OOC: hay is raziel the guy from soul reaver? or are you using someone with the same name?
*Raziel leads them down a path and in about an hour they saw a town*
Raziel: ok here we are.
Teeg: ok, btw did you see if there were anygun shops around here Raz?
Raziel: i didnt think to look, and please dont call me Raz.
Teeg: well im goign to go look around *seperates from the party and starts walking around town. he finds a gun shop in a couple of minutes and walks in.*
Shop Keeer: can i help you?
Teeg: sure, need some bullets for these guns *places the pistols on the counter.*
Shop Keep: so you have been using those.
Teeg: no i found them on the ground on my way here.
Shop keeper: what i mean is they seem weak can i interest you in another gun?
Teeg: na, I’m pretty close to my pistols, now just load them up!
Shop keeper: come on, how about this i will let you test a gun for free in my shooting rang in the back, if you like it will you buy it?
Teeg: *figures there’s nothing he can loose* ok fine. *the shop keeper gets a gun off a rack, it was a shot gun that looked like it packed some real power. he then leads Teeg to the back and hands him the shotgun.*
Shop keeper: ok im going to step out of the room and turn this on, targets will start going back and forth.
Teeg: i know how a shooting rang works.
Shop keeper: ok *leaves the room and soon the targets come out of the walls.*
Teeg: *fires at a target and puts a giant hole in it.* aw sweet! *shoots targets for about 30 more minutes and he leaves.* ok i want this gun how much is it?
Shop Keeper: $20,000, plus you owe me for the bullets you used up in the shooting rang.
Teeg: what? you said that was free.
Shop keeper: using the shooting rang is free but bullits dont grow on trees.
Teeg: Damn you! *remebers the gold in his pocket (witch he stole from the cave when no one was looking.) takes a gold coin out of his pocket.* how are each of these.
Shop Keeper: *exsamins coin* i say about 200 of these could pay for the gun. 56 to pay for all the bullets you used up.
Teeg: ok, *dumps a bunch of coins on the conter* oh and fill up my pistole and give me 100 rounds for it, 20 rounds of the shot gun, of those belts (the kind bat man has

) and a strap so i can carry the shot gun on my back.
Shop Keeper: ok, that will amount to 280 of those gold coins you have here. * gets the the stuff and gives it to teeg*
Teeg *wile leaving*: oh one more thing. *takes out his pistole and starts shooting up the shop* rip me off like that again and it will be your face. *leaves*.