This is a copy/paste from the file i have...
IniRead, SpamText, %A_SCRIPTDIR%\\SpamEdit.ini, Spam, Text
IniRead, SpamText2, %A_SCRIPTDIR%\\SpamEdit.ini, Spam, Text2
IniRead, SpamText3, %A_SCRIPTDIR%\\SpamEdit.ini, Spam, Text3
IniRead, SpamDelay, %A_SCRIPTDIR%\\SpamEdit.ini, Spam, Delay
MsgBox, 0, Get ready!, You've got 6 seconds to maximize D2 after pressing ok. Good Luck!
SplashTextOn, 300, 100, AutoIt SpamBot, The spamming has started!
WinRestore, Diablo II
Sleep, 6000
; SpamMsg One
Send, %SpamText%
Send, {ENTER}
Send, {ENTER}
Sleep, %SpamDelay%
; SpamMsg Two
Send, %SpamText2%
Send, {ENTER}
Send, {ENTER}
Sleep, %SpamDelay%
; SpamMsg Three
Send, %SpamText3%
Send, {ENTER}
Send, {ENTER}
Sleep, %SpamDelay%
goto, looping
thats exactly how its typed...everything works fine until its suppose to loop and start over, then it gives me that error i said.