Guitar or drums

Beer $lut

BattleForums Senior Member
Oct 21, 2003
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Guitar takes longer. I play guitar and ive tried out drums. I never took lessons, so i dont know what its like to read the music for it, but i played my friends drums and i dont think i sounded that bad. Its also tons of fun.


Jul 14, 2003
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Originally posted by Grieving Mendacity
Oh no, 6 or 7 piece...congrats, 6-7 piece if nothing, if you want to be a real set player. Bass drum isn't "Percussion in general" its a drum. Same with Timpani, however mallets, wind chimes and the other stuff is.

Oh, and I'de love to see you play mallets better than me, or quads/snare marching wise...Cause trust me, it would be very hard to top this
you're an arrogant fool. I know a Bass DRUM is a drum. I've also been playing percussion and the set since 4th grade... im in 11th now. Do the math. a 7 piece set is a **** load harder than concentrating on a single drum or even the quads because you have the feet to worry about (i have a double pedal so its a lot harder with that) as well as the snare and the toms and the cymbols. Set is harder than a concert/marching snare or quads. And yes i've marched in numerous parades.

edit: mallets arent that hard because its basically a piano for most of them, you just have to have the chops and the coordinatioin for em.


Melodic Murderer
Oct 2, 2003
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My Sanctuary
Parades? HAHAHAHA. Try corp style marching, on the field...learning a 15 minute show in 2 weeks, now those are fun times ;) You are still a junior, so you have time to get into marching band...if you don't do it in high school, at least do it in college, it will make you 10x the musician. Seriously.

-edit- And when it comes to mallets being easy because of piano...not quite. Yes, learning your keys is half the battle, but there is a lot more technique involved than just pounding a bar.


The best of both worlds
Jun 9, 2003
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Originally posted by Rat Bastard
you're an arrogant fool. I know a Bass DRUM is a drum. I've also been playing percussion and the set since 4th grade... im in 11th now. Do the math. a 7 piece set is a **** load harder than concentrating on a single drum or even the quads because you have the feet to worry about (i have a double pedal so its a lot harder with that) as well as the snare and the toms and the cymbols. Set is harder than a concert/marching snare or quads. And yes i've marched in numerous parades.

edit: mallets arent that hard because its basically a piano for most of them, you just have to have the chops and the coordinatioin for em.
I play set, I've "played" set for something like 7 years, which includes doublebass (which is actually crap, and takes little skill) and a buncha jazz and jazz fusion sorta stuff...Oh, and the stuff that takes some serious skill.

If you think set is harder than snare or quads, you're completely wrong. Granted, if you stand and play, it makes it easier, however, the stuff is ALOT more technical. Imagine playing double's on 32nd notes (making 64th notes) at 220 tempo while going around all 4-6 drums, sweeping and corssing over...You can't honestly tell me that that's easier than set. Oh, and try marching that in step with the rest of your line, on top of making it sound clean between the 2 other tenors you have, and the 4 snares. That's prolly the roughest I've ever had it...

Mallets are also one of the hardest instruments to play. Ever. Triple up on each hand, and play a 16-64th note run at 198 for 13 measures hitting every note right on every beat. That takes skill.

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