If god is all powerful


BattleForums Senior Member
Nov 30, 2002
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In my field of paper flowers..
okay, but god hadnt meant ot create satan! satan is a fallen angel that has gone bad ann corrupted many other angels. thats why he was sent out of heaven by God himself. and since God had ruled over heaven, a beautiful place beyond our comprehension, satan wanted a place just like God had. so he created hell. and thats where people that are evil go. actually, hell is expressed by fire because lets ay if you burn its a very painfull and slow death. being burned hurts very much. thats how bible interprets suffering. its lke being burned in eternal fire, never escaping. in the fire of suffering.
about ghetto's thought: what he meant by God not not helping us, thats not true. imagine: god gave us free will and earth to subdue. he gave us free will to do as we please, even if it means not believing in god. okay god does help us. he did not give us cure for cancer or aids. but he did gave us the minds, spirit and contrubution to develop one. he did not save us from war. it was the decision of a person, who has free will and has decided to go to war. simple as that. look at the earth polluted today! it might be his fault, because he gave us free will, but he also gave us the people to stop it. like the people that thought of recycling. but again, not all of us do, because of the free will.

okay, the creation of the universe. the big bang theory. heard of it i suppose?
for those who dont then this is what happened: first there was a vast vacuum. then a dust particle got into that and created a big explosion, creating the universe as we know it. now, how could there be a dust particle when there a vast vacuum in there? what if that dust particle was put there by God? and the creation of earth? the bible said that it took god 6 days to create the earth. the earth must have took billions of years to become what it is now. maybe for us it is billions of years, but for god who is immortal and has been here from the beggining of time then it seemed like days to him. but what abput earth? it was a planet with no life then how could there be life after? it could have been sort of like planted there by God himself.
and how tyhe life on earth came to be? either it was like the bible says: the god created man in his image. or it was it that he put a single cell in here, the cell did something, it split, the cells started splitting, and then each of the cells grew into something new. couldnt that be possible?
also, the the ability to evolve and have free will?
about woman created last: i think it is possibly unfair. first, adam was created. then because he was lonely god create ece from his ribs! you hear me, ribs! so does that mean that women are something less? isnt that being sexist? i think it is, because world has been unfaire to women for centuries. but really, its like were something less even though our life is much harder (women's). if you dont know what i mean try taking a burden like having a child, i bet none of you males could do it. (not that i have any experience with it.)

so in conclusion to all i have said, god does exist. but some of us choose not to belive in him, because we were created with free will. to those who dont belive in god, may he forgive you, becvause he will forgive all siners. if you are not doing anything serious like a murder, you may join him in heaven. even though youre not religious.

lol the longest post i made....


BattleForums Member
Jan 7, 2003
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Las Vegas BABY!
i still dont believe in god. Maybe god is an alien that created us to keep their race or part of it going and living on.


BattleForums Member
Jan 7, 2003
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Las Vegas BABY!
i dont think u made a mistake. just asking ques can led off topic a little.


BattleForums Member
Jan 7, 2003
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Las Vegas BABY!
thats just a theory that some dude made up


BattleForums Member
Jan 7, 2003
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Las Vegas BABY!
who would want to do that??


BattleForums Senior Member
Nov 30, 2002
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In my field of paper flowers..
yes, basically angels are much better.

according to bible, every person has their own angel protecting them. but sometimes because of the demons, the angels cant protect us very much and thats basically why bad things happen to us.


Dec 30, 2002
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bible is a fuking anti-jew hate-book and without the bible and the fukin jesus ass-hump idiot hitler wouldnt have killed so many jews


Premium Member
Nov 28, 2002
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Originally posted by Korittke
bible is a fuking anti-jew hate-book and without the bible and the fukin jesus ass-hump idiot hitler wouldnt have killed so many jews
Though I dont beleive in god I have read the bible. And Buddy i hate to tell you the Entire Old Testament is About Jews.. The New Testament doesnt Badmouth jews it just pulls a christan move and says that they are wrong... Not The Christians Faul judist turned Christ is is it?
So Become more educated befor you talk you fuking Kike.


