If god is all powerful


BattleForums Senior Member
Sep 26, 2002
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Vancouver, B.C.
A young lady named Sally, relates an experience she had in a seminary
class, given by her teacher, Dr. Smith. She says Dr. Smith was known
for his elaborate object lessons. One particular day, Sally walked into the seminary class and knew they were in for a fun day. On the wall was a big target, and on a nearby table were many darts.
Dr. Smith told he students to draw a picture of someone that they disliked or someone who had made them angry, and he would allow them to throw darts at the person's picture, if they wished. Sally's girlfriend drew a picture of a girl who had stolen her boyfriend. Another friend drew a picture of his little brother. Sally drew a picture of a former friend, putting a great deal of detail into her drawing, even drawing pimples on the face. Sally was pleased with the overall effect she
had achieved.
The class lined up and began throwing darts. Some of the students threw
their darts with such force that their targets were ripped apart. Sally
looked forward to her turn, and was filled with disappointment when Dr.
Smith, because of time limits, asked the students to return to their
As Sally sat thinking about how angry she was because she didn't have a
chance to throw any darts at her target, Dr. Smith began removing the
target from the wall. underneath the Target was a picture of Jesus. A
hush fell over the room as each student viewed the mangled picture of Jesus; holes and jagged marks covered His face, and His eyes were pierced.
Dr. Smith said only these words....."In as much as ye have done it unto
the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto Me." Matthew 25:40.
No other words were necessary; tears filled the eyes of the students,
focused only on the picture of Christ.


Dec 30, 2002
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you say they make up shit for questions they cannot answer?...that is which not true...there were James,Matthew,Luke,John,Paul i think and all of them in different time periods wrote the EXACT same thing?...coincidence?..
how can you know?

if your on your mother f'in deathbed do you look to satan for comfort?..
i would rather tend to look to my mother more than to any non-existing fukhead that cant change anything

god was the only thing that made sense to me...if you stopped listening with your mind and listened with your heart you would understand what im saying.
its kinda like opinions, the whole god-bull and everything around is just about your feeling. for me this heart-listening is total crap and why would that be true? i just dont believe in that shit, you think with your damned brain and nothing else, thats what i think and you wont get to change that


Dec 30, 2002
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oh, wait i read on your mother's fuking deathbed, but oh well, doesnt matter


BattleForums Senior Member
Sep 26, 2002
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Vancouver, B.C.
sorry for my many posts in a row but i guess im trying to make you understand why so many people believe in god.

we treat treasures here on earth like its something of value but nothing here on earth is of any value up in heaven except your soul.

what goes with you when you die? you all have a soul dont you?

Satan doesn't fight for your xbox or girlfriend/boyfriend he dont fight for your car he dont fight for nothing but your soul.

you get hurt because god wants you to make you stronger...

heard of the saying " The more your hurt the stronger you get "

some shit like that on the lines of that

he lets you get hurt...cry...to make you stronger...dont you get it?...dont you feel like you get stronger the more you get hurt?..

im defending only because you offended me by bashing god.

your gonna expect 1 person to say something...it makes you think don't it?

don't be so holywood stereotypical. you all saw my pics..i dont got glasses or acne...im some normal guy like you n me..i dont look preppy or look gay im ****ing normal and i believe in Jesus and God and i stand up for.

get some religious education about Christianity before you say shit about it...im not preecher im a messenger. Gods messenger i hope i may pursuay some of you who read to believe in god again or for the first time...its no mistake in your life...its a life changing difference.

Me myself blame god....but there is honestly no one to blame...i lose him...i tell him to **** off...i neglect him...yo man...when i heard one Teenager-Like Preecher Preech to me one day...it made me cry...because everything he said made sense to me...and that changed my ****ing life...i aint got the skills like that..

what kind of arguement are you guys gonna put up against me now?


