Well folks due to recent events and um... law suits of mal practice and neglegent homicide i am unable to reply to any and all of your questions until after i have served my 10 year sentence. I am very sorry i cant help you with your dumb ass questions and i hope you understand its not me, its those damn rusty knives and leaving my glasses in that dudes splee--- err nvm... not supposed to go there. Anyway to all i have given advice to i must say, according to the courts:
I acknowledge that by giving any and all information i am violating proposition 24532... which clearly states once a medical personell has been convicted of mal practice and/or neglegent homicide he/she must tell any and all patients of this offense, and by doing so warn them, that by taking any and all advice from me is in direct violation of this proposition, and you can face up to 5 years in prison. Unless you want anal rape i suggest you discard anything i say. Thank you you god damn spammers!