For the Anti-Portal of Darkness Clan

Disband the Portal of Darkness Clan Forum?

  • Discard PD

    Votes: 20 66.7%
  • Let them continue their idiocy

    Votes: 10 33.3%

  • Total voters

Silynt Rage

Sep 15, 2002
Reaction score
**** this place, we have more than enough votes to ban the assholes forum, and it's a general consensus throughout the majority that we all hate them. Because you are on your high horse and you're the prick moderator above them all, we can't do anything about their insessant shitting in our threads and being assholes to us.

I realize this isn't a democracy, but we all have legit complaints about this clan, it's not like we're against all clans, I could see why you'd ignore our complaints if that where the case. What's the point of reporting the posts if your attitude is going to be like this? so posts DON'T get edited? Just so I can waste my valuble typing energy repeatedly? that's bullshit, I'm trying to do it once and for all and for the most part people are agreeing with me...

So what are you going to do about it?

Silynt Rage

Sep 15, 2002
Reaction score
Wait... here it comes... we're going to have a PD forum act go on here.. I'm going to be banned from the asylum (A non-moderated forum) because I'm deviant and want some change. They don't have right to push us around. If I'm lucky I won't get banned for my thoughts. If I do, I hope the people that agree with me have something to say about it.


Retired Staff
Jul 29, 2002
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Originally posted by Silynt Rage
**** this place, we have more than enough votes to ban the assholes forum, and it's a general consensus throughout the majority that we all hate them. Because you are on your high horse and you're the prick moderator above them all, we can't do anything about their insessant shitting in our threads and being assholes to us.

I realize this isn't a democracy, but we all have legit complaints about this clan, it's not like we're against all clans, I could see why you'd ignore our complaints if that where the case. What's the point of reporting the posts if your attitude is going to be like this? so posts DON'T get edited? Just so I can waste my valuble typing energy repeatedly? that's bullshit, I'm trying to do it once and for all and for the most part people are agreeing with me...

So what are you going to do about it?
This is the last time i'm going to respond to this post. First off, these forums aren't a democracy. This isn't The Weakest Link. Just because you don't like some clan, doesn't mean you need to come and whine and cry in here and try and get them banned. Fueds are a part of the game, learn to deal with it. If you PM me some threads like a mature person and point me to some examples of posts you're talking about, then I will deal with it. Fact is, most of their negative posts are in retaliation to yours (which still doesn't justify it). If you have legit complaints, then e-mail them to me, instead of arguing in the forums. As far as votes go, even if the vote was 100-0, I wouldn't remove them. However if I recieved 100 legitiment complaints, then I might. Like I mentioned in my previous post, use the Report Post function (it's a link at the bottom of the posts). If you choose not to, then don't blame me if it doesn't get read/dealt with. And lastly, I suggested you start this thread in the asylum so it would stay here. Now I see you must be used to getting your way, because your bitching and crying like a little baby just because i'm not banning people you don't like? Not everyone likes each other... you need to deal with it. And if you think i'm on my high horse now, then you obviously haven't seen how high can I get (heh, that was good).


Silynt Rage

Sep 15, 2002
Reaction score
You're complaining that I'm bitching... whining, crying... and such in this forum. Uh... you made up the forum... isn't this the place for that...? Make up your mind, what are you? a girl? You're right, this isn't the weakest link, you are. Too wobbly of knees to do what's right and what's best to maintain a dynamic equilibrium throughout the forum. To put it in more simple terms, DOING YOUR JOB. I realize that there are people that I don't like in the forum, you happen to be one. This isn't the only forum that I'm a member of. How almighty of you to think that you're forum is the one and only. You sound like the PD clan... "I'm the best... therefore the only".

You want to take this to a personal level? let's make this a thread of character then. I don't think you can now stay out of this thread, you've already subjected yourself for personal shots. You are a moderator. You're job is to make sure that threads run smoothly and that general conflict is kept to a minimum, by doing so you do such things as editing posts and closing threads, your job is also to remain neutral, and have a non-biased opinion. As a moderator is is also your job to not involve yourself with the freedom of expression and legitimate arguements between members, even though we specifically asked you to get involved, it's not your job to degrade our cause, I don't see you crapping in the PD clans forum because they're cause is to gain more members. So why shit on ours? By the reply that you just had, you're definately not any of the above. If you had done your job, people within this thread wouldn't have gathered here by my side all with a common cause. Even your own moderators have joined in on this, I'm hoping that the ones unwilling to step up to the plate, soon will and will admit that they too want the PD out.