BattleForums Senior Member
Sep 26, 2002
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Vancouver, B.C.
Originally posted by Korittke
how can you know?

i would rather tend to look to my mother more than to any non-existing fukhead that cant change anything

its kinda like opinions, the whole god-bull and everything around is just about your feeling. for me this heart-listening is total crap and why would that be true? i just dont believe in that shit, you think with your damned brain and nothing else, thats what i think and you wont get to change that
how can you know...it says so in the bible get a education.

you tend to your mother of course..parents are important...god doesn't want you do disobey them. and he aint no ****head...he gave you your fuking mother you pos just because you can't see him doesn't mean hes not there. you look at everything and you look at something and you think because you can see it you believe it. do you believe everything you see?...or what it doesn't seem to be real?...

what the hell do you cry with?...your ****ing mind?...why do you cry if your heart is broken..you cry with your mind..wtf...r u stupid...you cry with your heart....if your mother died...what gets hit?..your heart...not your ****ing mind you numshit. your mind is nothing when your mother is dying.


BattleForums Senior Member
Sep 26, 2002
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Vancouver, B.C.
Originally posted by Mark4
God cannot exist if we consider unequality among us all.
Why the **** do we have to suffer.
"We can overcome our suffering with hope and faith?" **** you. Some are not fortunate enough to have such a chance and die after crying their whole life.

Some are rich, some are poor.
Some are good looking, some are ugly.
Some are smart, some stupid.

How come some are lucky while others are not?

Why is god so stupid to create such a world with so much pain.

And he/she says it's OUR fault. OUR ****ing fault that Adam and Eve ****ing ate that stupid forbidden fruit. What the **** is that?

Human are mortals, tis why we are beautiful and with so many flaws. Why hadn't God calculated Eve eventually eating that ****ing fruit? Was it a ****ing masterplan from the start to make the generation of humans suffer?

We live in such a ****ing world from a loser's perspective. A world where hope cannot get us everything, or even just save us from suffering.

I doubt myself being alive a lot of times and curse God a lot. Why did he give me this ****ing life. I don't want to live it! Is it my fault I got born.

Oh, I do fight. Not for God though. For me.

I don't believe in God. Even if he does exist, I won't follow him.
you are truly lost

because you blame him for the crummy life you have...i think the only person that needs the blaming is you...your so bitter towards your life thinking everything bad happens to you god does it...he doesn't do it...you haven't even looked to him trust me i know you haven't

i would wanna help you...even though you don't believe in him...
don't wanna see a person that has absolutely no faith in anything but himself...i bet you 100 dollars you will look to god when you are dying and cry with agony to your knees...and you go along the wrong path


Dec 20, 2002
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In a stupid country
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You're so sure.

Just curious. Have you played the Human's campaign in WC3? Where o' faithful Pally prince turns to the Undead. I don't think it's the Paladin's fault he turned to the Undead.

Grow stronger from crying? And you think that counts for little starving kids crying and grasping their dieing mothers in Etheopia while rich gamblers are shoving hundreds of dollars up a whore's ass.

Just one last thing..

I can't blame God. He can't exist.


Dec 30, 2002
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how can you know...it says so in the bible get a education.

you tend to your mother of course..parents are important...god doesn't want you do disobey them. and he aint no ****head...he gave you your fuking mother you pos just because you can't see him doesn't mean hes not there. you look at everything and you look at something and you think because you can see it you believe it. do you believe everything you see?...or what it doesn't seem to be real?...

what the hell do you cry with?...your ****ing mind?...why do you cry if your heart is broken..you cry with your mind..wtf...r u stupid...you cry with your heart....if your mother died...what gets hit?..your heart...not your ****ing mind you numshit. your mind is nothing when your mother is dying.
you are so fuking sure about everything you say, how can you know anything? its just fukin believes, it doesnt mean anything and you cant prove anything.

it says so in the bible get a education.
the bible is some thousands of years old and you want me to believe you that everything in this shit is correct? did you live when some fag wrote that down? can you know somehow who wrote that? that total nonsense, i could also say get a education and read goddamned lord of the rings and everything in there is correct, maybe it happened some years ago and now adays you cant say if that realy happened, it could just be.

what the hell do you cry with?...your ****ing mind?...why do you cry if your heart is broken..you cry with your mind..wtf...r u stupid...you cry with your heart....if your mother died...what gets hit?..your heart...not your ****ing mind you numshit. your mind is nothing when your mother is dying.

of course i cry with my mind, its a biological function controlled by my brain and without my brain i wouldnt even realize if my mother died and i wouldnt know why i cry and the whole thing wouldnt make any sense. whit my mind i would think about memories that make me cry, not with my fukin heart. it just pumps blood up to the brain, so im at least able to know why im crying.


