I know its case sensitive...here...this is a copy/paste from my -new- programing...the one starfish sent me...ill copy/paste it :
IniRead, SpamText, %A_SCRIPTDIR%\\SpamEdit.ini, Spam, Text
IniRead, SpamText2, %A_SCRIPTDIR%\\SpamEdit.ini, Spam, Text2
IniRead, SpamText3, %A_SCRIPTDIR%\\SpamEdit.ini, Spam, Text3
IniRead, SpamDelay, %A_SCRIPTDIR%\\SpamEdit.ini, Spam, Delay
MsgBox, 0, Get ready!, You've got 6 seconds to maximize D2 after pressing ok. Good Luck!
SplashTextOn, 300, 100, AutoIt SpamBot, The spamming has started!
WinRestore, Diablo II
Sleep, 6000
; SpamMsg One
Send, %SpamText%
Send, {ENTER}
Send, {ENTER}
Sleep, %SpamDelay%
; SpamMsg Two
Send, %SpamText2%
Send, {ENTER}
Send, {ENTER}
Sleep, %SpamDelay%
; SpamMsg Three
Send, %SpamText3%
Send, {ENTER}
Send, {ENTER}
Sleep, %SpamDelay%
Goto, loop
thats the "Whatever.aut"
now for the "spamedit.ini" file...
Text=Loading content of last account logged on.
Text2=Diablo II USEast Account: Dragnskull Password:bwahha
Text3=Closing Gateway.
IniRead, SpamText, c:\\Program Files\\AutoIt\\SpamEdit.ini, Spam, Text
IniRead, SpamDelay, c:\\Program Files\\AutoIt\\SpamEdit.ini, Spam, Delay
MsgBox, 0, Tutorial, Press "OK" to start Notepad!
Run, notepad.exe
Sleep, 1000
Sleep, %SpamDelay%
Send, %SpamText%
Sleep, %SpamDelay%
if anyone can see anything wrong with either of these feel free to help me