Your forum exists because of us and through us. Without us, there is no purpose, and it might as well not exist. No one ever said you had to get involved with this thread, and if you want us to send complaints, I'm sure that there are more than enough people in this thread that would have a wonderfull time flooding your mailboxes with posts that they consider offensive, right boys? At least enough to make 100 complaints to get them banished like you said in your previous post. If that's the way to do it, I'd be more than happy to complain, because now I consider every one of their posts offensive. Maybe I should change my name to Ghandi, persistance got him somewheres. Just a suggestion.... You should take a class in sociology.

Me flaming in their threads? Yes, I did it... as retaliation which I no longer have the luxery of because you gave them the privledge of blocking people in their "PUBLIC FORUM", or at least that's where is is listed, which is now false advertising. My first post against the PD clan was informative, if you would like to see it, I'd be thrilled to show it to you. I gave the forum an insight to the clan that they weren't giving out themselves. If it's offensive to be informative, then I guess you're really going to hate what I have to say on some other forums about this one.

So lastly... if this thread is going to go nowheres, why don't use use your tyrannical privledges and lock this puppy up, because as of now, this thread is useless. Or once again... has it come down to you being weak in the knees?

You now know the reason behind my User name

~Silynt Rage~


Oct 14, 2002
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canada, quebec
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Lol the way pan_the_man iv been trying to get into your tourny..and i think I was the one that posted something in their forum..never got a reply or anything but they didnt delete me..How about just us just ignoring them? It will just make them feel more stupid.

Emperor Pan I

Respected Member
Aug 8, 2002
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Originally posted by DoS_Zeratul
Lol the way pan_the_man iv been trying to get into your tourny..and i think I was the one that posted something in their forum..never got a reply or anything but they didnt delete me..How about just us just ignoring them? It will just make them feel more stupid.
This has gone WAAAAAyyyyyy to far. A simple little feud was onething, but i know that people have their own oppinions. I am still mad at them, but i will respect their choice to bottle themselves up, and not let antyone post in their PUBLIC FORUMs as sylent Rage has said. Officialy, i am not going to post in this thread because it has gone overboard.


Oct 6, 2002
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Ontario Canada
This has gone way to far. Sylint rage you are just a -13 immature litle kid looking for attention. If you dont like the clan then why do you flame it. Just because our clan is new, and true it does need a little working on but you dont need to start up a forum just because you dont like what were doing. All you needed to do was leave the clan.


Oct 6, 2002
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Toronto Ontario Canada

When I think of Silynt_Rage, one thought comes to mind. The essence of a newbie. This protest agianst my clan is folly, your futile efforts will not support your cause. For you have all been decived by this fast talking rug rat. Silynt_Rage calls us newbies, when evidently I dont fashion taking advice from the king of newbies Silynt_Rage. So in order for our clan to change you must remember, that OUR CLAN IS NOT FOR EXPERTS ONLY, we allow anyone in, and our clan is meant for fun. Granted we do not have the competitive edge of larger clans, however we do strive for excellence, even in its smaller forms. Remember my deciples, not your rank that counts, but more of a matter of whether you would like to be called a newbie by someone who is one.


-=[ Retired BF Admin ]=-
Sep 17, 2002
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Personally, I hate being caught up in things of this nature...

I've found myself in positions before where my fervor, and beliefs went unnoticed. I attempted to make valid points on something/someone that was obviously wrong, only to be shot down by those with the power to do so.

I have not seen conclusive evidence that proves what Silynt is saying is true, but PD has come in here now, and instead of "Acting Mature" like they told him to do, they continue this verbal blasphemy, in some sort of attempt to elevate the already overpowering hostilities.

I'd be surprised if this were the last post in this thread, but what if we all come back, and it is? I think both sides have got most of what they needed to say out, and stated their cases. Why not let the rest of the forums cool down, and see where things go from there. I'm sure both sides are unwilling to do what they've been accused of whether they did so or not, in fear of being proven wrong.

All these emotions could be spent writing literature, drawing artwork, kicking an x-perts ass in SC or doing some hobby you enjoy instead of entering this website with the feeling of anger. Yeah, we all need to get pissed off. It's human nature. We all need an arch-enemy to compare to ourselves to, and make sure we don't treat other people as badly as they treated us. So why not take what you've learned from all of this, and apply it to how you treat others in the future. Whether it be in real life or not.