Jan 30, 2003
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Well now, these are some interesting veiws lol

Newayz, to start, i dont really have any religion, and im not an atheist.

Ok i really dont know what to believe, here's a few thoughts though-

1. God IS real he created the universe ectect the whole free will post was good.

2. Ok this topic has been discussed a million times hes how it goes down- Can God build an indestructale wall and then destroy it... Its sumtin along those lines, generally God would put a limit to his power so he wouldnt destroy himself.

3. Assuming God exists then Satan must exist for without eachother then they really wouldnt mean a whole lot, the damned go to hell ectect However i dont think satan would let u screw hot demon chicks in hell, he IS a fallen angel, and would probly give u eternal suffering for yur stupid mistake lol

4. The scientific approach states God doesnt exist i really dont wanna go into it

5. Reincarnation, enuff said.

Well thats good for now, but ill leave u with this thought-

If a tree falls in a forest and no1 is there to hear it, does it make a sound?


Dec 30, 2002
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Originally posted by ForGeD
Though I dont beleive in god I have read the bible. And Buddy i hate to tell you the Entire Old Testament is About Jews.. The New Testament doesnt Badmouth jews it just pulls a christan move and says that they are wrong... Not The Christians Faul judist turned Christ is is it?
So Become more educated befor you talk you fuking Kike.
stfu, you stupid noob shithead, i translated this shit from the original greek to german, so stfu you cheecka moron, i compared it with the german translated shit-bible and its just shit****ing worse than the original greek one. there are thousand of pieces in this garbage where you can find stuff against jews, so stfu, you wannabe-intelligent crapface


Premium Member
Nov 28, 2002
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Originally posted by Korittke
stfu, you stupid noob shithead, i translated this shit from the original greek to german, so stfu you cheecka moron, i compared it with the german translated shit-bible and its just shit****ing worse than the original greek one. there are thousand of pieces in this garbage where you can find stuff against jews, so stfu, you wannabe-intelligent crapface
RIght Except Jesus was Jewish...
Well I guess Your smart and since you have translated it you knew that....


Premium Member
Nov 28, 2002
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Originally posted by Korittke
stfu, you stupid noob shithead, i translated this shit from the original greek to german, so stfu you cheecka moron, i compared it with the german translated shit-bible and its just shit****ing worse than the original greek one. there are thousand of pieces in this garbage where you can find stuff against jews, so stfu, you wannabe-intelligent crapface
And also Smartone that would Be Psuedo-Intalect
(or some shit i caNt spell)


Grumpy Old Grandpa
Dec 28, 2002
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Well, I do not believe in God, I can't really see him anywhere...

About that Big Bang Theory, I think this is and isn't the first universe that has ever existed. I think the colapsing of the universe changes time it self and brigs time to the starting of the Universe. What I mean is that the Universe is eternal, being recreated by its own. Thats what I think. Now if u interpretate is
as being God, good for u.

Now, this is paradoxal: if God loves u no matter what u do, u always go tho Heaven... If u go to Heaven, there is no Hell. Hell is what define Heaven by being the opositte. If there is no Hell, there is no Heaven, therefore, no God, because the oposite of zero its zero itself.

Btw, punk, aking us to prove that God isn't here isn't a valid argument, ok? Same way I ask you, can u prove he is here?

Tupeq, the tomb of what seems to be Jesus brother was found. How can u guys prove he hasn't a brother? That way they could mine the Roman Empire, by letting ppl have a religion, and probably they would sacrifice to the cause, just like the muslems do...

And kitty, the Bible is indeed sexist. It was written at a time when women were nothing more than servants to men... The Bibles purpose is to educate the ppl, to make them behave. With that I do agree of course, better to lie to them and make them believe in some "god" than punisihng them (guess its more cheap)

"If a tree falls in a forest and no1 is there to hear it, does it make a sound?"
What kind of question is that? OF COURSE DOH!!!! I can't believe u asked suck a thing, but I've already heard something similar, but with a stone in a desert...

I'm finished for now, I dont remember anything now. but if u want, ask something and i'll try to supposrt/refute it

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