For the Anti-Portal of Darkness Clan

Disband the Portal of Darkness Clan Forum?

  • Discard PD

    Votes: 20 66.7%
  • Let them continue their idiocy

    Votes: 10 33.3%

  • Total voters

Silynt Rage

Sep 15, 2002
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Hey Pan, I was done, it all started back up with Whatevaurmuva's bump. You're a moderator... Thread bumping is against forum rules, you do what you choose, if this thread drops, I don't care, I've emphasized my point enough throughout this thread, wether anything happens as a result of this thread or not, I don't care anymore. The goal has dimmed to just making a point, and that I have done, but some people want to escalate my anger further.

Emperor Pan I

Respected Member
Aug 8, 2002
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I would love to play with you, include me! include me! it doesn't matter whats said on the field, i just wanna play a nice game of "kill the PD" u seen me play and i always aim to win, but that is never enough in games like this.

I lose because i play,I play because it's fun, It's fun because i win,I win because i learn,I learn because i lose.
My sig says it all, no one should feel bad towards another. we never need to be everyones friend, we just don't need to be everyones enemy.

So challenge each other, the winner is vicorious, and leave it at that. there is something unsettling in this thread and i aim to clear it before it becomes to horrific to think about. ok now im making no sense.

Silynt Rage

Sep 15, 2002
Reaction score
pan, I don't care if you play or not, even if we do lose, what's it going to amount to? maybe a PD member would like to explain that to me.


Oct 6, 2002
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Toronto Ontario Canada
a reply

Ok i'll grant you that I may have over reacted, however you must agree that your taking this way to far. Silynt_Rage you need to learn to accept... not oppress them. Now you go on and on about the clan contridicting itself, well for one thing I do not, nor have I ever recruited for the clan. Except of course for people i know personnaly that would like to join, but I don't search on BNET for people to join. This means that I am unaware of the recruiting process. So if you say everyone is allowed to join then I would allow anyone to join regardless of skill... unless of course they sucked entirely and didnt even know how to move thier wisps (my favorite worker unit). I will agree with you do put up a good arguement it does seem that my clans posts on this thread have been contridicring eachother alot, but this is due to the fact that we do not know what the other is posting, and we post on what the last post was from you or another member from you 'movement'. But it has definatly seemed that you are repeating yourself on 2 or 3 lesser points, which really dont put up as big an argument as you'd like to think. It seems that YOUR slow witted and benumbed thinking has backed you into a corner with your points. Only time will tell what you plan to do to get out of that corner.

Silynt Rage

Sep 15, 2002
Reaction score
I'm not in a corner, as the poll shows.... if I am, then I'm not the only one in it. Maybe you should read the entire thread rather than just jumping in with a reaction to the previous post, or at least read a few more so you don't get such a biased view on the whole subject.

By the way, what difference does it make if I have only two or three points that I'm focusing on? those are the only things that I have been focusing on as you mentioned.... would you like me to make more points? I Mean, how many points do I need to make this a MORE valid arguement? when you where little kid, did your parents punish you for doing one thing wrong? or did they wait until you did two or things wrong? it didn't matter in my house, if I did something wrong I got my ass whooped wether it was one thing or 10 things.

So what's your point about me only having 3 points? at least I have at least one point I'm making... I don't see any points that you're illustrating in your argument, amounting to a meaningless post....

as much as I love arguing, the points where made that needed to be made in this thread, you showed up late and now all you're doing is bumping this thread to the top and dragging it on, supposedly repeating my points ....but only because I have to repeat them again because you showed up late and didn't want to read the previous posts.

Anyhow... as long as you keep putting this thread at the top, I'll always be there to reply. My feelings towards the clan has not changed, but I'd just assume that this thread fall.

BTW.... I like how original your closing sentence was... you seem very intellectual, if you don't mind me asking.... where'd you get it?


Oct 6, 2002
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Toronto Ontario Canada
ending line

Well Silynt, I didn't get it from anywhere, I just made it up. However, I'm sure I have probably read something similar to it in a book, or heard something similar to it in a movie, and I just happened to write something that resembled it. But as far as actually know or can remember I made it up.


Oct 25, 2002
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i dont care about what u guys think about us but im just wandering siylent rage what is ur bnet name and what is pans...
oh ya, if u wanna know mine it is adhesive[pd] u can /w me if u wanna know my other ones, so dont thnk i am a noob

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