good point punk rock yam. To answer these questions, ppl first have to understand the origin of where they came from. Do any of you know the bible well enough to quote scriptures on any subject you need help on? Some of you may disagree with me, and that's fine, but the Bible is a "crap, my life sucks, I need advice to change my ways" kinda book. God had it made so we could look into it, and study it, so it can help us with our lifes. Some of you may also ask, "how do you know that the bible wasn't just made by other ppl way back when?" To prove the authenticity of the Bible, all of you who have read it at least one time through must have read about some of the profecies fortold in it. All of them came true, and history has proven it. The flood for example, why do you think wooly mammoths are found frozen in solid blocks of ice? Another one can be the account of Sodum and Gomorrah. These two cities defied god, the reason being their perverse sexuel ways. God sent angels to try and have them turn back to serving him, but in the end, after many tries, God sent his last warning, for all of his true worshipers to get out of the twin cities. All those that heeded his words lived, which happened to be just 1 family. Sodum and Gormorrah were "consumed in fire and sulfer from the heavens". To see if it was real, historians went out to where the two cities used to be, and found nothing. They were there, other cities told of their ways in their history, but the fact that it was not there, not even a pebble, proves god is real. But if you still do not believe, do all of you know of ancient Babylon? Have any of you heard of the person who overthrew it? His name was Sirus, and he was fortold by god in the Bible book of Isaiah 200 years in advance. He even told of how he would take Babylon. And in Job, there is a verse saying "there is one dwelling over the circle of the earth". Did you get that? The cricle? People as late as the 1400's believed the Earth was flat. It took Galilo I believe, it might have been someone else, to finaly prove it with human eyes, when all he had to do was read the Bible. The first part of that verse says "there is one dwelling over", or in other words, there is one living over the Earth, which is God. All you have to do is read the Bible, and if that doesn't do it for you, get some historical background on the stuff you read in it.