Grumpy Old Grandpa
Dec 28, 2002
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Ops, pressed accidently the post button, sry


Grumpy Old Grandpa
Dec 28, 2002
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Im sorry, but I shall once again sound like theoroy

"listen to you all bashing god when you guys know nothing about the bible."

Ain't true, I read all the bible when I was about 10 years (I was forced to, but now most is forgotten, unless someone makes me remember it).

"a Bible dates back to centuries and people have been trying to burn that thing a bizzilion times....and yet...it still survived?...coincidence?.."

Its part of human nature to find an explantaion for everytingh (thats why God i), and while Romans, for example, tryed to burn the Bible, some guys passed it away...

"you say they make up shit for questions they cannot answer?...that is which not true...there were James,Matthew,Luke,John,Paul i think and all of them in different time periods wrote the EXACT same thing?...coincidence?.."

How the hell u know that? You just can't know, can be different names of one only... or one organization... Some guys could have planned to make an organization to control the world... And it worked, as u can see, in Medieval Europe, the western world was indeed controled by Church.

And, in case it sounds absurd, might sound, of course, and if Im not mistaken, there is a FBI or CIA or whatever theory that says that there is an international network called "The Octopus" that controls the main countries ruling services. Im not making it up, I did read it somewhere.

"There is a spirtual war going on inside your room right next to you and you dont even know about it..there fighting for your soul...heard of the term fallen angels?...everytime you think bad, sin there is a fallen angel because they have just lost a piece of you."

Ye right... It's all bullshit damn it

"if you stopped listening with your mind and listened with your heart you would understand what im saying."

Dont think with heart, it only makes things worse... why are there wars? because of the heart thinkers... And dont tell me thats why there are humanitary shits, if there weren't wars and poverty there wouldbe those things...

"Example number 1:"

another story to convice ppl, but I do agree with it, except taht isnt also such a thing as a soul, only ur brain

"Funny how simple it is for people to
trash God ... and then wonder why the
world is in the condition it is today.."

lol, very very funny, so funny that it even doesnt makes sense at all... u are saying that cuz we dont believe in God, he trashes us... But if he does love us, why sould he do it?

"Funny how we believe what the
newspapers say, but question
what the Bible says."

I also question what the newspaper says, but those are actual things, I can see if they are true (cuz not every newspaper lie)

"Funny how everyone wants to go to
heaven provided they do not have to believe,
think, say, or do anything the Bible says."

I dont believe in life after Death. Death is the end of all there is to be.

"Funny how you can send a thousand 'jokes'
through e-mail and they spread like wildfire,
but when you start sending messages
regarding the Lord, people think twice
about sharing. "

I dont do it cuz I dont believe in God and I dont want to fool the other peoples

"Funny how the lewd, crude, vulgar and
obscene pass freely through cyber space,
but the public discussion of Jesus is
suppressed in the school and work place."

Aint funny, its sad, very very sad :(

"Funny how when you go to forward this
message, you will not send it to many on
your address list because you're not sure
what they believe, or what they will
think of you for sending it to them."

dont just copy past from ur mail inbox damn it...

"2nd example"

what u trying to prove there?

"we treat treasures here on earth like its something of value but nothing here on earth is of any value up in heaven except your soul."

Half-agree: the first part I agree, the second I do not.

"what goes with you when you die? you all have a soul dont you?"

Ur brain dies, ur essence dies with him. Scary, but indeed true.

"You get hurt because god wants you to make you stronger..."

For whatever sake, it is called evolution....

"don't be so holywood stereotypical. you all saw my pics..i dont got glasses or acne...im some normal guy like you n me..i dont look preppy or look gay im ****ing normal and i believe in Jesus and God and i stand up for."

