The best of both worlds
And that point was?
Irrelevant, but now I say we stress this point:Originally posted by SouLeSS
And that point was?
Ding ding! And for the record, I'm female, kthx.Originally posted by dust601
"They started the fire, I'm just adding fuel to it. Thats what this forums if for, correct? Thought so."
I thought point was to make fun of people without looking like a complete moron, something which you haven't proved you can do yet.
I bealive the point he was trying to make has somthing to do with banning someone who only visited the aslyum but yet the aslyums a unmoderated forum. Feel free to correct me if i was wrong, i got caught up in the other aspects of his post.
Originally posted by Mentis
You know - why do I bother? I'm here doing charity a favor and the medium I'm presented with is this? A group of hairless teenyboppers? **** this, you know?
Wrong, TTS would go on for hours about god knows what just for the fun of it. Same as me. It's good stuff that these people came, cause the asylum became very very boreing latelyOriginally posted by dust601
you are no where near SGT.Slice / TTS, they didn't feel the need to argue pathetic little points for hours with someone.
They said there piece and were done. They didn't feel there argument was flawed enough to have to argue hours on end.
your still gayOriginally posted by A Concerned Vicar
now now now
Peace Be Upon you all
surely there must be a middle way here?
Mr. George was undoubtedly referring to making a cake, such as he might sell at the village feate, when he spoke of ovens
there is no need to shout and use bad language
and dont think you can fool me with that old F****** trick
I was in the navy you know
Originally posted by DEAD_PeASENT2
and what do you do on spring break? why are you here in battleforums talking trash to big kids?
What are you? A wigger bitch? I bet you probably dress in Fubu, and have weave that nowhere near matches your actual hair color.Originally posted by newbie4lyfe
ya'lll bunch of newbs a court??? nigga plz..........