain high amounts of natural sugars. Just more for the body to burn; nothing bad just more to burn. Calories and sugars are the number ones. Or in this case, 2's.
You're still sexy Z.280 at 6'1!!! You need to put some work in and dedicate yourself to something else other than whatever your doing now.
I am over weight at 6'4 at 195-200 lbs.
It's not always the calories that get you. It's the empy carbs that are still in those drinks... =/I noticed I was getting fat the other day when I couldn't put on a pair of pants I wanted to wear. I cut out beer and started running, hopefully that will help. Maybe you should try that.
On that note, if you are an alcoholic like myself, drink bacardi superior with diet soda for you alcohol intake. It is one of the few low calorie liquors.'s not always the calories that get you. It's the empy carbs that are still in those drinks... =/