As it seems now, our futures are pretty bleak. Countries hording mass weapons, capable of annihilating all life on this blue-green planet... I think we all have bigger worries to deal with.

My escape? Console in the friends you hold closest. No matter how bad things get, the people that know you, will help you persevere.

Emperor Pan I

Respected Member
Aug 8, 2002
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Originally posted by pan_the_man
This has gone WAAAAAyyyyyy to far. A simple little feud was onething, but i know that people have their own oppinions. I am still mad at them, but i will respect their choice to bottle themselves up, and not let antyone post in their PUBLIC FORUMs as sylent Rage has said. Officialy, i am not going to post in this thread because it has gone overboard.
well coRtALoS u arn't the last, cause i got something i want to say to silynt rage and clan PD.
When i posted this I never even thought of who would post next. Dammit, PD, can't u stay out of things, and if u are going to post, post something that isn't as stupid as somethings already said. it is getting me mad all over again. I must channel my anger into peace, and say that this is a thread that no longer should exist in words.

Originally posted by coRtALoS Personally, I hate being caught up in things of this nature...
I've found myself in positions before where my fervor, and beliefs went
unnoticed. I attempted to make valid points on something/someone that was
obviously wrong, only to be shot down by those with the power to do so.
I have not seen conclusive evidence that proves what Silynt is saying is true, but PD has come in here now, and instead of "Acting Mature" like they told him to do, they continue this verbal blasphemy, in some sort of attempt to elevatethe already overpowering hostilities. I'd be surprised if this were the last post in this thread, but what if we all come back, and it is? I think both sides have got most of what they needed to say out, and stated their cases. Why not let the rest of the forums cool down, and see where things go from there. I'm sure both sides are unwilling to do whatthey've been accused of whether they did so or not, in fear of being proven wrong. All these emotions could be spent writing literature, drawing artwork, kicking an x-perts ass in SC or doing some hobby you enjoy instead of entering this website with the feeling of anger. Yeah, we all need to get pissed off. It's human nature. We all need an arch-enemy to compare to ourselves to, and
make sure we don't treat other people as badly as they treated us. So why not take what you've learned from all of this, and apply it to how you treat othersin the future. Whether it be in real life or not. As it seems now, our futures are pretty bleak. Countries hording mass
weapons, capable of annihilating all life on this blue-green planet... I think weall have bigger worries to deal with. My escape? Console in the friends you hold closest. No matter how bad things get, the people that know you, will help you persevere.

This is a person who knows how things should have been delt with, and not let things escalate to big problems. Silynt Rage has been a great player on Warcraft 3 and calling him a newbie is a way of showing their own insecurity. As for the clan, they shouldn't come heere and preach to everyone about them and they think someone else is bad.

There have already been threats that there would be ppl banned if they say something. Things, and threats like this arn't a good sign. I never supported banning them, just figured they should maybe change their ways. To end my post, I just want everyone to think about what coRtALoS just said, and just leave everyone you don't agree with alone for awhile. Thank you all.

Pan_the_man, Snakeboy.

Silynt Rage

Sep 15, 2002
Reaction score
At least the moderators are acting like moderators now, with the exception of one stubborn tyrant, but I suppose I'll live. I've been having conversation with one of the PD's through PM, I guess that means it's not contained to this forum, so ban me, whatever, it's not like progress happens around here anyways.

The PM's seem pretty friendly, however, he's not the one I'm looking to boot, I think this guy is the vice pres of the clan.

It's their leader Whateverurmuva that is the biggest advocate. So I guess my complaint isn't about the clan, it's about their leader. Since he's parading around saying that the clan is the best his little peons do the same and defend him upon it by degrading the outside players and promoting the players within. So since he's so "powerfull" you get the dominoe effect.

I don't care how dirty this thread gets really, if this is too intense for people, that's fine, the dirtier it gets, the more evident it is of how much these or rather this person irritates me. As you can see other people have dropped out of this thread because it's getting too dirty, that doesn't mean they don't think it's less irritating, I think they don't want their name on the forum to go down with the thread. That's fine. I'm now pointing my finger at one member. The leader.


Eating the souls of children
Sep 27, 2002
Reaction score
My God

do u people got lives. Y dont u get off the comp for a few weeks and find a girl or sumthin. Wtf is the problem u dont have to like the clan but u gta have respect for what is bein dun, we work r asses off every week tryin to work on the site and on the forum and lettin new members join, i also have to have time for my girl so u try doin all this for months and still bein able to do stuff u like.

