Rathma's Apprentice Set
Rathma's teachings (decayed visage helm)
3 to summoning skills (necromancer only)
5-10% extra life to summons (necromancer only)
5% extra damage to summons (necromancer only)
100 to vitality
100 to energy
Rathma's Fury (Corruption wand)
2 to necromancer skill levels
1 to summoning skills (necromancer only)
25% chance to cast fury of the spirits when enemy is slain (a ghost comes out of the corpse and strikes a few enemys until it disapears)
100% damage to demons
Rathma's Bones (Skeletal Plate)
2 to summoning skills (necromancer only)
500 to defence
50% chance to cast lvl 30 poison nova when struck
50% chance to cast lvl 30 bonespirit when struck
3 to raise skeletons (necromancer only)
Rathma's crest (Deathlord Skull)
50% defence against ranged attacks
30 all resistance
50 to vitality
50 to energy
50% chance to cast any spell that an enemy used on you.
5 to revive (necromancer only)
3 to skeletal mastery (necromancer only)
3 to skeletal mage (necromancer only
Rathma's Bindings (Bone belt)
200 to life
maximum mana increased by 30%
50% faster cast rate
lvl 20 redemption aura when equipped
Rathma's Deathwish (Amulet)
1 to all skills
5 to vitality (based on character lvl)
0.5 to resistance (based on character lvl)
10% faster cast rate
Complete set bonuses
3 to all necromancer skill lvls
1 to all skills
reduces any damage by 10%
summons do 100% damage to enemies
500 to defence
Necromancer will look like a mummy similar to radament but not exact.
Soul Edge
Zod, Ber, Jah, el, ith
500-800 damage
500 magic damage
500 fire damage
500 ice damage
500 lightning damage
25% crushing blow
50% life steal
50% mana steal
15-20% damage to all skills
50% chance to cast lvl 20 soul imbue when you slay an enemy (this temporairly adds damage to your weapon)
um, pul, mal
(3 socket helms)
200% extra gold dropped
200% bonus mf
+50% to get a unique in gambling
1 to all skills
40% enhanced damage and defence