The best of both worlds
Sounds like a plan :gruntGrieving Mendacity said:Throw me somewhere in that game, and I'll help you guys out.
Sounds like a plan :gruntGrieving Mendacity said:Throw me somewhere in that game, and I'll help you guys out.
I have the weekend to finish my end.Icedragon said:Ok well i think its about time we update you the loyal forums goers who dont have acess to our privite forums (thank god).
We are woking on the heros and we have the team split up on that you have Me hellwolf and dream walker all working on 6 heros a peice with hellwolf doing the balencing after we get done.
These guys are so great so many ideas get passed around and things are getting changed it feels so great to be part of a good team, despite some ppl being a little inactive.
Take damaris for example he was going to have a summon and bloodlust. now after bonceing ideas around with scorn and hellwolf he will have avatar and animate dead. so its kindda a work in progress after the initial release i exepect many changes to do done by us but thats still very far in the future.
we hope to have it done and relased by May but hey crap might happen so this date is really tentitive depending on how much beta testing is needed and how long items and the finshing of the heros and triggers take.
Frank, if you were ever online TAHT IS ELL OHH ELLIceDevil9 said:But please use some of the skills that I spent awhile developing in the other map.
all i have to say is... thats awesomeHellwolf_36 said:Hero Line Wars - Battleforums edition
I have volunteered to create this map under the circumstances the people who were supposed to randomly create it either didnt show or died. Post your suggestions here, I may have to code and program this whole map alone if necessary.... Help would be suggested.
Phase 1: The Heroes
We need at least 15 heroes to start the map. You may throw in suggestions for the skills, but if you say anything like 100% cleave or divine shield as skills. I will personally NOT look at them, these were the reasons why the original sucked.
Also, the heroes are either mods, admins, staff or friends of mine. The rest of the low posters or such will be creeps based on popularity. Yes, a democratic BF sucks, but hehe its how I work!
1. Whalecum backspeaker said:I haven't been at these forums in quite some time..and have sice stopped working on my two maps (MotO and Village Destination) I master in terrain ptreety much, and ideas. If u needta see my terrain PM me or /w Nutargo on Bnet. oO