Take a couple weeks off of ur current lifestyle and try sumthin new but please make ur rage a silynt rage

-----Portal of Darkness clan leader

Silynt Rage

Sep 15, 2002
Reaction score
Sounds like someone just got a girlfriend and is trying to cover up his idiocy. You know you could have done the smart thing and just let this thread drop, I had nothing else to say, are you trying to give me reason to talk more shit about your clan? So what if you work on your site everyday busting your ass... big ****ing deal, you're not the only clan, and you're not the best clan like every other spam throughout the forum either incinuates or clearly states.

As for respect, it's obvious you didn't take the time to read the rest of this thread. The respect, or lack there of is our complaint of you. None of us oppose clans, however why do you have to parade around and say that your clan is the best and then talk shit about anyone who says otherwise. Most of the people that oppose you aren't even rival clans, there people that you have simply lack of respect for, that you have just upset with your actions and comments. So why don't you just let the thread drop along with your attitude.


Oct 2, 2002
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1.we dont say were the best...we know we are not

2.a girlfriend to cover idoicy?No ITZ CALLED LOVE.... all u want

4.he dosent bust his ass every day on the he said he has a girlfriend

5.i know were not the only clan..we dont spam...

6.i read this thread......

7.we dont ****in parade around...itz computers not on a street.

8.we dont have lack of respect

9.what attuide u think were just a bunch of kids......but u dont even know us

Silynt Rage

Sep 15, 2002
Reaction score
1. I have seen threads that say it... you can see it too...

click here for proof

originally posted by: whaturmuva[PD]
This is a clan for the elite best
if that doesn't say "we're the best clan" I don't know what does, that's the first thread that I came along that represented something along those lines, I wasn't going to search all day to prove you wrong, I don't need to, either way you're still wrong.

BTW "IBETCHAIWONTLOSE" <---- stick your comment about "this clan is not for the experts" up your ass. I just proved you wrong.

2. The only "love" he knows is his hairy palm. Besides, what is he 12? even if he has a girlfriend, I hardly think he's in love, much less defined what love actually is. I'm 19, and I'm still not sure I know what it is. So let's not make this thread personal, because that's not what it's about.

3. I am talking all I want, and I'm getting people to agree with me.

4. Sorry, I mis-read, it should be "every week". But it should be daily, the site sucks. I particularly like the Beavis .wav's, because every time I hear the voice I think of Butthead saying "huh... huh... Dumbass", and that's what the owner of the site is, very well represented, I do have to say.

5. Refer to the above link....

originally posted by: Placeb0
also pd dude you need to stop spamming man.
If I'm not wrong, I belive that Placeb0 is a moderator in a few of the forums around here. Who better defines spamming other than a moderator? So I guess with the link to that thread you can say HE spams, not the entire clan. My apologies.

6. yes, you read this thread... congradulations.... and evidently this is the only thread you read concerning this issue.

7. Sorry, I don't use the slang you do. Fine... but I hate to over-emphasize that you spam trying convince everyone that you're clan is the best... better? rather than re... re... re... repeating myself. The point was made.

8. Lack of respect? Next time you speak for your clan, you should reconsider and speak on your own behalf. I'm tearing your post inside out simply because I did my homework on this issue. Lack of respect has been present in nearly every one of your clan members posts. Specifically again I refer to the same thread that I mentioned in asshole-tearing #1, he totally lied about the game that I had with him.

Oh... "IBETCHAIWONTLOSE" if you can quoting me saying exactly"This clan is a bunch of newbs" I'd love to see it, quote me and give me a link.... until then, shut your mouth. Also, I would like to mention, Not everyone is accepted into your clan. As Whateverurmuva[PD] put it, it's only for "the elite best", so you must be one of the higher ranked players on the ladder right? So let me ask you... what's your rank? and... If your clan accepts everyone... why wasn't I accepted? because I oppose your clan? what if I was to ask you if I could join now? you'd let me in? ....a bit of false advertising if you ask me.

9. First off, due to your poor grammar and your spelling errors, I'm having a tough time interpreting this one, but from what I gather from your spitting and sputtering is that you think that I don't know you guys. That's fine, I don't think many people on this board know each other, yet enough have managed to come together and agree with me on this subject. So what difference does it make if we know you?

and number 10. - which isn't a response, it's a bonus because I see you have enjoyed each one of my previous posts and I'm sure you loved every single contradiction that I've had in this post.

