Originally posted by cxoli
I think your argument is flawed. The Bible says God knows everything that is going to happen, and all of the choices we are going to make, but it doesn't say that he makes us make those choices. The decisions we make are our own; God just knows what they're going to be because, well, He created us. We can't change the fact that God knows what we're going to do, but that doesn't mean He's the one making us do what we do.
It depends on what perspective you are looking at this with. From a human perspective, we believe we have the ability to choose what we want to do, that we are in control. Thats fine. But from the perspective that truly matters, Gods, we
dont have a choice, its already been made for us.
I chose to make this post, but now that I have done it, there is no way to go back. God knew I was going to make this post. I didnt have a choice in the matter, I was going to make this post. God foreordained it.
Put two and two together. He makes us do it in the sense we cant
not do it. We dont have the choice to not do something that has been predetermined by God, else he isnt really God. From Gods perspective, free will does not exist.
I would very much like to know about this.
Alright. Heres my beef, so to speak.

Its all about Gods "elect", the people he chose to be with him in heaven long before earth was created. Before Humans were created, God knew who would go to heaven and who would burn eternally in Hell. He knew that billions upon billions of lives would burn in Hell, with no hope for freedom, long before they were created.
Why then would a good, just, and gracious God create inferior beings who he has condemned to burn in Hell? This does not seem like a justiful God, who shows mercy to all. And dont use the cop-out "Oh God works in mysterious ways" or "Who are we to question God", that stuff wont work.
Here are some biblical references to show this all comes from the Bible:
-Romans 8:28-30
-Ephesians 1:2-5, 11
-John 15:16
Among others...