You are saying that for having a good look means that u are normal?

"get some religious education about Christianity before you say shit about it"

14 years of it


BattleForums Senior Member
Sep 26, 2002
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Vancouver, B.C.
ok so if you guys are so into science what about this...

the body castings of Jesus was found hollow nothing ripped apart...

after he was killed he came back to life

you all think because science made you to believe so...

its the oldest religion in the world...

the bible is the oldest strongest book in the world
it survived so many bashings just like you guys are doing right now

what you think what you believe in is true?...yur assumtions

what proof do you have?...i could just whip out the bible...and everything could be proved..you care so much about science..the bible is science...

so what if you read the bible 10 years ago...you forgot it....back then what can shit mean to you?...like if i was like 8 and i was reading a bible...what does that say to you?....nothing your prolly thinking about video games the whole time...you read it now with a higher mentality you will understand it better...

its the bible guys...you guys like science...read the book


BattleForums Senior Member
Sep 26, 2002
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Vancouver, B.C.
Originally posted by TrongaMonga
Im sorry, but I shall once again sound like theoroy

"listen to you all bashing god when you guys know nothing about the bible."

Ain't true, I read all the bible when I was about 10 years (I was forced to, but now most is forgotten, unless someone makes me remember it).

"a Bible dates back to centuries and people have been trying to burn that thing a bizzilion times....and yet...it still survived?...coincidence?.."

Its part of human nature to find an explantaion for everytingh (thats why God i), and while Romans, for example, tryed to burn the Bible, some guys passed it away...

"you say they make up shit for questions they cannot answer?...that is which not true...there were James,Matthew,Luke,John,Paul i think and all of them in different time periods wrote the EXACT same thing?...coincidence?.."

How the hell u know that? You just can't know, can be different names of one only... or one organization... Some guys could have planned to make an organization to control the world... And it worked, as u can see, in Medieval Europe, the western world was indeed controled by Church.

And, in case it sounds absurd, might sound, of course, and if Im not mistaken, there is a FBI or CIA or whatever theory that says that there is an international network called "The Octopus" that controls the main countries ruling services. Im not making it up, I did read it somewhere.

"There is a spirtual war going on inside your room right next to you and you dont even know about it..there fighting for your soul...heard of the term fallen angels?...everytime you think bad, sin there is a fallen angel because they have just lost a piece of you."

Ye right... It's all bullshit damn it

"if you stopped listening with your mind and listened with your heart you would understand what im saying."

Dont think with heart, it only makes things worse... why are there wars? because of the heart thinkers... And dont tell me thats why there are humanitary shits, if there weren't wars and poverty there wouldbe those things...

"Example number 1:"

another story to convice ppl, but I do agree with it, except taht isnt also such a thing as a soul, only ur brain

"Funny how simple it is for people to
trash God ... and then wonder why the
world is in the condition it is today.."

lol, very very funny, so funny that it even doesnt makes sense at all... u are saying that cuz we dont believe in God, he trashes us... But if he does love us, why sould he do it?

"Funny how we believe what the
newspapers say, but question
what the Bible says."

I also question what the newspaper says, but those are actual things, I can see if they are true (cuz not every newspaper lie)

"Funny how everyone wants to go to
heaven provided they do not have to believe,
think, say, or do anything the Bible says."

I dont believe in life after Death. Death is the end of all there is to be.

"Funny how you can send a thousand 'jokes'
through e-mail and they spread like wildfire,
but when you start sending messages
regarding the Lord, people think twice
about sharing. "

I dont do it cuz I dont believe in God and I dont want to fool the other peoples

"Funny how the lewd, crude, vulgar and
obscene pass freely through cyber space,
but the public discussion of Jesus is
suppressed in the school and work place."

Aint funny, its sad, very very sad :(

"Funny how when you go to forward this
message, you will not send it to many on
your address list because you're not sure
what they believe, or what they will
think of you for sending it to them."

dont just copy past from ur mail inbox damn it...

"2nd example"

what u trying to prove there?