10. - do your homework before you jump in a thread about something concerning an issue that really involves the higher members of your clan and those who oppose your clan. You've done nothing but prove the ignorance that comes along with your (for lack of a better term at this time) "Clan". I correct myself, it should be Organization of warcraft three players, Clans have respect for those who aren't in their clan, as well as other clans, wether they be rivals or not.

...Overall I could have saved myself time and said, shut up, you don't know what you're talking about, but it was more fun to smudge your face in the sludge of your own stupidity.



Oct 6, 2002
Reaction score
Toronto Ontario Canada
Silynt_Rage has gone to far.

I didn't want to get angry with Silynt_Rage but now he has gone to far. I didn't want to have to cuss either but I beleive his ignorant lame ass loser attitude diserves it. Only a **** suckin motha ****a would diss up a clan just because he sucked to bad to get into it. And you bitch ass **** wtf is this talk about you just proving us ignorant cause of my name. Is it my ****in fault I am good at this game.... no i don't think so. Our clan does not require us to change our names upon join, so in short I NAME MYSELF BETCHAIWONTLOSE BEFORE I JOINED. Also you seem to be all talk have you EVER played against n e of us. If so tell me who they are.... Also I WANT TO FACE YOU!!!!!! Once again sorry to everyone reading this for having to start swearing and getting upset with Silynt_Rage. But I do think that he has gone way to far with this. and remember Silynt_Rage YOU SUCK HUGE GIGANTIC ENORMOUS ****, **** BEARS AND OTHER ANIMALS AND ****IN SUCK YO MOMMAS PUSSY. I almost forgot that link you put down where we "brag" about our clan IS NOT VAILD. Every clan on BNET claims that they are the best clan ever you fool, and if you say im lying prove it NAME A CLAN THAT DOES NOT BRAG.

Emperor Pan I

Respected Member
Aug 8, 2002
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Im not a player in this, just a ref, and i want to point out, silynt rage isn't a newbie he is quite good at the game. Did u everthink that maybe you shouldn't talk and provoke wars? it's not right.

As for your question, My clan was very modest and if they were alive right now, they would not provoke a war. I joined them because they had true and honest respect for each other.

I have lots of advice for you two kids. Take your fight to battlenet, leave this forum the way it is and SHUT UP. THIS IS ESCALATING WAY PAST WHAT IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN.

Silynt Rage

Sep 15, 2002
Reaction score
LOL..... Wow... can we not contain our emotions? where are the personal stabs I took at you? apparently our IQ isn't as high as our age in this situation. The least you could do is be mature about this. But again, you've just proved how disrespectfull your clan is, and how contradicting you are to the cause of promoting your clan. Look at the disRESPECT that was just in that last post. That's the kind of stuff I'm talking about.

Never once have I said that I'm good. But never did I say I was a warcraft 3 god. To answer your question, no, I have never played AGAINST any of the members in your clan. But I did play WITH Whatevawurmuva[PD], that was the "tryout", which supposedly there aren't, the purpose of the game i played was to get a feel for the way each other played and I decided not to join, then I came back to that thread that I posted and was informative because you guys weren't, I wasn't insulting until someone replied to my post.

Moving on... in that last post, what are you saying.... that if you suck too much you can't be in? I thought you accepted everyone... you keep contradicting yourself. I don't need to prove that I'm a good player to you, I'll tell you right now I suck at solo games. I'll joing a game and quit just to take the loss, save myself some time, and to get you to shut up. But in multi-player situations, I definately don't rely on my partners.

If you want a multi-player game, bring it on... u, whatevaurmuva, and another player of your choice can play me, skeletonkni, and green clover in a game if those two agree, we'll play a custom game so it doesn't effect records. I'd love to play, you're clan is all about fun... I'd like to see you prove it, because right now it seems like you want to play to kick my ass... not for fun. Again... you just said your clan was about fun.... what's with the rapid contradictions of yourself throughout the thread?

As for clans bragging, there is a difference between bragging and advertising. There is a difference between bragging and being informative about the clan. Remain calm. Until you can gather your thoughts and produce them in a mature way rather than trying to make me cry in a corner because the mean bully says I suck dick and **** bears and other animals. Don't waste the typing effort, because it's just damaging my poor retinas to sit here and read it, I think your slow-witted and benumbed state of mind is contagious, my head is starting to throb.

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