"we treat treasures here on earth like its something of value but nothing here on earth is of any value up in heaven except your soul."

Half-agree: the first part I agree, the second I do not.

"what goes with you when you die? you all have a soul dont you?"

Ur brain dies, ur essence dies with him. Scary, but indeed true.

"You get hurt because god wants you to make you stronger..."

For whatever sake, it is called evolution....

"don't be so holywood stereotypical. you all saw my pics..i dont got glasses or acne...im some normal guy like you n me..i dont look preppy or look gay im ****ing normal and i believe in Jesus and God and i stand up for."

You are saying that for having a good look means that u are normal?

"get some religious education about Christianity before you say shit about it"

14 years of it

14 years of it doesn't mean shit...if you just went to church being hypocritical basically you think it was bull from the first day you started and didn't listen to anything because im sure you didn't listen to shit then 14 years means 0 years of christian education if you are argueing what im saying then your nothing


Grumpy Old Grandpa
Dec 28, 2002
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Yes I did, I was naive enought to listen to it

And that is not an valuable argument, just because one isnt expert one it, does not means one can argue it, right?


Grumpy Old Grandpa
Dec 28, 2002
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"the body castings of Jesus was found hollow nothing ripped apart..."

Didn't saw on news the discovering of someone tomb that could be jesus brother? Never heard of twins?

"its the oldest religion in the world..."

Lmao not true.. Hinduism is older by far

"so what if you read the bible 10 years ago...you forgot it....back then what can shit mean to you?...like if i was like 8 and i was reading a bible...what does that say to you?....nothing your prolly thinking about video games the whole time...you read it now with a higher mentality you will understand it better..."

I tried... Honestly I did try... but when I start reading, it seemed so much bullshit that I just had to stop... It almost gamve vomits damn it.


BattleForums Senior Member
Sep 26, 2002
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Vancouver, B.C.
Originally posted by TrongaMonga
Yes I did, I was naive enought to listen to it

And that is not an valuable argument, just because one isnt expert one it, does not means one can argue it, right?
im not an expert at it at all...you 14 years of education...or you say so...but you are trying to argue against me...then you've learned nothing...i question god myself...

if you actually realized what im trying to say...that just becaues you went to church for 14 years of your life doesn't mean you learned anything in those 14 years...if you still question god to the extent of trying to argue with me about whether or not he is all mighty powerful or whatever then you my friend..are lost

like i said...how could you argue something if you know nothing about it?

do you believe what i say is what i THINK? no its because its straight from the bible in words that you could understand...im not making this shit up...its all real..


Grumpy Old Grandpa
Dec 28, 2002
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I didn't just went to church every Sunday... My father kept talking and talking about it, and he still does. I just learned how to shut down when he does it. Bothers me sometimes when I am at acholl and start listening to huge speechs :(

And why u keep saying the bible is real? It can me very well made up...

Btw, u have not refuted every statement I did...


BattleForums Senior Member
Sep 26, 2002
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Vancouver, B.C.
Originally posted by TrongaMonga
I didn't just went to church every Sunday... My father kept talking and talking about it, and he still does. I just learned how to shut down when he does it. Bothers me sometimes when I am at acholl and start listening to huge speechs :(

And why u keep saying the bible is real? It can me very well made up...

Btw, u have not refuted every statement I did...
do you believe in Jesus?...
all the people are real

look at the new testament all those guys wrote about Jesus wrote about god...about the same thing

Jesus did exist....he did get crucified...people search for the holy grail. they did find his tomb empty and the wrappings still intact...no body no corpse no skeleton just a empty wrapping...why would people make up such a hoax...if all people would believe in something as a bible so strongly...

i dont need to reply to every statement you just have quoted me on...becaues then i would be just like Theory

don't you see god is trying to work through your dad to get you to go back to church or become active with the lord again...if you don't see that then dont shut yourself down when he talks


Grumpy Old Grandpa
Dec 28, 2002
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Originally posted by RiX
Here is where you guys will ask me questions and i will try to answer them to my knowledge

i know there are many god bashers here...

lets see what kind of arguement you can put up

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